Susan Bengtson Nash
First Detection of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs) in Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) foraging in Antarctic Waters. Casa, V., Van Mourik, L., Weijs, L., Mueller, J., Bengtson Nash (2019) Environmental Pollution 250:953-959. |
Sex Ratios of Migrating Southern Hemisphere Humpback Whales: A New Sentinel Parameter of Ecosystem Health. Druskat, A., Ghosh, R. Castrillon, J., Bengtson Nash, S. (2019) Marine Environmental Research 151: 104749 |
Lifetime extension of humpback whale skin fibroblasts and their response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclor). Burkard, M., Bengtson Nash, S., Gambaro, G., Whitworth, D. & Schirmer, K. 2019.Cell Biology and Toxicology. |
Toxicological Risks and Considerations Associated with Lipophilic Contaminant Burdens of Southern Ocean Mysticetes Bengtson Nash, S. (2018) in Marine Mammal Ecotoxicology: impacts of multiple stressors on population health C. Fossi and C. Panti, Elsevier. |
Turning Microplastics into Nanoplastics: Digestive Fragmentation by Antarctic krill Dawson, A., S. Kawaguchi, C. King, K. Townsend, R. King, W. Huston and S. M. Bengtson Nash (2018). Nature Communications. |
Uptake and depuration kinetics influence microplastic bioaccumulation and toxicity in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Dawson, A., W. Huston, S. Kawaguchi, C. King, R. Cropp, S. Wild, P. Eisenmann, K. Townsend and S. Bengtson Nash (2018) Environmental Science & Technology. |
Signals from the South; Humpback Whales Carry Messages of Antarctic Sea-ice Ecosystem Variability Bengtson Nash, S., J. Castrillon, P. Eisenmann, B. Fry, J. Shuker, R. Cropp, A. Dawson, A. Bignert, P. Bohlin-Nizzetto, C. A. Waugh, B. Polkinghorne, G. Dalle Luche and D. McLagan (2017). Global Change Biology. |
Bengtson Nash, S. M., Wild, S., Hawker, D., Cropp, R., Hung, H., Bignert, A., Broomhall, S. (2017). Environmental Science and Technology 51:13929-13937. |
Dawson, A., Poulsen, A. H., Huston, W., Bengtson Nash, S.M. (2017). Polar Biology 1-9. |
Bigot, M.; Hawker, D.; Cropp, R.; Muir, D.; Jensen, B.; Bossi, R.; Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2017) Environmental Science and Technology 51: 8944-8952. |
Eisenmann, P.; Fry, B.; Mazumder, D.; Jacobsen, G.; Holyoake, C.; Coughran, D.; Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2017) Scientific Reports 7:4366. |
Castrillon, J., Huston, W., Bengtson Nash, S. (2017) Ecology and Evolution 00:1-9. |
Bates, M., Bengtson Nash, S.M., Hawker, D., Cropp, R. (2017) Journal of Marine Systems 170, 103-114. |
Historic deposition of organochlorine pesticides between 1945 and 1967 at Law Dome, East Antarctica Bigot M, Curran MAJ, Muir D, Hawker D, Cropp R, Teixeira C, Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2016) Cryosphere 10: 2533–2539. |
Kallenborn, R.; Hung, H.; Harner, H.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2016). In Implications and Consequences of Anthropogenic Pollution in the polar Environment, Kallenborn, R., Ed. Springer Heidelberg. |
Domoic acid as possible cause of seasonal cetacean mass stranding events in Tasmania, 色情网站 Bengston Nash, S. M., Baddock, M., Takahashi, E., Dawson, A., & Cropp, R. (2016). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 4;1-6. |
Isotopic evidence for a spectrum of feeding strategies in southern hemisphere humpback whale baleen records PLos One 11 (5) Eisenmann, P.; Fry, B.; Holyoake, C.; Coughran, D.; Nicol, S.; Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2016). |
Air-seawater exchange of organochlorine pesticides in the Southern Ocean between 色情网站 and Antarctica Bigot, M.; Muir, D.; Hawker, D.; Cropp, R.; Dachs, J.; Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2016). Environmental Science and Technology 50:8001-8009. |
Establishment of the first humpback whale fibroblast cell lines and their application in chemical risk assessment Burkard, M.; Schirmer, K.; Whitworth, D.; Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2015). Aquatic Toxicology 167:240-247. |
Construction of a trophically complex near-shore Antarctic food web model using the Conservative Normal framework with structural coexistence Bates, M. L., S. M. Bengtson Nash, D. W. Hawker, J. Norbury, J. S. Stark and R. A. Cropp (2015). Journal of Marine Systems 145(0): 1-14. |
An Antarctic Research Station as a source of Brominated and Perfluorinated Persistent Organic Pollutants to the Local Environment Wild, S., D. McLagan, M. Schlabach, R. Bossi, D. Hawker, R. Cropp, C. King, J. Stark, J. Mondon and S. M. Bengtson Nash (2014). Environmental Science and Technology 49: 103-112. |
Detoxification Enzyme Activities (CYP1A1 and GST) in the Skin of Humpback Whales as a Function of Organochlorine Burdens and Migration Status Bengtson Nash, S. M., C. A. Waugh, M. Burkard, A. Dawson and W. Huston (2014). Aquatic Toxicology 155: 207-212. |
Bengston Nash, S. M., M. Schlabach and P. D. Nichols (2014) in Recent Advances in Omega-3: Health Benefits, Sources, Products and Bioavailability. P. Nichols, A. McManus, K. Krail, A. Sinclair and M. Miller. |
A Model to Resolve the Dynamics of Organochlorine Pharmacokinetics in Migrating Humpback Whales Cropp, R., S. M. Bengtson Nash, Hawker, D. (2014). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 9999:1-12. |
A Nutritional-Toxicological Assessment of Antarctic Krill Oil versus Fish Oil Dietary Supplements Bengtson Nash, S. M.; Schlabach, M.; Nichols, P. D. (2014). Nutrients 6:3382-3402 |
Vertical distribution of lipids, fatty acids and organochlorine contaminants in the blubber of southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) Waugh, C. A.; Nichols, P. D.; Schlabach, M.; Noad, M.; Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2014). Marine Environmental Research. |
Metabolic Concentration of Lipid Soluble Organochlorine Burdens in Humpback Whales Through Migration and Fasting Bengtson Nash, S. M.; Waugh, C. A.; Schlabach, M. (2013). Environmental Science and Technology, 47: 9404-9413. |
Dietary Exposure of Antarctic Krill top,p’-DDE; Uptake Kinetics and Toxicological Sensitivity in a key polar species Poulsen AH, Kawaguchi S, Landrum P, Bengtson Nash SM. (2013). Environmental Pollution175: 92-99. |
Lipid profiles of migrating southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) Waugh CA, Nichols PD, Noad M, Bengtson Nash SM. (2012). Energy dynamics of a high fidelity Antarctic krill feeder. Marine Ecology Progress Series471: 271. |
Altered developmental timing in early life stages of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) exposed to p,p’-DDE Poulsen, A.H., Kawaguchi, S., Kukkonen, J.V.K., Leppanen, M., Bengtson Nash, S.M. (2012). Science of the Total Environment. 409: 5268-5276. |
Aqueous uptake and sublethal toxicity of p,p'-DDE in non-feeding larval stages of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Poulsen, A.H., Kawaguchi, S., Kukkonen, J.V.K., Leppanen, M., Bengtson Nash, S.M. (2012). Environmental Pollution 160: 185-191. |
The effect of migration and fasting on organochlorine contaminants burdens in southern hemisphere humpback whales Waugh CA, Schlabach M, Noad M, Bengtson Nash SM. (2012). Organohalogen compounds 74: 919-922. |
The environmental relevance of laboratory measured toxicity threshold concentrations of p,p'-DDE in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): A modelling assessment based on measured environmental levels Cropp R, Bengtson Nash SM, Hawker D. (2012). Organohalogen Compounds 75: 355-358. |
Modeling of the seasonal behaviour of PCBs in a dynamic Antarctic plankton ecosystem Hawker D, Bengtson Nash SM, Cropp R. (2012). Organohalogen Compounds 74: 367-370. |
Behavioural sensitivity of a key Antarctic species (Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba) to sublethal body residues of persistent organic pollutants Poulsen, A.H., Kawaguchi, S., King, C., King, R.A., Bengtson Nash, S.M. (2011). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 75: 163-170. |
A dynamic biophysical fugacity model of the movement of a persistent organic pollutant (POP) in Antarctic marine food webs Cropp, R.; Hawker, D., Bengtson Nash, S., Kerr, G. (2011). Environmental Chemistry, 8:263-280. |
Cytochrome P450 isoenzyme protein verified in the skin of southern hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae); Implications for biochemical biomarker assessment Waugh, C.A., et al., Huston, W., Noad, M., Bengtson Nash, S. M. (2011). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62:758-761. |
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Antarctica; Current and Future Research Priorities Bengtson Nash, S.M. (2011). Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 13: 497-504. |
Report of the IWC pollution 2000+ phase II workshop Bengtson Nash, S. M., J. Bolton, R. Brownell, T. Collier, P. R. Dorneles, C. Godard-Codding, F. Gulland, J. Kucklick, L. Schwacke, S. Venn-Watson, P. Burkhardt-Holm, G. Donovan, C. Fossi, A. Hall, C. Rosa, M. Simmonds, T. Rowles and G. Ylitalo (2011). Journal of Cetacean Research Management 12: 421-436. |
The influence of temperature and ecosystem dynamics on the partitioning of a Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) in Antarctic marine food webs Cropp, R.; Kerr, G.; Bengtson Nash, S. M.; Hawker, D. (2011). In 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM). |
Perfluorinated Compounds in the Antarctic Region: Ocean Circulation Provides Prolonged Protection Bengtson Nash, S. M.; Rintoul, S. R.; Kawaguchi, S.; Staniland, I.; Van den Hoff, J.; Tierney, M.; Bossi, R. (2010). Environmental Pollution 158:2985-2991. |
Persistent Organohalogen Contaminant Burdens in Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) From the Eastern Antarctic Sector: A Baseline Study Bengtson Nash, S. M.; Kawaguchi, S.; Poulsen, A. H.; Vetter, W.; Schlabach, M. (2008). Science of the Total Environment 407:304-314. |
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