Free consultations, workshops and online resources

Whether you are studying on campus or online, you can access EnglishHELP individual consultations with an academic language consultant. We also offer English workshops in speaking, listening and academic writing, as well as free self-help resources.


Free consultations delivered by academic language consultants.

EnglishHELP supports international students with English as an additional language via one-on-one consultations on campus or online. EnglishHELP consultants support you in improving your academic language skills such as structuring assignments effectively and expressing ideas clearly. The consultants do not provide proofreading or editing support. You can access EnglishHELP throughout your study at Griffith. A waitlist is available for students who cannot find a suitable appointment date and time.

Booking a consultation

Undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students can book one 45-minute consultation per week. Higher degree research students can book one 90-minute consultation per week.

Register for a workshop

Succeeding at Griffith

The aim of this free online course is to assist you in transforming your writing, vocabulary and speaking from the style of everyday English to the academic register required for university-level written assignments and assessments.

HELP Yourself Resources

Our HELP Yourself Resources are designed for students who have English as an additional language.

Staff services

Griffith University course convenors can request integrated workshops for their courses.

We are also able to provide language support for international staff and faculty.

Contact us for more information.