One of our scholarships could help you achieve your dreams

The School of Environment and Science has many prizes and awards available to new and continuing students.

Scholarships can remove some of the financial pressure that comes with university, allowing you to spend more time on your studies. Explore them below to see what you may be eligible for.

More scholarships than ever before

Griffith now offers over 1000 scholarships helping students to cover living and education expenses.

Scholarships are free to apply and offer support for academic achievement, relocation, First Peoples, sports achievement and others. One application form, all scholarships considered.

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Previous winners

Each year Griffith University recognises outstanding student achievement through prizes and awards.

2022 Prizes


Alan Mackay-Sim Award for Excellence in Biomedical Science

Sarah Lena Rein

Alex Forrest Award for Excellence in Forensic Science

Scarlet Hopkins

色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Prize

Sarah Lena Rein

Christy Fellows Memorial Award for Excellence in Environmental Science

Alina Suvorina

Frank Clarke Award for Excellence in Biomolecular Science

Yinying Yang

Geospatial Council of 色情网站 GIS Prize

Rebekah Latter

Geospatial Council of 色情网站 Remote Sensing Prize

Kirstie Starr

Gillian Bushell Award for Excellence in Science

Kristi Ter Horst

Head of School Award for Excellence in Marine Science

Kaitlin Barwick

Jane Hughes Award for Excellence in Science Honours

Eric Campbell

Joe Segal Prize for Excellence in Science

Jasmine Rasmussen

John Elkington Memorial Prize

Cooper Rennie

Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial Prize

Tanika West

Peter Teasdale Award for Excellence in Science

Kayli Sas

2021 Prizes


Alan Mackay-Sim Award for Excellence in Biomedical Science

Jaron Cumerford

Alex Forrest Award for Excellence in Forensic Science

Reegan Snelleksz

色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Prize

James Davidson

Christy Fellows Memorial Award for Excellence in Environmental Science

Xanthe Poll

Frank Clarke Award for Excellence in Biomolecular Science

Yaochen Xie

Gillian Bushell Award for Excellence in Science - Joint Winner

Jenny Rose Quiatchon

Gillian Bushell Award for Excellence in Science - Joint Winner

James Davidson

Head of School Award for Excellence in Marine Science

Ainsley Leaning

Jane Hughes Award for Excellence in Science Honours

Liam McClelland

Joe Segal Prize for Excellence in Science

Jason Pearl

John Elkington Memorial Prize

Amy York

Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial Prize

Gitali Bhardwaj

Peter Teasdale Award for Excellence in Science

Ottavio Di Genova

SSSI QLD GIS Prize - Joint Winner

Liam Barry

SSSI QLD GIS Prize - Joint Winner

Aidan Barry

SSSI QLD Remote Sensing Prize

Renee Medland

2020 Prizes


Alan Mackay-Sim Award for Excellence in Biomedical Science - Joint Winner

Jasmin Somers

Alan Mackay-Sim Award for Excellence in Biomedical Science - Joint Winner

Laurence Fang

Alex Forrest Award for Excellence in Forensic Science

Holly Leisemann

色情网站n Institute of Physics Prize

Ryan Camilleri

色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Prize

David Salles

Christy Fellows Memorial Award for Excellence in Environmental Science

Jacob Breslin

Frank Clarke Award for Excellence in Biomolecular Science

Xinru Xue

Gillian Bushell Award for Excellence in Science

David Salles

Head of School Award for Excellence in Marine Science

Elysha Kennedy

Head of School Award for Excellence in Science

Ryan Camilleri

Jane Hughes Award for Excellence in Science Honours

Jessica Hintz

Joe Segal Prize for Excellence in Science

Timothy Biddle

John Elkington Memorial Prize

Georgia Bartley

Lex Brown Award for Excellence in Urban and Environmental Planning

Emma Davis

Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial Prize

Louie Silvestre

Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute First Year Prize

Heidi Lehmann

Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute Prize - Joint Winner

Timothy Biddle

Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute Prize - Joint Winner

Sean Trotter


Alexander Blackborough

SSSI QLD Honours/Masters Prize

. Ariyani

SSSI QLD Remote Sensing Prize

Ashleigh Borra

2019 PrizesWinner
Alan Mackay-Sim Award for Excellence in Biomedical ScienceRupert Dwyer
Alex Forrest Award for Excellence in Forensic ScienceBrittany Sawyer
色情网站n Institute of Physics PrizeAbbe Whitford
色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) PrizeNicholas Hall
Christy Fellows Memorial Award for Excellence in Environmental ScienceLara Keller
Frank Clarke Award for Excellence in Biomolecular ScienceYawen Xiong
Gillian Bushell Award for Excellence in ScienceAbbe Whitford
Head of School Award for Excellence in Marine ScienceBrooke Young
Head of School Award for Excellence in ScienceEven Hansen
Jane Hughes Award for Excellence in Science HonoursCara Parsons
Joe Segal Prize for Excellence in Science Lily Weir
John Elkington Memorial PrizeRupert Dwyer
Lex Brown Award for Excellence in Urban and Environmental PlanningJasmine Divall
Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial PrizeCody Bateson
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute First Year PrizeJames Davidson
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute PrizeAdolf Nel
SSSI QLD GIS PrizeRohani Bakhach
SSSI QLD Honours/Masters PrizeKurniawan Djamalu
SSSI QLD Remote Sensing PrizeAinsley Leaning
2018 PrizesWinner
色情网站n Institute of Physics PrizeMichael Hencz
色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) PrizeClaudia Fitzpatrick
Christy Fellows Memorial Award for Excellence in Environmental Science Paul Bryant
Head of School Award for Excellence in Biomedical Science Claudia Fitzpatrick
Head of School Award for Excellence in Forensic ScienceJoyce Lok Yue Tang
Head of School Award for Excellence in Marine ScienceHelena Karatvuo
Head of School Award for Excellence in ScienceKimberley O'Shea
Head of School Award for Excellence in Urban and Environmental PlanningAidan Brotherton
Joe Segal Prize for Excellence in ScienceSamuel Stephen
John Elkington Memorial PrizeAshan Wimalarantne
Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial PrizeLily Howell
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute First Year PrizeJack Hinsch
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute PrizeNatalie Lund
SSSI QLD GIS PrizeSian Taylor, Lara Keller, Nicolas Brenes
SSSI QLD Remote Sensing PrizeMerle Bublitz
2017 PrizesWinner
色情网站n Institute of Physics Prize Kiarn Laverick
色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) PrizeJake Saunders
Bachelor of Marine Science (Gold Coast) Final Year AwardMax Campbell
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Final Year Award - Gold CoastLiam Morris
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Final Year Award - NathanTiana Hill
Christy Fellows Memorial Award for High AchievementMaree Hume
Head of School Award for Service to the Griffith School of Environment - Gold Coast CampusRenee Piccolo
Head of School Award for Service to the Griffith School of Environment - Nathan CampusCasey Scott
Jensen Bowers Urban and Environmental Planning Third Year PrizeBenjamin Hampson
Joe Segal PrizeKiarn Laverick
John Elkington Memorial PrizeShivesh Singh
MacMillan Education Qld Achievement Award (NSC) NathanAshan Wimalaratne
Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial PrizeSaleha Khan
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute First Year PrizeBenjamin Giuliani
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute PrizeMatthew Langley
SSSI QLD GIS PrizeLily Weir
SSSI QLD Honours/Masters PrizeWilliam Taylor
SSSI QLD Remote Sensing PrizeKelly Rawding
2016 PrizesWinner
Bachelor of Marine Science (Gold Coast) Final Year Award Gabriela Yanhure Acosta
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Final Year Award - Gold Coast Jessica Strickland
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Final Year Award - Nathan Soraya Torrens
Christy Fellows Memorial Award for High Achievement Sarah Mowbray
City of Gold Coast - Third Year Architecture History Prize Kannitha Ly
Cox Rayner Third Year Architecture Design Prize Kannitha Ly
DBI Design Award Lloyd Kleiss
Head of School Award for Service to the Griffith School of Environment- Gold Coast Campus Corina McColl
Head of School Award for Service to the Griffith School of Environment- Nathan Campus Kori Humphreys
Jensen Bowers Urban and Environmental Planning Third Year Prize Corey Culpitt
Patrick Troy Equity and Sustainability in 色情网站n Cities Honours Prize (Gold Coast) Matthew Bitzios
Patrick Troy Equity and Sustainability in 色情网站n Cities Honours Prize (Gold Coast) Gabriella Singh
Patrick Troy Equity and Sustainability in 色情网站n Cities Honours Prize (Nathan) Dani Southwell
Patrick Troy Equity and Sustainability in 色情网站n Cities Honours Prize (Nathan) Lucinda Craig
SSSI QLD GIS Prize Michaela Real
SSSI QLD Remote Sensing Prize Matthew Gray
色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Prize Lili Halton
Joe Segal Prize Paul Fisher
John Elkington Memorial Prize Kay Rui Choy
MacMillan Education Qld Achievement Award (NSC) Gold Coast Michelle Dunne
MacMillan Education Qld Achievement Award (NSC) Nathan Luke Pham
Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial Prize Nicholas Gillman
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute First Year Prize Blake Grant
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute Prize Madeleine Dallaston
2015 PrizesWinner
Bachelor of Marine Science (Gold Coast) Final Year Award Christopher Karaconstantis
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Final Year Award - Gold Coast Christopher Goold
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Final Year Award - Nathan Emily Madison
Christy Fellows Memorial Award for High Achievement Deyanira Angulo Chinas
City of Gold Coast - Third Year Architecture History Prize Sebastian Smith
Cox Rayner Third Year Architecture Design Prize Ashley Ortlieb
DBI Design Award Lars Hellstroem
Head of School Award for Service to the Griffith School of Environment- Gold Coast Campus Kristin Gleeson
Head of School Award for Service to the Griffith School of Environment- Nathan Campus Camilla Scott
Jensen Bowers Urban and Environmental Planning Third Year Prize Tiana Hill
Patrick Troy Equity and Sustainability in 色情网站n Cities Honours Prize (Gold Coast) Madison Ruygrok
Patrick Troy Equity and Sustainability in 色情网站n Cities Honours Prize (Gold Coast) Chloe Portanger
Patrick Troy Equity and Sustainability in 色情网站n Cities Honours Prize (Nathan) Tiffany Prigg
Patrick Troy Equity and Sustainability in 色情网站n Cities Honours Prize (Nathan) Emily Maddison
SSSI QLD GIS Prize Charles Wayment
SSSI QLD Remote Sensing Prize Gabriela Yamhure Acosta
色情网站n Institute of Physics Prize Samuel Goodall
色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Prize Ivan Lee
John Elkington Memorial Prize Bailey Holden
MacMillan Science and Education Qld Achievement Award (NSC) Gold Coast Keith Kwan Cheung
MacMillan Science and Education Qld Achievement Award (NSC) Nathan Astha Dhungana
Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial Prize Mathew Shannon
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute First Year Prize Astha Dhungana
2014 PrizesWinner
色情网站n Institute of Physics Prize Bryce Hackett
色情网站n Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Prize Kylie Willersdorf
Joe Segal Prize Sherman Leung
John Elkington Memorial Prize Ivan Lee
Mark Daniel Robinson Memorial Prize Che Hooper
Palgrave MacMillan Qld Achievement Award (NSC) Gold Coast Renee Ross
Palgrave MacMillan Qld Achievement Award (NSC) Nathan Bailey Holden
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute First Year Prize Sarah O'Halloran
Royal 色情网站n Chemical Institute Prize Jessica Pearson
2013 PrizesWinner
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Final Year Award - Nathan Ethan Bowering
Christy Fellows Memorial Award for High Achievement Josephine Norris-Moore
Sinclair Knight Merz Award Daniel Robson
SSSI QLD GIS Prize Emily Prentice
SSSI QLD Remote Sensing PrizeEmma Dale
Bachelor of Marine Science (Gold Coast) Final Year AwardEarl Dural
Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning Final Year Award - Gold CoastLisa McKay
Colorbond Coolmax Steel AwardRachel Don
Cox Rayner Third Year Architecture Design PrizeDaniel Pringle
DBI Design AwardMark Blyde
Deicke Richards "History, Theory, Methods of Urban Design" PrizeCody Mason
Gold Coast City Council - Third Year Architecture History PrizeAnie Woskanian

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