Looking to onboard onto the Griffith Infrastructure?

The eResearch Services team can help with connecting devices to the Griffith IT and network infrastructure. We'll be there to help you with on-boarding and ongoing support when it comes to connecting to the Griffith IT infrastructure. Use the contact form below to reach out and see how we can help!

If you're looking at new equipment for your research project or lab, you'll need to contact your school or group to order the equipment.

Need Electronic or Mechanical Support?

Visit the iLab website to find more information on how the highly skilled technicians can help your research project.

Consultations Available

You can contact the eResearch Services team to discuss your project requirements further and we'd be happy to help out.

Contact us

eResearch enquiries

Request Help from eResearch and Specialised Platforms support team


Gold Coast: Room 4.41, Learning Commons (G11)

Brisbane South (Nathan) Willett Centre (N53)

General IT assistance

IT Service Centre

Common questions