Support to study violin or piano

These scholarships, made possible by the Raoul P Neil and Airdree P Neil Foundation, support promising undergraduate students of either violin or piano at the Queensland Conservatorium.

Key points

Level of study


Targeted to

Students studying piano or violin



Apply by

4pm Monday 10 March 2025

Scholarship details

To be eligible, you must:

  • be enrolled in an undergraduate music program (including Honours) at the Queensland Conservatorium*
  • have a minimum GPA of 5.0
  • be enrolled as a full-time student
  • be studying violin or piano
  • be an 色情网站n citizen.

*Scholarships will be awarded per year level.

You can apply for the Raoul P Neil and Airdree P Neil Foundation Scholarships via our scholarship application process.

Application information

We use the following sections of the application to consider you for this scholarship:

Study details

  • Program details:  Verify current study in an undergraduate music program (including Honours) at the Queensland Conservatorium.
  • Academic merit (minimum GPA of 5).


  • Include a listing of musical achievements (including training undertaken, accreditations achieved, awards conferred, prizes, featured performances, special invitations and professional work).
  • Community involvement
  • Contribution to the department, evidenced where possible by Queensland Conservatorium faculty testimony.

Referee details (optional)

Include two referee reports from two different sources, such as:

  • an academic referee—a person qualified to comment on academic studies, preferably a subject coordinator from your department
  • a character referee—a person competent to supply a character reference (for example, a current or past employer, or someone with whom you have undertaken community service or volunteer activities).


  • Personal statement: In 500 words or less, detail your career goals, musical achievements and community involvement.

Application Assessment

Allocation of scholarships will be made based on year level and credit points completed for violin and piano students.

  • First year level - minimum completed 40 Credit Points
  • Second year level - minimum completed 80 Credit Points
  • Third year level - minimum completed 160 Credit Points
  • Fourth year or Honours level - minimum completed 240 Credit Points.


The scholarship has a maximum value of $10,000 per year for each scholarship, payable in two instalments of $5,000.  The first instalment will be paid as soon possible after acceptance of the scholarship offer, and the next instalment will be made after the census date.

  • $10,000 for a student studying the violin in each year level
  • $10,000 for a student studying the piano in each year level.


Payments are made up to six weeks after the census date subject to satisfying scholarship terms and conditions.

To remain eligible for the scholarship, recipients must:

  • remain enrolled, full-time in the program for which the scholarship was awarded
  • be playing (as a major) the instrument for which the scholarship was offered
  • maintain a minimum GPA of 5.0.

If the recipients do not remain enrolled or change majors, the scholarship will be withdrawn or a portion of the scholarship. Recipients may take leave of absence in accordance with Griffith University policy. Payments will be suspended during the trimester but will resume upon the student's return to approved study.

Recipients may be invited to meet with the Public Trustee and feature in marketing materials and donor produced public communications to promote and celebrate the scholarship.

The above conditions are verified each trimester at census date. If a scholarship recipient fails to successfully meet these conditions, scholarship payments may be withheld, or the scholarship may be terminated.

Offers are made via email.

Applicants may be shortlisted and be required to provide additional information.

Griffith University reserves the right to withdraw an advertised scholarship at any time.

Get in touch

If you have a question, need some help with your scholarship application, or would like to make a donation, feel free to contact us.