United States Financial Aid Program

Griffith University is a 'Deferment-Only' institution. As a deferment-only institution, we remain committed to offering US students opportunities to study at Griffith University. If you wish to apply for funding as a US student, you may be eligible for a private loan. Being a deferment-only institution means we will not accept new students applying for United States Federal Loans, including loans applied for under the Direct Loan Program or the Federal Family Education Loan Program.

Private loans

Griffith University predominantly liaises with , which is a private loan provider for US students' educational requirements, such as the cost of tuition fees and living expenses. Students can borrow up to the cost of attendance for their particular program of study. If you are successful in obtaining a private loan, Griffith can certify your loans online, which are then disbursed electronically into your student account. You will generally receive two payments over the course of 12 months, usually at the beginning of each trimester. If you make any changes to your enrolment, such as leave of absence or a course withdrawal, please contact us as soon as possible so the necessary reporting adjustments can be made to your loan.

2024/2025 loan applications and disbursement dates for commencing and continuing students:

  • Trimester 3 2024: loan applications submitted by 25 October for disbursement on 18 November.
  • Trimester 1 2025: loan applications submitted by 16 February for disbursement on 17 March.
  • Trimester 2 2025: loan applications submitted by 6 July for disbursement on 28 July.
  • Trimester 3 2025: loan applications submitted by 26 October for disbursement on 17 November.

If you are applying for a Sallie Mae loan later than these dates, please contact us at finaid-scholarships@griffith.edu.au to inquire if we can process your loan.

Deferring loans

We can also approve deferments for students who have already received US Federal Student loans. If you have received a US Federal Student loan and are enrolled at Griffith on at least a half-time basis, you can apply to defer repayment of those loans. Please contact your lender for the appropriate forms, which we will certify.

Other private loans

Global Education Management Services is another provider that partners with highly regarded and experienced financing companies to provide loan options students pursuing their education outside of their home country. The service offers loans for students from the United States, India and Canada.

US military benefits

Find out about the benefit programs available to US military veterans.