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Please underline the Presenters name and include the email address in the affiliation information below the authors names. If references are included, they should be indicated in the text in brackets [#] and listed at reference section. The entire abstract is limited to one page. Abstracts must be submitted to  HYPERLINK "mailto:ICEEM@griffith.edu.au" ICEEM@griffith.edu.au as word document not exceeding 6MB in size. Please name your file according to the following convention: ICEEM FirstName LastName Plenary/Keynote/Invited/Oral/Poster.docx, e.g., ICEEM John Smith Keynote.docx  FORMTEXT References List of Authors (Initial. Surname, e.g., J. Great, H. Smith, etc.,) , Journal Name (Italic), Year (Bold), Vol., No., Page (11pt Times New Roman font)     PAGE 1 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Materials (ICEEM) 2023 Gold Coast \^_`hyz{|ַ󫟓||qbVbq|KChh:nH*hgch:nCJaJhB*CJaJphhhgcB*CJaJphhhgcCJaJhh:nCJaJhh:nCJH*aJhh:n>*CJaJhhsB>*CJaJhgch:n5CJaJ hhK5B*CJaJphh5B*CJaJph hhgc5B*CJaJphhhgc5CJaJhh:n5CJaJ{| E e f V W h$ & F7^7`a$gdT$7^7`a$gdT$a$gdT$a$gdK$a$gdaa$a$gdT$a$gd0T  ! 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