Tools and resources to help you educate students about career development

At the Careers and Employment Service, we can provide tailored career development content within your curriculum to help boost student employability.

Discover more about our career development seminars, as well other career education tools and resources you can tap into. You can also explore the information and services we have for Griffith students and graduates.

Career development seminars

We have a range of career development seminars you can request within your course. Explore the seminar options below and to request a seminar, simply submit the seminar request form. Please note, due to the high volume of requests, priority will be given to seminars that are formally assessed within curriculum.

The Power Of Networking

Networking ‘how to’ with practical scenarios and coaching tips as an interactive session.

Building Career Resilience

This seminar aims to resource participants to build career resilience, so they can continue to thrive in their career development, despite the obstacles they might face.

Developing Your Employability Throughout Your Program

An outline of key career management strategies that boost employability, and subsequent development of an employability action plan.

Graduate Job Search Strategies

Job search strategies, developing resilience in your job searching, networking, advertised & hidden job market for paid or unpaid roles.

Preparing For WIL Placement / Virtual WIL

Making the most of your placement for building employability skills and career development. Reference points for workplace etiquette, work-team communication and professionalism.

Interview Preparation and Performance

Interview masterclass, video interviews, Big Interview online tool, behavioural interview questions, speed interviewing, psychometric testing and assessment centres, graduate recruitment programs.

Developing Cross-Cultural Competency

This workshop provides a foundation for understanding cultural differences, appreciation of diversity and applying cultural competencies in work and life.

Industry Expert in Residence / Industry Mentor Guest Lecture

Looking for an industry expert? Our Industry Mentors are available to assist with guest lecturers and are happy to present talks to your students.

Leveraging Your LinkedIn

How to use the LinkedIn platform to explore and clarify career pathways and options; build and maintain professional networks; actions to support job search strategies.

Transition To Professional Life

Generating a graduate career action plan; defining a preferred future as it relates to careers; awareness of the emotions associated with transition and change for graduates. Would suit students in capstone years and those transitioning out of university.

Evidencing And Articulating Employability Skills

This seminar is designed to enable participants reflect on experience to identify current skills, plan for further employment skill development, as well as effective ways to evidence skills to employers

Personal Brand Matters

The session helps students to develop their personal brand and create the right first impression.

Written Applications

This seminar focuses on mastering the art of written applications, including resumes, cover letters and selection criteria.

Developing Cross Cultural Competency

This workshop provides a foundation for understanding cultural differences, appreciation of diversity and applying cultural competencies in work and life.


Our Career Development Consultants can design a seminar to suit your learning outcomes.

Career Development Seminars

Follow the link to request a seminar from the options above

Career education tools

Learning Futures and the Careers and Employment Service developed the University's Employability Framework which provides a blueprint to position Griffith as a university of influence in graduate success and employability. The Framework comprises four stages of a career success lifecycle. Discover more about these framework stages, as well as exemplars for each at Griffith Employability Framework.

1. 'Personal, Academic and Career Development in Higher Education: SOARing to Success'

Arti Kumar's book (2008) provides a theoretical and practical guide to embedding employability in the curriculum. Excerpt from publisher's website states:

"...packed with activities, exercises, lesson plans, resources, reflective questionnaires, skills audits and case studies, and with suggestions for how these may be customized to suit different groups of students in different subject areas.

By embedding activities into the curriculum, students are encouraged to:

  • gain a better understanding of what and how they are learning
  • improve study skills
  • gain a clear idea strengths and areas for development
  • improve ability to explain and discuss skills and abilities with prospective employers, with the evidence to support your claims
  • become a more effective, independent and confident self-directed learner.

Personal development planning will help all staff and educational development professionals, teachers in higher education, and advisers and support staff in careers services enable students to build up a personal development record to improve their ability to relate their learning and achievements to employers' interests and needs and, ultimately, gain employment."

Application of the SOAR model and resources from this book is demonstrated in Dr Greg Reddan's Exemplars.

2. Pedagogy for Employability (HEA UK)

Published by the Higher Education Academy in 2012, the guide explores the context and opportunities for embedding employability in the curriculum. The guide is loaded with practical case studies and contacts from UK institutions.

3. Example employability syllabi (USA)

shared by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers USA).

4. Curriculum exercises for career development (É«ÇéÍøÕ¾/International)

The is Dawn Bennett's site which contains a collaboratively developed collection of practical career development tools that can be implemented within classes, courses and programs.

Planning and statistics

One lens from which to view the impact of embedded career development learning is to measure impact on career self-efficacy, although many other factors are also relevant.  A wide range of research methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative, can be used to understand career development learning impact. A range of tools are available, however two standardised tools referred widely used in the literature and are available for purchase from the publisher:

Research on embedded employability is frequently published by the following journals:

  • The Journal for the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NB this is a UK publication)

Mapping the curriculum is a powerful exercise in examining cohesion and scaffolding within a program. According to Assuring Graduate Capabilities website, program curriculum can sometimes be a collection of courses without holistic design, focused on teaching inputs rather than student outcomes.

Resources for educators

Our SharePoint site for educators has a range of resources to tap into.

Student career consultations

Students can book a session with our careers consultants. Topics students frequently present with include:

  • career direction questions and concerns
  • what job they can get with their degree and how to prepare for these jobs
  • how to find a graduate job/internships/part-time/casual job
  • how to job search as an international student
  • how to prepare a resume, letter, response to selection criteria and prepare for job interviews
  • using Linkedin and in-person networking approaches
  • how to develop career awareness and opportunities while studying.

Students are able to book directly into these free sessions via . For more complex circumstances where you would like to refer a student directly, or if you have any questions, email or call us on 3735 7470.

Information for students and graduates

In addition to helping Griffith staff embed employability within their learning and teaching, we also have a range of tools and resources to help students and graduates on their career journey. We have information to help with career planning, job searching and applications. Explore how we help Griffith students and graduates.

Contact us

To explore how we can help you embed employability within your curriculum, get in touch