Image: Lauren Lee McCarthy and David Leonard ‘I.A. Suzie’ 2019, video installation (screen), sound, 9.04 minutes, orthopaedic chair. Courtesy of the artists
15 August – 9 November 2024
In the art world, there’s a new emphasis on care, with a focus on gentle attentiveness and good works, and a fear of triggering hurt. Care has become a buzzword and is being used to reset policy and practice. However, too often, the complexity and troublesomeness of care are smoothed over by liberal good intentions.
Care is a murky notion. It is entangled with ugly feelings of obligation and burden, exhaustion and sacrifice. It is sometimes a mask for coercion and control. It is also co-opted by commerce as a marketing tool, rebranded and repackaged as ‘wellness’ and ‘self care’.
In this discussion, the ‘uncaring’ positions—libertarians and litterers, meat eaters and gas guzzlers—are regularly overlooked. How will they be framed by—and frame—the practice of care?
An international group show, Duty of Care explores familial, institutional, and professional care; care and gender; care and race; care and medicine; artists as healers; extreme care; and more.
Duty of Care is a partnership between the Institute of Modern Art and Griffith University Art Museum, encompassing two concurrent exhibitions and a symposium.
Curators: Stephanie Berlangieri, Angela Goddard, and Robert Leonard
Part One | Institute of Modern Art
Kathy Barry, Benetton/Oliviero Toscani, Joshua Citarella, Martin Creed, Julian Dashper, Florian Habicht, HOSSEI, Mike Kelley, R.D. Laing, Leigh Ledare, Teresa Margolles, Dani Marti, Dane Mitchell, Betty Muffler, Michael Parek艒whai, Tabita Rezaire/Amakaba, Michael Stevenson, The Hologram/Cassie Thornton, and Artur 呕mijewski
Part Two | Griffith University Art Museum
15 August - 9 November 2024
Cem A., Jeamin Cha, Margaret Dawson, D Harding, Sally Mann, Lauren Lee McCarthy and David Leonard, Chia Moan, Tracey Moffatt, Michael Parek艒whai, Sam Petersen, David Shrigley, Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, and Johan Joseph Zoffany
Image: Lauren Lee McCarthy and David Leonard ‘I.A. Suzie’ 2019, video installation (screen), sound, 9.04 minutes, orthopaedic chair. Courtesy of the artists
Symposium: Care, Who Cares?
WHEN: Saturday 17 August, 9.30am - 3.30pm
WHERE: Queensland College of Art and Design Lecture Theatre. Griffith University, 226 Grey Street, South Bank, Brisbane
COST: $30 / $25 students (catered lunch and refreshments provided)
Symposium Program Saturday 17 August
10:00am Welcome to Country | Dr Robert Anderson OAM
10:05am Introduction to Duty of Care | Stephanie Berlangieri, Angela Goddard and Robert Leonard
10:30am Keynote | Trauma Culture: Public Spheres and Aesthetic Production in an Age of Managed Care | Catherine Liu
11:30am The Hologram: Mutual Aid practice for producing energy and stability in apocalyptic times | Cassie Thornton (online)
12:00pm Lunch catered by Ma Pa Me
Launch of un Magazine issue 18.1: The Badaud, guest editor Tara Heffernan, and 18.2: After-Care, guest editor Joel Sherwood Spring
1:00pm 10 treasures from the Marks-Hirschfeld Museum of Medical History | Charla Strelan
1:30pm Settled | Joel Sherwood Spring
2:00pm Badaud culture and the false promise of accessibility | Tara Heffernan
2:30pm Break
2:45pm Plenary discussion. Chaired by Samid Suliman
3:30 – 5:30pm Opening celebrations: Duty of Care: Part Two, Griffith University Art Museum