Committed to ensuring secure and productive international engagement

Global engagement is a fundamental aspect of all 色情网站n universities. Through global engagement, our student and alumni communities are enriched by classmates from all around the world. Our multi-lateral access to outstanding talent and infrastructure is also enhanced, as is the global exchange of ideas, and in collaboration, our capacity to make cutting-edge research breakthroughs and deliver national (and global) benefits is enhanced.

Griffith University is committed to ensuring secure and productive international engagement, supported by a range of programs and processes to minimise risks to 色情网站’s national security.

Guided by a University-level working group, our efforts aim to address and manage the evolving risk environment and ensure effective adherence to key laws and regulations such as the , the , the and , as well as to the (often termed UFIT Guidelines).

Specific measures

1. Governance and Risk Frameworks

  • Through our membership of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU) network and Universities 色情网站, Griffith University has engaged with the 色情网站n Government’s University Foreign Interference Taskforce (UFIT). UFIT includes representatives from universities, national security organisations and Commonwealth Departments.
  • This Taskforce developed the UFIT which Griffith University has adopted in strengthening our security framework.
  • Griffith University convened a Countering Foreign Interference Working Group 2021-2023 that provided strategic direction to promote and ensure secure engagement with international parties and guide embedding secure engagement into our practices.
  • Griffith University requires reporting on risk management to our Executive Group and University Council, with support from the Dean, Research Governance.
  • The deployment of targeted registers and assessment tools provides Griffith University with insight to guide proactive management of potential risks.
  • Defence Industry Security Program membership ensures that Griffith University is provided with the best Defence security advice to manage security risks across its research programs.

2. Due Diligence

  • Griffith University has deployed a work-flowed , that integrates information gathering for assessment of sanctions compliance, Defence trade controls, foreign influence transparency, critical and sensitive technologies and the UFIT guidelines.
  • Our and fraud and corruption control framework provide clear guidance to University management and staff on their disclosure obligations and how any breaches are managed.
  • Due diligence checks of potential research partners are routine and ensure Griffith University is aware of any potential risks arising from new collaborative arrangements.
  • Defence Trade Controls checks provide additional internal screening of research for Defence and dual-use applications.
  • Security Officer appointments and routine compliance checks during recruitment and contracting ensure compliance with essential regulatory requirements and secure engagement in relation to national security, foreign influence and foreign interference.

3. Training and Awareness

  • Griffith University provides material for all students to raise their awareness of potential foreign interference and ensure they are aware of how to report a concern.
  • Staff and Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates undertake mandatory foreign interference and insider threat awareness training to educate them and increase their awareness of the risks of foreign interference.
  • Staff in higher-risk disciplines receive additional training around national security laws and guidelines, relevant university policies, processes, and support services.
  • An internal provides staff and HDR candidates with access to information, guides, and tools to support secure engagement with international parties.
  • Support avenues are articulated for staff and HDR candidates in a primary contacts and escalation pathways guide, housed on the resource hub.

4. Knowledge Sharing

  • Griffith University liaises with Government departments and agencies, proactively seeking guidance on all matters sensitive to national security, and particularly when embarking on strategic international engagements.
  • Griffith University personnel attend cross-institutional forums with Innovative Research Universities (IRU), Universities 色情网站 (UA) and government departments on mitigating risks of foreign interference and to share best practice.

5. Cyber Security

  • Griffith University proactively monitors cyber-threats and engages in continual cyber security threat intelligence sharing with the 色情网站n Cyber Security Centre and with other universities.
  • Griffith University’s cyber security policies and regular cyber security training for university staff and affiliates strengthen Griffith University’s cyber security resilience.
  • Griffith University implements rolling cyber security upgrades, such as auditing against the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework to measure its cyber security maturity and identify and progress areas for improvement.

Foreign Interference Awareness for Students

View a presentation about this topic.

Secure Engagement with International Parties Hub

This intranet website contains detailed information and resources, and links to relevant tools and awareness training.