Dedicated to conducting impactful research

The Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics conducts innovative research in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Financial Planning and Business Law. Our researchers have secured grants from international organisations, government bodies, and professional organizations. We publish in top-tier journals and contribute to theory, practice, and policy.

Our department is known for its active seminar program featuring high-profile scholars and PhD students, as well as for hosting the Centre for Personal Finance and Superannuation and research groups focused on Corporate Governance, Energy, Social Housing, and Economic Policy Analysis.

Research groups

We collaborate with industry, professional bodies, government and high-profile academics on many research projects and initiatives. Our research initiatives not only inform social and government policies but also generate innovative solutions to address industry challenges.

Centre for Personal Finance and Superannuation

The Centre for Personal Finance and Superannuation undertakes innovative and high quality research projects in order to understand consumer investment, spending and general household financial management behaviour.

Our research excellence is driven by the comprehensive approach we give to all our projects.

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Academy of Excellence in Financial Crime Investigation and Compliance

The Academy aims to be É«ÇéÍøÕ¾’s leading interdisciplinary research, engagement and education forum in the area of financial crime, investigation and compliance.

Together with our experts, and in collaboration with industry partners, we provide national thought leadership and drive continuous improvement of training programs to tackle these global issues.

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Housing Symposium

Social and Affordable Housing Program

Developing innovative solutions to the financing of social and affordable housing

The Social and Affordable Housing Program provides a platform to bring together academics, researchers, practitioners and policymakers to carryout research and exchange ideas to develop innovative solutions to the financing of social and affordable housing.

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ARC Indigenous Project

This project focuses on enhancing the economic sustainability of Indigenous businesses through improved financial literacy. Supported by an , our researchers aim to identify best practices for Indigenous business owners in running successful small businesses.

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South Pacific Centre for Central Banking

Now Pacific Islands Centre for Development Policy and Research (PICDPR)

The SPCCB was formed to bring together world class economic and finance experts, with a clear aim to help build capacity for research and policy formulation.

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Financial Planning Research Journal

The Financial Planning Research Journal contributes original, peer-reviewed research to aid understanding of the practice and policy of financial planning in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾. Published by Griffith University on behalf of the , our articles span topics including economics, finance, accounting, taxation, behavioural finance, financial literacy, financial education, law and more.

Discussion Paper Series

The Economics and Business Statistics Discussion Paper Series hosts work in progress and preliminary research findings by researchers and associates of the Department, with the aim of stimulating useful discussion and helpful comment among the community of scholars, policymakers and practitioners.

Higher Degree Research

Our department thrives on cultivating mutually beneficial relationships with industry, government, and the community to advance innovation and success. Through our diverse partnerships with companies such as AMP, Stonehouse Group and Bendigo Bank, we enhance student learning and drive positive outcomes for businesses.

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Current students

NameProject Supervisors
Duha Mohammad Radwan Abujleedan Corporate Governance Issues in MENA Region Dr Fang Hu, Professor Shireenjit Johl
Maryam Farooq Corona Pandemic and Emerging Economies: Gender Board Diversity and firm's performance   Professor Shireenjit Johl, Dr Fang Hu
Yathra Mullage Chithrasheeli Gunaratne Essays on Internal Control Weakness  Dr Fang Hu, Professor Shireenjit Johl
Robert Jerrom Does LGBTIQ + diversity in governance impact corporate outcomes?  Professor Christopher Fleming, Nicholas Barter
Ruwan Samarakoon Arachchige The impact of board gender diversity on cash holdings, liquidity and green capital structure in international markets  Associate Professor Benjamin Liu, Professor Shireenjit Johl
Tianyi Yang Three essays on top management and corporate disclosure and communication  Professor Shireenjit Johl, Dr Fang Hu
Szu-Wei YuDoes the mandatory CSR disclosure regulation enhance informativeness to stakeholders?Professor Shireenjit Johl,  Dr Fernando Distadio
Tamanna HussainBarriers and enablers for female key management personnel to progress to corporate directorships.Professor  Reza Monem, Dr Gurmeet  Singh Bhabra
James ThwinDiscretionary Trusts and Tax Avoidance Including Tax CrimeProfessor Brett Freudenberg, Dr Melissa Belle-Isle
Md Omar FaruqTax Incentives for Corporate Social Responsibility: Policy ImplicationsProfessor Brett Freudenberg, Dr Ingrid Millar, Dr Melissa Belle-Isle
Ajanthan Alagathurai Three essays on Integrated Reporting.  Professor Reza Monem, Professor Shireenjit Johl, Lecturer Shamsun Nahar
Xinye Cao The construction of a trust mechanism model of Robo-Advisor  Lecturer Laura de Zwaan, Dr Victor Wong
Shawn Hunter Supporting Digital Transformation among the Poor in Developing Countries   Professor Andreas Chai, Associate Professor Nicholas Rohde
Hetti Arachchige prabath Perera Exploring Digital Inequality in Sri Lanka: Navigating towards Inclusive and Sustainable Development  Professor Eliyathamby Selvanathan, Dr Jen-Je Su, Professor Saroja Selvanathan, Maneka Jayasinghe Mudiyan Selage
Nirogini ThambaiyaAdvancing Copyright Protection in Artificial Intelligence: A Comparative Analysis of É«ÇéÍøÕ¾, the USA and the EUA/Professor Godage Kariyawasam,  Dr Ben  French, Chamila Talagala
Xuan NgoFintech for accellerting digital financial inclusion, poverty reduction and income equalityDr Laura de Zwaan,  Dr Tracey West,
Iis Alviya The role of land-based private sectors in low emission development  Associate Professor Md Iftekhar, Tapan Sarker, Harshakumari Sarvaiya
Andrew Buckwell Sustainable inclusive management of the environment through application of Coasian bargaining  Professor Christopher Fleming, Syezlin Hasan
Krishanthan Gnanapragasam Advancing Sustainable Fisheries Production in Sri Lanka.   Dr Nawaratne Ratnasiri, Professor Christopher Fleming
Pilana Vithana Sajith Harshana The Role of Agribusiness Sector on Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Sri Lanka  Dr Nawaratne Ratnasiri, Associate Professor Godage Kariyawasam
Thi Kim Xuan Ho Does assurance on non-financial information enhance the credibility of the audit reports?   Professor Shireenjit Johl, Dr Robyn Cameron, Lecturer Ingrid Millar
Parna Imannezhad Develop different financial models for enhancing revenue certainty of renewable energy projects.  Associate Professor Carl Soederberg, Dr Neda Todorova, Phillip Wild, Joel Gilmore
Alana Knight Social licence reporting to support Blue Economy development and expansion in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾.  Professor Christopher Fleming, Syezlin Hasan, James Smart
Paul McDonald Optimal Utilisation of Renewable Energy Zones in the É«ÇéÍøÕ¾n National Electricity Market  Associate Professor Alexandr Akimov, Professor Paul Simshauser
Christopher Mitchell Measuring the effectiveness of climate change adaption projects in Pacific SIDS  Professor Christopher Fleming, Dr Nawaratne Ratnasiri
Sri Mulyati The Determinants of Corporate Sustainability Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic  Dr Lanita Winata, Tapan Sarker, Associate Professor Nicholas Rohde, Hua Fan
Madhushika Iroshini Perera Muthukuda Arachchige Measuring the agribusiness decision environment: A study of constructing business indices for the agribusiness sector in Sri Lanka  Dr Nawaratne Ratnasiri, Associate Professor Godage Kariyawasam
James Nelson Financing the Transition: Addressing and overcoming the challenges faced by renewable energy developers in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾’s National Electricity Market  Associate Professor Alexandr Akimov, Professor Paul Simshauser, Associate Professor Timothy Nelson
Thi Gam Nguyen Developing a business case to support a circular economy approach in wastewater management  Associate Professor Md Iftekhar, Cara Beal, Dr Nawaratne Ratnasiri, Anne Roiko
Tahlia Nolan Market design and incentives to decarbonise the É«ÇéÍøÕ¾n economy using the electricity market  Professor Andreas Chai, Associate Professor Timothy Nelson
Aiza Shabbir Comparative analysis of groundwater management in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ and Pakistan  Associate Professor Md Iftekhar, Dr Jen-Je Su
Claire Stephenson Sustainable groundwater management in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ using economic incentives and policy  Professor Christopher Fleming, Associate Professor Md Iftekhar, James Smart
Liyanwalagama Wimalaratna Innovative tariffs and demand response potential for residential and industrial customers.  Associate Professor Alexandr Akimov, Dr Nawaratne Ratnasiri
Samia Zahra Disaggregate Renewable Energy Production and Carbon Neutrality.  Dr Rakesh Gupta, Professor Eliyathamby Selvanathan
Kwabena AddaiAgricultural Extension Services, Technology Adoption and Household Welfare in MalawiAssociate Professor Nicholas Rohde, Associate Professor Md Iftekhar
Rodrigo De LucaThe role(s) played and performance of boutique advisory firms in cross-border M&A transactions.Professor Robert Bianchi, Dr Akihiro Omura
Md. Atiqur RahmanEnvironmental Financial Crime in Banking: Does Third-Party Assurance Help or Hinder Greenwashing?Professor Andreas Chai, Professor Ivan Diaz-Rainey, Dr Luiz Distadio
Aziz LadhaLink between financially motivated crime and shell companies created.Professor Andreas Chai,  Dr Margo van Felius
Nicholas GohdesCapital availability and investment appetite in hybridised energy marketsDr Phil Wild, Professor Paul Simshauser, Associate Professor Joel Glilmore
Most Nilufa KhatunClimate Change Risk and Womens Vulnerability in the Drought-Prone Area of BangladeshAssociate Professor Md Iftekhar, Dr Athula Naranpanawa
Tayyaba RizviEconomic Growth, Sustainable Consumption and Production in Developing Countries.Associate Professor Md Iftekhar, Professor Andreas Chai, Dr Athula Naranpanawa,  Professor Tapan Sarker
Wijesooriya Basnayake Mudiyans Basnayake Impact of Financial Inclusion on Economic Growth: Evidence from Asia - Pacific Region  Professor Saroja Selvanathan, Professor Jayatilleke Bandaralage, Dr Athula Naranpanawa
Ryszard Bliszczyk Social context matters : Identity economics & salience of social identification in economic choice  David Butler, Professor Andreas Chai, Lisa Farrell
Mpho Bosupeng The J-curve and Asymmetric Effects Between Trade Balance and Exchange in an Undiversified Economy.  Dr Athula Naranpanawa, Dr Jen-Je Su
Amanda Craft The impact of culture on financial advice.  Professor Mark Brimble, Dr Katherine Hunt, Dr Michelle Cull
Jonty Flottmann Effect of a Reduction in Dispatchable Generation on the Forwards Market for Hedging within É«ÇéÍøÕ¾  Phillip Wild, Dr Neda Todorova, Professor Paul Simshauser
Yunchao Ge Three Studies on Stock Market Risk and Return  Dr Neda Todorova, Dr Bin Li
Conrad Gilbert The trade-off between dynamic objectives based financial advice and regulation   Professor Robert Bianchi, Professor Michael Drew
Dylan Goldspring The Treatment of É«ÇéÍøÕ¾n and United States of America Retirement Savings: Examining Cross-Border   Dr Richard Copp, Lecturer Anna Mortimore
Sama Haddad The Impact of Regulatory quality on Market co-movements  Dr Rakesh Gupta, Professor Eliyathamby Selvanathan
Thomas Hendry The role of Government Benefits in Financial Advice  Lecturer Laura de Zwaan, Dr Kirsten MacDonald, Professor Robert Bianchi
Awais Khan Addressing the bottom of pyramid in financial sector of Pakistan using capability approach     Lecturer Tracey West, Dr Mirela Malin
Jinze Li Risk-Return Relationship in International Stock Market, A New Perspective  Dr Bin Li, Dr Jen-Je Su
Janelle Manders An analysis of the impact of heuristics on financial decision making and consumer protection  Lecturer Laura de Zwaan, Dr Kirsten MacDonald
Elizabeth Mitchell Determinants of financial literacy - why are some individuals more financially literate than others.  Lecturer Tracey West, Lecturer Laura de Zwaan
Jayani Ratnayake Role of trade policy reforms for promoting global trade integration and economic resilience   Professor Jayatilleke Bandaralage, Dr Athula Naranpanawa
Tayyaba Rizvi Economic Growth, Sustainable Consumption and Production in Developing Countries.   Dr Athula Naranpanawa, Professor Andreas Chai, Professor George Verikios
Catherine Wales Examination of the level of financial literacy required to avert symptoms of corporate failure under  Professor Reza Monem, Associate Professor Kerry Bodle
Dezhong Xu Essays on Cross-Asset Momentum  Dr Bin Li, Associate Professor Tarlok Singh
Wendi Zhang Machine Learning, Stock Selection and Portfolio Optimization with Special Reference to REITs  Dr Bin Li, Professor Eduardo Roca, Associate Professor Tarlok Singh, Wee-Chung Liew
Glynn GoughA critical examination of the affordability of life insurance across the client lifecycle.Dr Bin Li, Dr Di Johnson
Jamilu Said BabangidaImpacts of Training on IDPs' Employment in Nigeria: Evidence from Labor Market Experiment.Associate Professor Parvinder Kler, Dr Anita Staneva,  Dr Temesgen Kifle
Mahamendisge Dasuni DayanandaEffects of rising food prices on welfare:  An assessment using household utility modelAssociate Professor Nawaratne Ratnasiri, Associate Professor Md Sayed Iftekhar
Xinyu Wang Collectivism and Household Consumption: Empirical Evidence from China  Hua Fan, Mingyi Li
Apeksha Embuldeniya Labour Market Heterogeneity: Investigating Unorthodox Aspects of Labour Market Success in Sri Lanka  Professor Christopher Fleming, Professor Jayatilleke Bandaralage, Associate Professor Parvinder Kler
Thanam Murugan Presence of Offspring: Investigating the Phenomena of Underemployment, Job and Life Satisfaction  Associate Professor Parvinder Kler, Dr Anita Staneva
Anda Nugroho Essay In Tourism, Inter-regional Disparity, and Regional Development  Dr Jen-Je Su, Professor George Verikios
Samuel HaakThe Costs and Benefits of É«ÇéÍøÕ¾'s AML/CTF LegislationProfessor Andreas Chai,  Associate Professor Nicholas Rohde
Dearne DettrickMeasuring the Impact and Benefits of Public Art with a Holistic PerspectiveProfessor Christopher Fleming, Professor Nicholas Barter
Mark RyanShifting the balance between short- and long-term thinking in organisationsProfessor Chirstopher Fleming, Professor Nicholas Barter
Dasuni PandithasekaraDo Big Data Analytic Capabilities Promote Organizational Sustainable Competitive Advantage?Dr Lanita Winata, Dr Shamsun Nahar

Academic staff-student research collaborations

Check out our list of recent publications and working papers between department academic staff and current and former HDR students.

  • Liu, B., Johl, S., & Lasantha, R. (2023). ESG scores and cash holdings: The role of disciplinary trading. Finance Research Letters, 103854.
  • Perera, P., Selvanathan, S., Bandaralage, J. and Su, J.-J. (2023), "The impact of digital inequality in achieving sustainable development: a systematic literature review", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  • Buckwell, A., Fleming, C., Bush, G., Zambo Mandea, J., Taye, F., & Mackey, B. (2023a). Assessing Community Readiness for Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes for Tropical Primary Forest Protection in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Journal of Development Studies, 1-23. 
  • Buckwell, A., Fleming, C., Bush, G., Zambo Mandea, J., Taye, F. A., & Mackey, B. (2023b). Assessing Community Readiness for Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes for Tropical Primary Forest Protection in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Journal of Development Studies, In Press. 
  • The Incidence, Determinants, and Returns to Graduates’ Overeducation in Sri Lanka – Western Economic Association International’s 17th International Conference.
  • Nelson, Tim, Joel Gilmore, and Tahlia Nolan. "Be Wary of Paying Wounded Bulls–Capacity Markets in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾'s National Electricity Market." Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 42.1 (2023): 72-91.
  • Gilmore, Joel, Tim Nelson, and Tahlia Nolan. "Firming Technologies to Reach 100% Renewable Energy Production in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾’s National Electricity Market (NEM)." The Energy Journal 44.6 (2023).
  • Buckwell, A., Fleming, C., Banhalmi-Zakar, Z., & Brodhurst, O. (2022). Whitsunday Climate Change Innovation Hub & Whitsunday Regional Council: Industry Resilience Project. Whitsunday Regional Council. 
  • Buckwell, A., & Morgan, E. (2022). Ecosystem services and natural capital: Application to sustainable finance. In T. Cadman & T. Sarker (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Development and Finance. de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston. 
  • Loehr, J., Gibson, D., Buckwell, A., Vada, S., Fleming, C., Bibi, P., Masau, N., Hadwen, W., Powell, B., & Johnson, H. (2022). Using Q method to investigate the influence of inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) on tourists’ hotel choice in Fiji. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-17.
  • Morgan, E., & Buckwell, A. (2022). Landscape planning and economics for sustainable finance. In T. Cadman & T. Sarker (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Development and Finance. de Gruyter, Berlin / Boston.
  • Do foreign investors have a positive impact on the domestic government bonds market? A panel pooled mean group approach. Journal: Economic Analysis and Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.eap.2022.12.031, Authors: Simeon Conterius; Alexandr Akimov; Jen-Je Su; Eduardo Roca
  • Yan, K., Gupta, R., & Haddad, S. (2022). Statistical Analysis Dow Jones Stock Index—Cumulative Return Gap and Finite Difference Method. Risk And Financial Management, 15(2).
  • Nelson, Tim, Tahlia Nolan, and Joel Gilmore. "What's next for the Renewable Energy Target–resolving É«ÇéÍøÕ¾’s integration of energy and climate change policy?."É«ÇéÍøÕ¾n Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66.1 (2022): 136-163.
  • Gilmore, Joel, Tahlia Nolan, and Paul Simshauser. "The Levelised Cost of Frequency Control Ancillary Services Electricity Market." (2022).
  • Edwards, I., Buckwell, A., & Fleming, C. (2021). Funding and Financing Climate Change Adaptation: Logistical and Legislative Issues for Managed Retreat in Queensland and Tasmania. Griffith University.
  • Morgan, E., Buckwell, A., Guidi, C., Garcia, B., Rimmer, L., Cadman, T., & Mackey, B. (2021). The Basket of Benefits Approach: Capturing Multiple Forest Ecosystem Services for Just Benefit Sharing. Ecosystem Services, 55, 101421.
  • Sahin, O., Hadwen, W., Buckwell, A., Fleming, C., Ware, D., Smart, J. C. R., Dan, A., & Mackey, B. (2021). Assessing how ecosystem-based adaptations to climate change influence community wellbeing: A Vanuatu cast study approach. Regional Environmental Change, 21, 90.
  • Taye, F., Vinde Folkersen, M., Fleming, C., Buckwell, A., Mackey, B., Kc, D., Le, D., Hasan, S., & Saint Ange, C. (2021). The drivers of change in the economic value of global forest ecosystem services: A meta-analysis. Ecological Economics, 189, 107145.
  • Abbas, S, Selvanathan, E, Selvanathan, S, & Bandaralage, J 2020, ‘Are remittances and foreign aid interlinked? Evidence from least developed and developing countries’, Economic Modelling, vol. 94, pp. 265-275.
  • Abbas, S, & Syed, S 2020, ‘Sectarian terrorism in Pakistan: Causes, impact and remedies’, Journal of Policy Modeling.
    Esplin, R, Davis, B, Rai, A and Nelson, T, 2020, ‘The impacts of price regulation on price dispersion in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾'s retail electricity markets’, Energy Policy, vol. 147.
  • Fan, J, & Zhang, T 2020, ‘The untold story of commodity futures in China’, Journal of Futures Markets, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 671-706.
  • Gupta, R, Yan, K, Singh, T, and Mo, D 2020, ‘É«ÇéÍøÕ¾ and International Drivers of the Demand for Water Resources in the Context of Water Scarcity: A Cross-Country Study’, Journal of Risk Financial Management, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 255, .
  • Hamidi, M & Worthington, A 2020, ‘Islamic Banking in Indonesia: Emergence, Growth, and Prospects’, in A. Rafay (ed.), Growth and Emerging Prospects of International Islamic Banking, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 38-60, DOI:<10.4018/978-1-7998-1611-9.ch003>.
  • MacGill, I and Esplin, R 2020, ‘End-to-end electricity market design-some lessons from the É«ÇéÍøÕ¾n National Electricity Market’, The Electricity Journal, vol. 33, no. 9, .
  • Mondal, R, Selvanathan E and Selvanathan, S 2020, ‘Nexus between rural nonfarm income and household food security in Bangladesh’, Applied Economics, DOI:<10.1080/00036846.2020.1827138>.
  • Nelson J 2020, ‘É«ÇéÍøÕ¾’s National Electricity Market: Financing the Transition’, The Electricity Journal, vol. 33, no. 9, .
  • Wickramasinghe, K & Ratnasiri, S 2020, ‘The role of disaggregated search data in improving tourism forecasts: Evidence from Sri Lanka’, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI:<10.1080/13683500.2020.1849049>.
  • Yan, K, Maheshwari, S 2020, ‘Limitations of financial advised standards and ethics authority’s code of ethics’, Delhi Business Review, vol. 20, no.1, .
  • Roles of the Land-Based Private Sector in Low-Emission Development: An Indonesian Case Article, Alviya, Iis, Sarker, Tapan, Sarvaiya, Harsha and Iftekhar, Md Sayed. 2021. "Role of the Land-Based Private Sector in Low-Emission Development: An Indonesian Case." Sustainability. 13 (24), pp. 1- 22.
    Delhi Business Review, vol. 20, no.1, .
  • Hamidi, M, Worthington, A, West, T, & Ismal, R 2019, ‘The Prospects for Islamic Social Banking in Indonesia’, Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 237-262, .
  • Hamidi, M, & Worthington, A 2019, ‘How Social Is Islamic Banking’, in O Lehner (ed.), Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives Proceedings 2019, The ACRN Oxford , pp. 136-149.
  • Hamidi, M, Barter, N, Fleming, C, & Scoumburg, Michael J 2019, Improving Sustainability of Local Governance Areas in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾, The Final Internship Report at MJS Advisory, É«ÇéÍøÕ¾n Mathematical Science Institute and Griffith University, 16 December 2019, Brisbane.
  • Hamidi, M, Barter, N, Fleming, C, & Scoumburg, Michael J 2019, Generating Growth for Local Governance Areas based on Megatrends, The Final Internship Report at MJS Advisory, É«ÇéÍøÕ¾n Mathematical Science Institute and Griffith University, 16 December 2019, Brisbane.
  • Herrera, G, Constantino, M, Tabak, B, Pistori, H, Su, JJ, & Naranpanawa, A 2019, ‘Long-term forecast of energy commodities price using machine learning’, Energy, vol. 179, pp. 214-221, .
    Ploszaj, A, Singh, T, & Su, JJ 2019, ‘Income Inequality and Foreign Direct Investment in É«ÇéÍøÕ¾’, World Economics, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.115–148.
  • Rai, A, Esplin, R, Nunn, O and Nelson, T 2019, ‘The times they are a changin’: Current and future trends in electricity demand and supply’, The Electricity Journal, vol. 32, no. 6, pp.24-32, .
  • Rumokoy, L, Neupane, S, Chung, R, & Vithanage, K 2019, ‘Underwriter network structure and political connections in the Chinese IPO market’, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 54, pp. 199-214, .
  • Yan, K 2019, Analysis of the relationship between the stock markets of China and other BRICS countries, the United States and É«ÇéÍøÕ¾, Paths international Ltd, UK.

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