Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and Griffith University Collaborative PhD

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and Griffith University have established a jointly supervised PhD program to support suitably qualified applicants nominated by MAHE to enrol in the Doctor of Philosophy program at Griffith University.

Scholarship details

Griffith will provide a Griffith University Postgraduate Research stipend scholarship, and a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover the full cost of tuition for up to three (3) years with a possible six (6) month extension, as well as Overseas Students Health Cover for 42 months.

Initial screening and recruitment will be the responsibility of MAHE. Applicants are required to meet the MAHE eligibility criteria. The favoured areas of research for this program include pharmacy, health and biological sciences, engineering, and natural sciences. Other areas can be pursued and considered on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants nominated by MAHE will be eligible to apply for PhD admission and scholarship at Griffith, with final selection to be made by Griffith.

Applicants must meet all relevant Griffith academic entry requirements, including the prescribed level of English language proficiency for PhD admission and scholarships at Griffith. Candidates are required to hold a bachelor degree with first-class honours, or be regarded by Griffith as having an equivalent level of attainment, as specified on the Equivalent qualifications for HDR program admission webpage.

Applicants will be required to appoint at least one supervisor based at MAHE and at least two supervisors based at Griffith.

Research projects will be developed utilising the research facilities and resources of each institution. Candidates will spend up to one (1) year of the program studying away at MAHE, normally during year 2 of the research.

Suitably qualified candidates supported by MAHE will then apply for admission and scholarship to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program at Griffith.

Griffith will assess all applications in accordance with its PhD admission requirements, including academic performance standards and English language proficiency requirements:

The final selection decision will be made by Griffith.

For more information please visit our Research Study site or email