Benefit from Griffith Analytical Facility's Instrumental Capabilities

Wether you are looking for elemental quantification, cation or anion analysis or want to use our of Gas Chromatograms, the Griffith Analytical Facility has a range of high end instruments that ensure top quality of your own research.

Our Facility houses a large array of analytical devices, as well as laboratories for all your sample preparation requirements prior to analysis.

  • Spectroscopy
  • HPLC
  • GC-FID
  • GC/MS/MS
  • LCMS

Elemental and Ion Analysis

Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) is an analytical technique used for the detection and quantification of trace metals. It uses inductively coupled plasma to excite electrons from their orbitals resulting in electromagnetic radiation characteristic of a particular element.

Incredibly sensitive UV and visible light detectors and instrument linearity over six orders of magnitude allowing detection limits from the low ppb range up the % range.

This powerful method allows multi-element detection in complicated aqueous mixtures and coupled with acid digestion can be applied to a range of mediums. The Optima delivers robust and sensitive elemental analysis on the most difficult matrix with remarkable reliability.

Sample preparation for ICP-OES often requires acid digestion of solid samples. At GAF our highly experienced team offers a range of digestion techniques from traditional open vessel Kjeldahl digestion to microwave digestion with the Milestone Microwave Digestion Service.

Take the time to discuss with our analysts the best method for digesting your samples.

Microwave Digestion

Microwave digestion is a common technique utilised in elemental analysis to dissolve solid analytes into acidic solution. The system utilises closed Teflon chambers to house the digestion materials during the heating process by microwave. The combination of high pressure and temperature create the best method for fast, repeatable digestion performance resulting in better LoD and easier clean-up. Typically this method of sample preparation is used to prepare samples prior to analysis by ICP-OES.

Hot Block Digestion

Hot block digestion options are also available. Take the time to discuss with our analysists the best way to prepare for analysis.

Recent development in our ICP-OES capabilities allow the direct analysis of organic matrix.

ICP-OES Elemental Analysis

This standard analyte suite has been developed to offer a collection of elemental standards with working linear ranges that meet clients needs. ICP-OES is characterised by displaying an extremely linear relationship between concentration and counts, that being said we recommend the calibration range cover 80% of the analytical response. Discussion with your analyst before analysis should cover this.

Elemental Suite linear range (ppm)
1. Na, K, Ca, Mn, Mg, 1, 10, 100
2. Cu, Zn, Si, Al, B, Se Co, Mo 0.1, 1, 10
3. Hg, As, Pb, Cd, Cr. 0.1, 1, 10
4. S, P 1, 10, 100
5. Fe 1, 10, 100

Note: ICP-OES is an analytical technique that can be heavily affected by matrix effect, and memory effect can be particularly problematic. The quality of the analytical results can be heavily influenced by instrument set up to mitigate these issues. It is essential, prior to analysis you have an honest discussion about the nature of your sample.

Precious Metals:

We have a range of precious metals standards available for quantitative analysis. Typically these digestions are completed in Aqua Regia, to stabilise these precious metal ions in solution, prior to analysis with ICP-OES.

Thermo Dionex Integrion

The Integrion is a compact multi-functional ion chromatograph allowing fast identification and quantification of anions, cations or carbohydrates in aqueous solutions. The high pressure system allows fast throughput and the automatic eluent generator allows for ease of use and reliability.

The integrated design delivers all typical ion chromatography separations using conductivity cell to detect traditional anions or cations. The eluent generator electrolytically generates high-purity eluents on demand, these eluent generators allow gradient separations as easy as isocratic applications.

Gallery Plus - Type 862

The Thermo Gallery Plus is a very powerful discrete analyser allowing simultaneous analysis of a range of nutrients and chemicals in aqueous solutions. It utilises both photometric and electrochemical cells allowing superior analytical performance with a wide range of analytes including ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate Discrete Analysis. It is a fast reliable system with excellent analytical range and limits of detection.

This fully automated, high-capacity analyser provides fast, reproducible results and has an integrated platform that offers two measurement techniques, photometric (colorimetric and enzymatic) and electrochemical (pH and conductivity) analysis, that can be operated in parallel for analytical efficiency.

Currently the Gallery Plus is geared for the following analysis. Don't hesitate to contact our operators through iLabs to discuss the following instrument capabilities.

Gas Chromatography

Gas Chromatography is a method in which the sample mixture is vaporized and injected into a stream of carrier gas (such as nitrogen or helium) moving through a column containing a stationary phase composed of a liquid or particulate solid and is separated into its component compounds according to their affinity for the stationary phase. A range of detectors are then utilise quantify and identify the analytes of interest.

The GC-2010 Plus enables reliable, high-precision trace analysis with high repeatability. In addition, rapid oven cooling and back flush technology shorten analysis time greatly for significant improvements in productivity.

Features high sensitivity and ultra-fast performance, enabling trace analysis at the level of parts per trillion. This instrument is the most recent state-of-the-art gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer offered by the Shimadzu Corporation. Components that cannot be analysed by conventional scan or SIM modes are easily identified and quantified at trace levels in the presence of complex matrices using the Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mode. This instrument is particularly well suited for the analysis of trace compounds in complex matrices.

This Perkin-Elmer Autosystem XL gas chromatograph is a dual-channel, temperature programmable stand-alone gas chromatograph. Microprocessor controlled, where you enter the operating parameters from colour-coded keyboard & view the prompting text & monitor instrument functions on a display. Able to accept either packed or capillary columns.

Available Detectors: FID, TCD, ECD and NPD

The Thermo Scientific TRACE 1300 Series Gas Chromatograph is the latest technology breakthrough conceived to substantially elevate performance in QA/QC and routine laboratories. Engineered around newly developed proprietary injectors and detectors, available as user-exchangeable, instant connect modules, these GC platforms offer greater flexibility over previous instrumentation and drastically reduce the cost of ownership

Liquid and Convergence Chromatography

Thermo Scientific Vanquish HPLC and UHPLC systems are the most advanced liquid chromatography instruments available. The Vanquish LC platform improves performance, repeatability, and dependability with no trade-offs in quality or ease-of-use. Vanquish LC system users have all they need to solve their toughest analytical challenges with confidence.

The Breeze HPLC System delivers technology and performance in compact, and user friendly system platform. Complete with software, pump, detector and injector, the system comes pre-configured for different levels of HPLC operational needs.

From teaching purposes to daily analytical work, the Breeze 2 HPLC System integrates simplicity, sensitivity, accuracy, and reliability.

With the ACQUITY UPC2 System, the orthogonal capability of normal-phase LC has been elevated to a mainstream technique: Convergence Chromatography.

  • The chromatographic principles and selectivity of normal-phase LC
  • The ease-of-use and method development simplicity of reversed-phase LC
  • The use of gradients across the widest polarity range Chiral and achiral separations in one system, with unequaled speed and confidence
  • By providing the ability to precisely vary mobile phase strength, pressure, and temperature, the Waters ACQUITY UPC2 System gives scientists the power to better control the retention of analytes for separating, detecting, and quantifying structural analogs, isomers, and enantiomeric and diasteriomeric mixtures.


The PerkinElmer Spotlight 400 IR microscope in combination with the Spectrum 3 FTIR offers state of the art technology in the field of spectral imaging, delivering high-quality, reproducible data from a variety of sample types. With both a mid and near IR spectral range and a spectral resolution from 6.25 to 50um the Spotlight 400 offers sensitivity and the capacity to do rapid imaging and analysis in fields such as forensics, pharmaceutical, bio and biomedical and the materials science.

Spectrum Two is ideal for unknown substance identification, material qualification or concentration determination. Operational simplicity, unparalleled sampling, and a low maintenance design provide high-performance infrared analysis of sample composition. This system also includes ATR sampling technology. For the ATR technique, a liquid or solid is placed on top of a diamond crystal and exposed to an infrared beam, that passes through the diamond crystal forming an evanescent wave that penetrates and reflects off the surface of the sample.

Lumina fluorescence spectrometers are an extremely high quality, performance driven research grade instrument. Using pre-aligned, modular monochromators and the highest-quality optical components, the Lumina provides high-resolution measurements with superior sensitivity.

The Agilent 8453 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer uses a photodiode array for simultaneous measurement of the complete ultra-violet to visible light spectrum in less than one second, making it extremely efficient within the lab with exceptional reliability and repeatability. With its diode-array technology, the Agilent 8453 Spectrophotometer is much faster and more sensitive than comparable conventional instruments.

Requesting Services

Contact us

Wether you have questions or want to get a tour of our facility, get in touch with us today!

General telephone enquiries:

(07) 3735 2057

Location and delivery address:

Building N44, Level 3 Griffith University 170 Kessels Road Nathan QLD 4111



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