Helping children, families and clinicians to effectively manage OCD

refers to a suite of evidence-based treatment programs for children and young people with OCD and their families, developed by Professor Lara Farrell and her colleagues at the Griffith Centre for Mental Health.

Current Research Projects


FAST (Families Accessing online Skills Training) CBT for Paediatric OCD : A nationwide randomised controlled trial.

Funded: 色情网站n Rotary Mental Health Grant (2023-2025)

Chief Investigator: Professor Lara Farrell

“Despite childhood OCD affecting more than one in 50 children, there are currently no specialised services for OCD in 色情网站, and rarely do families receive evidence-based treatments that work.”

OCD onsets early in childhood and is associated with profound impairments at home, school and with peers. Sadly, early onset of OCD and delayed access to care are robust predictors of poorer prognosis and escalating mental health problems over time.

Despite the well-documented burden associated with OCD , most children never receive first-line, cognitive-behavioural treatment including exposure and response prevention ( CBT-ERP ), highlighting an unacceptable treatment gap for OCD .

Technology and parents are crucial enablers of earlier access to CBT-ERP for children with OCD . Our team has developed a novel multi-technology intervention that trains parents to be ‘ ERP coaches’ for their children via four self-directed web-based modules and videoconference group sessions with a therapist (i.e., FAST-CBT : Families Accessing online Skills Training in CBT ). The multi-technology approach empowers families by transferring effective therapies (i.e., ERP ) for OCD directly to parents where they are, thereby increasing earlier access and more immediate relief to children and families in need.

We will conduct a nationwide randomised controlled trial of FAST-CBT relative to care as usual, for children with clinical and subthreshold OCD , to determine efficacy and cost-effectiveness as a first-line, efficient modality of CBT-ERP . This scalable, digitally enabled intervention has wide reaching clinical potential, as a stand-alone intervention, or as one component within a suite of interventions within a stepped or staged care model of treatment for OCD .

Co-Investigators: , , Iain Perkes, Jessica Grisham, Professor Sonja March, Katelyn Dyason, Matthew McKenzie, Gabrielle Paton, Rob Ware and Joshua Byrne

Clinician Training in CBT-ERP for Children and Young People with OCD

Training and Supervision for Specialised CBT-ERP for Child and Youth OCD

OCD BUSTERS includes a suite of evidence-based treatment programs for children and young people with OCD and their families, developed by Professor Lara Farrell and her colleagues at the Griffith Centre for Mental Health.

OCD BUSTERS is a family-based, cognitive-behavioural treatment, with a focus on Exposure and Response Prevention (CBT-ERP). OCD BUSTERS modalities include:

  • Group CBT-ERP
  • Intensive delivery of CBT-ERP
  • Multi-technology Parent Training in CBT-ERP

For training and supervision in CBT-ERP for children, young people and their families, and access to OCD BUSTERS resources, please contact:

Professor Lara Farrell

Deputy Director, Griffith Centre for Mental Health

School of Applied Psychology

Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus.


OCD & Phobia Clinic

For over 15 years our team have been providing specialised assessment and therapy services to the Gold Coast community for child phobias and OCD. Developed from a research framework and globally recognised best practice standards, we deliver individually tailored, cognitive-behavioural treatments (CBT) for children, adolescents and their families. There are three types of formats of OCD BUSTERS:

Individual Therapy Sessions 

These sessions are one-on-one with the child and clinician, and where applicable a parent/guardian. These sessions are ~60 minutes per week.

Group Therapy Sessions 

These sessions are a fun and effective format for treating OCD in children and young people. Each group program includes weekly child group sessions (1.5 hours for 10 weeks), as well as individual family review sessions (two family sessions), parent group sessions (3 parent group sessions) and booster sessions.

Intensive Therapy Sessions 

During the intensive sessions, children, with the guidance of an experienced therapist, are taught skills to help face their fears without performing their OCD habits or compulsions. This treatment is individually tailored to the child’s presentation, and delivered in two to three 3-hourly sessions, across several days, rather than weeks. Telehealth sessions support ongoing maintenance of gains. These sessions allow the clinician to spend more concentrated time helping the child face their OCD related fears over a shorter duration of treatment. They are particularly well suited to families accessing specialised care from interstate.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in accessing treatment services for a child or young person experiencing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), or specific phobias please get in touch with our friendly team.  Phone: (07) 56788317 or

OCD & Phobia Clinic

Publications and Resources

Publications (selected)

Books for Parents, Youth, and Therapists

Contact us

Location, Delivery and Postal Address

Gold Coast campus

Level 7 Ian O'Connor Building (G40)

Parklands Drive Southport Qld 4222

(07) 5678 8317

OCD Busters Research Lead

Program Director

Professor Lara Farrell

Ph: (07) 5678 8224
