The objective of the Griffith University Disability Scholars Research Scholarship (GUDSRS) is to support a commencing candidate of exceptional research potential, who has a permanent disability and who may have experienced educational disadvantage, through the provision of a stipend while they undertake a higher degree research program at Griffith University (‘the University’). This document sets out the eligibility requirements and conditions that apply to awardees of the GUDSRS.

Key benefits


$34,752 per annum (2025 full time rate).

Additional research allowance

Up to $6000 to support research related costs associated with a disability.


Generous paid leave provisions, including recreation, sick, parental, cultural and partner leave.

Study load

Options to study part time.


色情网站 candidates can apply to undertake the program predominately away from the University.


Flexibility to balance paid employment with full-time study.

Key dates

For information on when to apply through the Continuous Scholarship Round and intake dates please see Key dates.

Key dates

How to apply

(1) Applicants must follow the process for submitting an online admission and scholarship application for a HDR program, and provide all documentation as outlined in the application. Applicants who do not hold a Bachelor Honours Class IIA or equivalent academic qualification will need to provide a statement outlining their equivalent skills, knowledge and preparedness to undertake the proposed program as outlined on the Equivalent qualifications for HDR program admission page. An applicant may wish to articulate circumstances that have impacted their educational outcomes, if applicable, within their statement to enable the University to also consider achievement relative to opportunity in the assessment of an equivalency case.

(2) In addition, applicants for a GUDSRS will need to provide evidence of their permanent disability either on application for the award, or on acceptance of an offer of award:  A copy of registration/confirmation with Griffith University Student Disability and Accessibility support services will need to be provided. Applicants are encouraged to seek registration upon lodging an application as the registration process may take some time to complete.

Applicants may only apply a maximum of two times in a five year period for consideration in the scholarship ranking and selection process.

Online application

Conditions of Award 2025

(1) To be eligible for a GUDSPRS, an applicant must:

  1. have a permanent disability and be registered with Griffith University Student Disability and Accessibility support services.
  2. be commencing a HDR program (for which GUDSPRS support is available) at Griffith University.
  3. hold a Bachelor Degree (AQF 8) with with an overall grade of Upper Second Class (Class IIA) or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment. Where an applicant does not hold a Bachelor Honours Class IIA or equivalent academic qualification, a statement outlining the applicant’s equivalent skills, knowledge and preparedness to undertake the proposed program should be provided. Applicants will need to complete an equivalency case statement and provide it with the application. Refer to the Equivalent Qualifications for HDR Program Admission webpage for further information.
  4. not be receiving income from another source to support the candidate’s general living costs that provides a benefit greater than 75% of the GUDSPRS stipend rate to undertake the proposed program. Income unrelated to the candidate’s HDR program, or income received for the candidate’s HDR program but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs, is not to be taken into account.

(2) To be considered for GUDSPRS, an applicant must:

  1. have not completed a degree at the same or higher level as the HDR program to which the applicant is commencing or enrolled in.
  2. if seeking recognition for prior candidature in the HDR program, have not completed more than 12 months (equivalent full-time) of candidature at Griffith University or another 色情网站n or overseas institution.
  3. have not previously held the same or an equivalent scholarship for which they are applying unless it was terminated within six months of the scholarship’s payments commencing; it was held for a degree at a lower level to which the applicant is applying; or the applicant is applying to transfer the scholarship (refer to Section 3.6 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure).
  4. have not held a Commonwealth Government 色情网站 Award scholarship in the two years prior to the point of commencing the award, unless approval for this course of action has been granted by the appropriate branch of the Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Applications for research scholarships as part of the Continuous Scholarship Round at Griffith University are firstly processed within the Griffith Graduate Research School. It is at this point that applications are initially reviewed for eligibility for entry into Griffith research programs.

Following this initial review, applications are then forwarded to the appropriate schools, departments or research centres for academic staff to assess applications for both entry into Griffith research programs, and for consideration for a scholarship. All applications are then assessed by the Dean (Research) of the relevant Group and the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School, to arrive at an outcome against the eligibility and selection criteria.

Applications that meet the criteria for scholarship consideration are then assessed and ranked in an order of merit, as outlined in Section 3.2.7 of the  and takes into consideration:

  • Academic merit, with emphasis on the results attained in the qualification with the substantial research component but also taking into account the grades of any other eligible qualification, or evidenced equivalence of research excellence capability as applicable
  • The international standing of the institution at which the qualification with the substantial research component was completed
  • Research background, including:
    • the quality of the eligible research outputs included as evidence in an application, as well as the applicant's contribution to these outputs
    • the level and duration of sustained research experience and evidence of how the research activity undertaken bears upon and enhances the applicant's research capacity, with regard to the proposed research
  • The compatibility/fit between the applicant, research environment, and the supervision team.
  • The compatibility/fit of the proposed research with university/academic group research priorities

The University's HDR Scholarship Committee considers applicants and awards scholarships based on the University-wide Order of Merit List.

3.1 Stipend

(1) A full-time GUDSPRS carries an annual stipend of $34,752 (2025 rate). The stipend rate for any particular year may be the same as that for the preceding year, indexed annually.

(2) Income derived by way of a Scholarship by a candidate receiving full-time education at a University may be tax exempt. It is the responsibility of the scholarship holder to assess the tax liability of their scholarship.

(3) The stipend will be paid into an account in a bank, building society or credit union, on a fortnightly basis, as per the University’s payment schedule. Payment will be calculated from the date of commencement of study, except where an awardee is already enrolled in the program, in which case payment may commence from the date of advice of the grant of the award (or from 1 January for offers made in November of the preceding year).

3.2 Disability Support

(1) Griffith University’s Student Disability and Accessibility service provides support to candidates by addressing their individual needs and facilitating reasonable adjustments that will assist to manage any impacts of their disability on their study. The adjustments might be a modification to the physical environment, access to equipment, or materials in alternate formats.

(2) In addition to the usual research allowance allocated to HDR candidates to support the cost of their research project, a GUDSRS awardee is provided an additional research support allowance of up to $6000 for the entirety of a Doctoral program (or a pro rata amount for a Masters Research program) to support research related costs associated with a disability.

3.3 Leave entitlements

(1) The table below describes the leave that awardees are entitled to within the tenure of the award.

(2) International candidates seeking leave will need to meet the conditions of their visa to be entitled to the leave provisions described below and are advised to check with Griffith International.

(3) Leave is not permitted within the first 6 months of candidature, unless in exceptional circumstances. Such applications will require approval of the Dean, Research.

Leave type Minimum duration Total allowance GUPRS duration extended? Stipend paid? Additional information
Recreation leave - 20 working days each year No Paid May be accrued over the tenure of the award but will be forfeited when the award is terminated.
Sick leave - 10 working days each year No Paid May be accrued over the tenure of the award but will be forfeited when the award is terminated.
Additional sick leave 10 working days 12 weeks during candidature Yes Paid Medical certificate must be provided and claimed within 30 days of the end of the period of leave. May also be used to cover leave for candidates with family caring responsibilities.
Parental leave - 12 months per child/children Yes Up to 12 weeks paid per child/children, remainder is unpaid A candidate who is the primary carer of a newly born or adopted child. Certification must be provided. Further information in section 3.3 (4) below.
Partner leave - 8 weeks per child/children Yes 10 working days paid per child/children, remainder is unpaid A candidate who is the partner of a primary carer of a newly born or adopted child. Certification must be provided. Not available within the first 12 months of candidature.
Cultural leave - 5 days each year No Paid Available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates for cultural and ceremonial obligations. May be accrued over the tenure of the award but will be forfeited when the award is terminated.
Leave of absence and special leave of absence 10 working days 12 months during candidature, with an additional 12 months available in exceptional circumstances Yes Unpaid The awardee may be required to satisfy the approving authority that they are able to resume study and the award at the conclusion of the leave period.

(4) Parental leave: up to a maximum of 12 weeks paid parental leave, where the candidate is the primary carer of a new-born child or of a newly adopted child under 16 years of age, upon the provision of appropriate certification. Candidates enrolled on a part-time basis will be entitled to paid leave calculated on a pro rata basis.

The paid parental leave is normally only available to the candidate (birth parent / non-birth parent / adoptive parent) who is taking on the primary care giver role within the first twelve months of the child coming into their care. Parental leave for pregnant candidates would normally commence no later than 3 weeks prior to the expected birth date unless medical evidence is provided to certify that the pregnant candidate is fit to continue normal study for a further period that extends to no later than the expected birth date.

The table below sets out the parental leave entitlements for eligible candidates:

From the date of commencement of HDR program Paid parental leave entitlement
12 months or more 12 weeks
1 - 11 months 1 week paid parental leave per month of candidature completed

4.1 Commencement of study

(1) Awardees must accept both a place in the HDR program as well as the GUDSPRS by the date specified in the offer letter. Scholarship awardees must commence their award by the commencement date specified in the letter of offer. Awardees may apply for a deferred commencement to a future date where a provision to defer the scholarship is provided in the letter of offer. Awardees are normally expected to commence within the year of award. Full details of the reasons for the request will be required.  If an awardee cannot commence by the approved date as outlined in the letter of offer, or where a deferral request is not approved, the award will be withdrawn.

4.2 Mode of attendance – Remote candidature

(1) Awardees are required to maintain an on-campus enrolment, with the pattern of research study and work from home arrangements to be negotiated as needed based on the awardee's personal circumstances.

(2) An application to undertake the award predominantly away from the University may be considered on a case by case basis. Requirements are detailed in Section 3.8 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure and section 3.3 of the HDR Admission Procedure.

(3) International candidates must maintain an on-campus enrolment.

4.3 Study load

(1) Awardees are required to maintain a full-time study load, unless approval for part-time study load and award is approved.

(2) A full-time study load commitment is at least the equivalent of the standard five day working week (e.g. 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, 48 weeks per year). The actual pattern of research and study is to be negotiated by the candidate and their supervisory team. Refer to Section 3.5.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure.

4.4 Employment and other funding

(1) Awardees are permitted to undertake work, paid or otherwise, that is unrelated to their research project. However, it must not affect their ability to maintain their study load commitment, nor interfere with the timely progression and completion of their research project. Employment commitments will not be considered as a reason for an extension of the award. Requirements are detailed in Section 3.5.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure.

(2) Awardees should consult with their principal supervisor in regards to the decision to undertake employment while in the HDR program.

(3) Awardees are permitted to:

  1. obtain funds for fieldwork, equipment or other expenses not covered by the award; and
  2. obtain funding for overseas travel costs from other 色情网站n Government awards or other funding sources.

(4) Holders of a GUDSPRS with dependent children may be eligible for the Family Payment paid by Centrelink. Enquires must be directed to Centrelink.

4.5 Part-time award

(1) Applications to undertake the award on a part-time basis may be considered where the applicant has significant caring responsibilities or a medical condition or disability precluding full time study, or where the awardee’s circumstances limit their capacity to undertake full-time enrolment. Part-time awards will not be considered based on employment limiting capacity to undertake full-time enrolment. Requirements are detailed in Section 3.7 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure.

(2) The award will be 50% of the full-time stipend rate, part-time scholarships are not tax exempt.

(3) The award duration will be calculated on a pro-rata basis based on periods of full-time/part-time enrolment.

(4) Holders of a part-time award may convert to full-time enrolment and scholarship award at any stage, subject to seeking approval for full-time enrolment. The University may also require part-time scholarship recipients to convert to full-time if the reasons for which the part-time award was granted no longer apply.

4.6 Tenure

(1) The tenure of a full-time GUDSPRS is, from date of program commencement, up to two years (full-time equivalent) for a Masters (Research) candidate and up to three years (full-time equivalent) for a Doctoral candidate.

(2) Continuation of receipt of the GUDSPRS during the tenure of the award is dependent upon evidence of the awardee’s satisfactory progress in the HDR program, through the timely completion of candidature milestones and satisfactory progress reports.

(3) The tenure of a GUDSPRS will be reduced by any period of study undertaken:

  1. towards the research project and/or degree prior to the commencement of the GUDSPRS; or
  2. towards the degree during suspension of the GUDSPRS.

(4) A Doctoral candidate making satisfactory progress may apply for an extension to the GUDSPRS tenure for up to a maximum of six months. An extension will only be approved where the grounds for the extension:

  1. relate to the study and are beyond the control of the candidate, and could not have been reasonably anticipated at the commencement of the program; or
  2. are on the basis of the candidate undertaking an industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity of more than 30 days duration, approved by the Dean Research as part of the HDR program, as per Section 4.8 of these Conditions of Award.

A request for an extension should be made within a reasonable period before (and at least one month) before the expiry date of the award. Awardees enrolled in a Masters (Research) program are not entitled to an extension of award.

4.7 Change to HDR program

(1) Applications to transfer candidature from one HDR program to another will be in accordance with Section 3.6.7 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure. If an awardee is permitted to transfer from a Masters (Research) to a Doctoral program or from a Doctoral to a Masters (Research) program, the maximum duration of the award will be adjusted accordingly.

(2) The maximum tenure of a transferred award becomes that for the new HDR program minus the period of study undertaken towards the previous program prior to the conversion.

(3) A request for a major change to the thesis topic can be considered as per Section 3.6.4 of the HDR Enrolment and Variations to Candidature Procedure. If it is established through this approval process that the recorded field of research (FoR) and/or field of education (FoE) for the thesis topic have changed, the Griffith Graduate Research School will update these fields in the candidate’s record.

4.8 Industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities

(1) Recipients of a GUDSPRS may undertake industry placements, research internships and professional practice activities that are approved by the Dean Research as part of their eligible HDR program.

(2) Ongoing receipt of a GUDSPRS at the rate set out in Section 3.1 of these Conditions of Award may be available for the duration of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity if:

  1. The GUDSPRS awardee has not exceeded the maximum duration of their HDR program;
  2. The awardee has sufficient GUDSPRS tenure remaining;
  3. The awardee has not submitted their thesis for examination; and
  4. The industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity will run for at least 30 days and no more than six months duration.

(3) The undertaking of an approved industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity does not constitute grounds for extension to the GUDSPRS tenure beyond the provision for extension set out in Section 4.6 (4) of these Conditions of Award.

4.9 Ethics

(1) Where necessary, awardees will abide by the National Health and Medical Research Council codes on animal and human experimentation, 色情网站n Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, and the University's safety practices.

4.10 Repayment of scholarship

(1) An awardee is required to repay any scholarship payment if:

  1. the payment is made in error or overpaid (as determined by the University);
  2. the awardee is no longer enrolled in the period the scholarship is paid;
  3. the awardee does not meet the conditions of the scholarship; or
  4. the awardee is ineligible for the scholarship including situations where:
    1. the awardee has provided false information; or
    2. the awardee has been made a scholarship offer in error.

4.11 Termination of award

(1) A GUDSPRS will be terminated in any of the following circumstances:

  1. at the end of the period of tenure provided for by the award or when the awardee lodges a thesis for examination, whichever is earlier;
  2. if the University is satisfied that the program of study is not being carried out with competence and diligence or in accordance with the offer of award, and no suitable arrangements can be made for continuation of the degree;
  3. when the candidate ceases full-time enrolment when approval has not been obtained to hold the GUDSPRS on a part-time basis;
  4. if the awardee commences a period of leave without formal approval, or fails to maintain an on campus enrolment without the approval for remote candidature status;
  5. if the award holder does not resume study at the conclusion of a period of leave, or does not make arrangements to extend that period of leave;
  6. if the candidate ceases to meet the eligibility criteria specified in Section 1 of these Conditions of Award, other than during a period in which leave has been approved;
  7. if the University determines that a candidate is guilty of serious academic or student misconduct in accordance with the Academic Misconduct Policy – Higher Degree Research Candidates and the Student Academic Misconduct Policy; and/or
  8. if the candidate fails to maintain satisfactory progress, as determined by the University in accordance with Section 3.9 of the HDR Academic Progress Procedure.

(2) If an award is terminated, it cannot be reactivated unless the termination occurred in error.

(1) A decision by the University made in respect of an application for scholarship is final and not reviewable, as per the University’s Student Review and Appeals Policy.

(2) A candidate who is dissatisfied with a decision to terminate the scholarship may request a review of the decision in accordance with the Student Review and Appeals Policy.

色情网站n and New Zealand citizens and 色情网站n permanent residents should refer to the 色情网站n Government RTP 色情网站 Fee Offset Guidelines (PDF, 789k.

International tuition fees vary depending on which school or research centre you will be enrolling in. Refer to the 色情网站n Government RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship and the Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship for tuition fee scholarships.

2025 Conditions of Award, effective from 1 January 2025. The conditions of award may change and these changes will be made available on the relevant website. Further information regarding scholarship selection and conditions at Griffith University can be found in the .

Ready to start your research journey?

Griffith Graduate Research School

Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.


  • Call us on  +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday


  • Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
    • Nathan: Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
    • Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
