Let everyone know what Griffith means to you

As part of our celebrations for Griffith’s 50th anniversary, we want to hear from you. Our community is rich with stories, each one reflecting a unique perspective on what Griffith has meant to its students, staff members, alumni, partners and donors alike over the years.

So, we’d love for you to tell us about your Griffith. How has the University shaped your journey? What are your fondest memories? How does Griffith continue to inspire you?

By sharing your story, you’ll help us honour all that Griffith University is, was and will be. Your experiences are a key part of our history, present and future—so let’s commemorate this special milestone together.

Griffith Archive

Submit your story to the Griffith Archive so it can be preserved and shared with the Griffith community.

To do so, you’ll need to create an account. Once logged in, simply select 'Upload' from the menu bar on the left of the screen, where you can upload your written story along with any images or videos.

Met at Griffith

From the admissions queue to the environmental studies laboratory, did you meet at Griffith and still have a close connection?

Couples, business partners, friends or mentors—tell us about your meeting story.

Share your story