Purpose of this Form

This form is to be used by current students who are at Step 3 of the complaints process under the Student Complaints Policy. Students submitting this form must have already submitted a formal complaint as part of the complaints process at Step 2. Students must lodge a complaint referral to the Student Ombudsman within 10 working days from the notification of the outcome of the Step 2 decision. Further information about the student complaints process can be obtained through the  and .

Through this form, students may raise concerns with the Student Ombudsman regarding:

  • their treatment as a student,
  • the quality or delivery of a service provided by the University and/or
  • the conduct of staff or students, which you believe does not accord with the expectations set out in the Student Charter or other and, which are not more than 12 months old, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

This form does not apply to complaints involving:

  1. dissatisfaction with University academic or administrative decisions, which are addressed through the  and the .
  2. allegations of sexual harm (including sexual assault and sexual harassment), bullying, harassment and discrimination by a staff member, which are addressed through the University’s ,  and . Please visit the Safe Campuses website or contact Student Safety and Wellbeing for further information and assistance.
  3. allegations of sexual harm (including sexual assault and sexual harassment), bullying, harassment and discrimination by other students, which are addressed through the University’s  and . Please visit the Safe Campuses website or contact Student Safety and Wellbeing for further information and assistance.

What will happen once I complete the Student Ombudsman Referral?

Receipt of your referral will be acknowledged within 10 working days via the email address you have provided. If the referral is a matter that should be considered by another area of the University under another policy, your complaint will be forwarded to that area. For matters relevant to Student Ombudsman’s responsibilities, an investigation will commence to identify key issues, review relevant material, speak with key parties, and examine the application of relevant University policies, procedures and associated legislation. Unless unforeseen delay is advised, the Student Ombudsman will provide written advice to you within 20 working days of the referral. If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the Step 3 process, you may contact the  for an external review.

What will the Student Ombudsman do when reviewing my complaint?

When investigating a complaint that has been referred, the Student Ombudsman will:

  • act independently to investigate the matter with a view to resolving concerns and improving University procedures and practices.
  • remain neutral and not advocate for either side in a dispute.
  • have the discretion to decide not to proceed with a matter if the Student Ombudsman finds insufficient grounds for referral.
  • handle all matters confidentially and not disclose student identity without consent.
  • seek access to relevant University records.
  • interview all staff and students relevant to the case as deemed necessary by the Student Ombudsman.
  • consult and apply University policies and procedures, legislation and protocols relevant to the case.
  • convene a meeting between the parties, if the Student Ombudsman considers it necessary.

The Student Ombudsman does not question decisions but investigates whether appropriate processes and procedures are in place and have been followed. If a conflict of interest arises for the Student Ombudsman, the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor may appoint an acting Student Ombudsman to address the matter.

The below online form is for current students who have a Griffith student ID number. Students will be required to log in prior to submitting a formal complaint.

The below online form is for:

1. current Griffith students wishing to remain anonymous when submitting a formal complaint. While the University treats anonymous complaints seriously, it may not be possible to properly or fully investigate such a complaint, or to provide a decision or take action to resolve the complaint when the source of the complaint is unknown.

2. third parties (staff, family members, advocates or support person) wishing to submit a formal complaint on behalf of a student. Complaints of this nature are required to be accompanied by a completed and signed copy of the Authority to release information or transact business on behalf of a student (ATH) form.

3. former Griffith students who had an active enrolment in the past 12 months, but do not have access to Griffith's single sign on and wish to complain about their experiences as a student during that time.