GGRS Events

Griffith Graduate Research School holds events throughout the year to benefit both our current and prospective HDR candidates, as well as the wider Griffith research community.

Kungullanji Research Pathways Program

Summer scholars are placed with an academic supervisor and work on their own research project for eight weeks. During that time, they attend research training workshops and cultural support sessions. At the end of the program, summer scholars present their research at the annual Kungullanji Indigenous Student Research Conference.

Research graduate outcomes project

In 2018, we heard from over 1,400 Griffith PhD, doctoral and research masters graduates about their experiences to obtain a better understanding of potential employment and career pathways. The survey will be repeated in 2023.

Enhancing HDR graduate employability

Free career planning and employability resources for HDR candidates

Higher degree by research news

Griffith Graduate Research School

Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.


  • Call us on  +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday


  • Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
    • Nathan: Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
    • Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
