Your university. Your community.

Over 300,000 people from around the globe are part of the Griffith University alumni community. This influential community of individuals with the shared connection of Griffith University are truly ‘making it matter’ in powerful ways in their communities and industries.

2023 Alumni Survey Results

This year, we had a record number of alumni participate in the survey, and we are grateful to each and every one of you for your submission. Such a strong response allows us to move forward confidently with new and updated activities aligned with your feedback, the university’s strategic plan and The Campaign for a Brighter Future for All.

Congratulations to our five lucky winners of the $100 Amazon vouchers: Kayla, Katie, Leerenson, Sally-Anne and Rosemary.

Your voice, our commitment

Here are the key points you told us in the survey questions. We’re committed to acting on your feedback and look forward to sharing more news and opportunities with you in 2024.

  • 72% of you take pride in your Griffith affiliation.
  • 35% of you say that you don't receive enough information about current research being done at Griffith.
  • 45% of you believe Griffith is moving in the right direction.
  • 73% of you get your news and information from the alumni newsletter.

We commit to sharing more news with you through the newsletter of ways you can engage and participate in life across the university. We will also share more news of our research and university achievements, in addition to continuing to share alumni stories and events from around the globe.

Subscribe to the alumni newsletter.

We will also share survey insights internally with key departments to help inform future decision-making.

Your helping hand, here's how to extend it

  • 41% of you say that you would like to be more connected with Griffith than you are now.
  • 43% of you are interested in giving back to Griffith (time, talent, or other), with most interested in providing informal career advice.

We are thrilled to hear of the support you are willing to offer fellow alumni and students. We have launched a refreshed alumni-to-alumni mentor program (AAMP). You can participate in the program either as a mentee, mentor or both. As we look towards 2024, now is a wonderful time to connect with fellow alumni for an informal career chat ready to launch into the new year.

Sign up !

Your Passion, our mission

Of the eleven activities and benefits we asked you about, here are some that you were most interested in:

  • 46% of you said you would be likely to participate in professional and career development opportunities.
  • 32% of you are interested in lifelong learning activities.
  • 27% of you expressed your interest in networking/mentoring.

In 2024, we will continue to expand our professional and career development opportunities for our global alumni community, providing more opportunities for volunteering, mentoring, networking and connection.

Griffith University's vision and mission are to transform lives and add to human knowledge and understanding in a way that creates a future that benefits all. We are so pleased to hear our alumni tell us they want to continue learning. We know the world can, and should, be a better place—for everyone. And in helping thousands of different people create a brighter future for themselves, we're doing our part to create a brighter future for all.

A vision for the future

With the anticipation of Griffith University's 50th anniversary building, we stand at the threshold of a milestone celebration characterised by growth, transformation, and impact.

  • 37% of you were interested in receiving a 50th Anniversary magazine showcasing the University and its alumni.
  • 30% would like a flagship event in Brisbane or the Gold Coast and a similar number of public lectures or talks by experts and leaders.

In addition, our inaugural comprehensive campaign with both philanthropic and alumni engagement goals, marks a pivotal milestone in our dedication to nurturing deeper connections with alumni, donors, and supporters. As we look ahead with enthusiasm, we invite you to stay tuned for exciting developments and opportunities unfolding for this program.

Read more about the campaign at our dedicated campaign .

Your feedback in the 2023 Alumni Survey will help inform and shape the activities we launch for alumni throughout the campaign.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Griffith alumni program?

Who is being invited to complete the survey?

When does the survey open and close?

What kind of questions does the survey ask?

How long will the survey take?

How will I find out the outcomes?

What will happen to my data?

How do I find out more?

Contact us

If you have any questions about your Alumni community, please get in touch.

Contact us


Your donation can help make a positive difference.

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