Library support

Our library offers workshops and modules on navigating your way through the research cycle, helping to arm you with strategies to complete your project.

Learn more

Specialist IT support

eResearch Services provides specialist IT support for researchers at Griffith, including software development, research storage and data collection tools.

eResearch services

Research data storage

We offer a wide range of secure digital storage services to all researchers and research students affiliated with the University.

Research data storage

Research survey tools

Access to a free, secure online research survey solutions. These tools allow researchers to create, develop and distribute an online survey.

Create and Capture

Research Facilities -iLab

iLab is a cloud application that helps people in the University access equipment, facilities and services.

Learn more

Intellectual property

Griffith’s Intellectual Property Policy documents are to be used in conjunction with the , which details the framework and associated processes the University, staff and students are required to follow when dealing with intellectual property developed at Griffith University.

Intellectual property documents

Commercial research support

Griffith Enterprise provides support for business and government engagements, innovations and new ventures, commercialisation and technology transfer activities.

Griffith Enterprise


Donations from individuals, community groups and philanthropic organisations help make research at Griffith possible.

Giving to Griffith

Agreements for Site Specific Applications (SSA)

Request form for drafting/review of agreements between Griffith and hospital and health services operators (including Queensland Hospital and Health Services regulated by the Hospital and Health Boards Act (Qld) 2011) with respect to access to facilities, equipment and patient information for research purposes and/or collaborative research

Email the Research Contracts Team for Assistance