If you are graduating from a Griffith College Diploma or Associate Degree, you will have your credit entitlement transferred shortly after being activated in your Griffith degree. You should ensure that you have a current offer to study at Griffith University.

You are not required to submit a credit application or supply your Griffith College Academic Record. As a Griffith College student, you would normally know your credit entitlement towards Griffith University programs upon enrolment at Griffith College.

If you are seeking credit for a partially completed Griffith College Associate Degree or a single course of study, you are required to email credit@griffith.edu.au (full name and GU student ID to be supplied).

If you are seeking credit for studies completed in addition to those studied at Griffith College, you are required to apply for credit, using the .

Displays precedents where Griffith has awarded credit for previous Griffith College study.
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Course Code of the previous course you have completed (eg 1101AFE)

Griffith College

Before submitting your application, please consider all types of previous study you would like to apply for credit.

To investigate your options further before submitting an application, please view the Credit Transfer steps.

View more credit transfer options