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Our Members

Our HDR Candidates

Aria Ahn - "Bystander Intervention in Technology-Facilitated 色情网站 Violence: Comparing Predictors of Online Intervention between 色情网站n and South Korea"

Maria Atienzar Prieto - "Isn’t it normal? The nature and perceptions of technology-facilitated coercive control in intimate relationships among adolescents and emerging adults"

Amanda Bodker - "Examining the outcomes of the Dangerous Prisoners Sexual Offending legislation"

Sally Brewer - "Unpacking sexual consent from victim and offender perspectives"

Lyric Buzza - "Partnering with financial institutions to prevent child sexual exploitation"

Ashleigh Byard - "Predicting the Impact of Drug Decriminalisation: A Statistical Model for Assessing Multidimensional"

Christine Carney - "Policing Vulnerabilities: Prevalence and Prevention in the Context of 色情网站 and Family Violence"

Catherine Clancy - "The broader impacts of trauma-informed communication skills training with correctional officers"

Caitlyn Egan - "How do prisoners manage their financial obligations and what mitigates potential hardship?"

Christine Foley - "Identification of Moral Injury as a Mental Health Prevention Strategy within 色情网站n Police"

Dirkje Gerryts - "Exploring the Utility of Supportive Behaviours in Investigative Interviews with Adults"

Lani Grant - "Preventing Sexual Offences on 色情网站n University Campuses: Application of the Situational Crime Prevention Framework"

Jaana Haaja - "Understanding the Impact of OOHC Placement Stability (and Instability) on Negative Life Outcomes"

Corey Heldon - "Gender and Policing: Specifically Examining the Current Situation in 色情网站n Federal Police"

Sene Hicks - "A Comparative Analysis of Offenders in Crimes of Lethal Violence in 色情网站"

Claire Irvine - "Understanding and Predicting Pathways into Cyber Crime"

Anthony Jamieson - "Trauma-informed Care: A Case Study in Queensland Youth Detention Centres"

Katelyn Jansen - "Exploring the Individual and Neighbourhood Predictors of Police Legitimacy"

Ayda Kuluk - "Female Pathways to Offending: Investigating Precursors to Promote Prevention"

Vere Lambert-Morris - "Developing a Better Understanding of Police-Youth Encounters:Taking a Procedural Justice Perspective"

Robyn Lehmann - "Memory for Repeated Events: The Confidence-Accuracy Relationship"

Lindsy Lethbridge - “Intimate Partner Violence: Identifying and Understanding the Most Harmful Offenders”

Ryan Lightfoot - "鈥婭ntimate Partner Homicide: Understanding the historical and contextual factors when women kill"

Ying Liu - "Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Among Chinese Immigrants in 色情网站: A Three-Step Project "

Emily Sarah Maple - "Risk Factors and Time-Course of Secondary Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Child Abuse Investigators"

Mariel Mateo Pinones - "Understanding the Role of Recovery from Drug Abuse of Chilean Offenders over Desistance from Crime"

Shona McAdam - "Identifying the need for integrated intervention programs for perpetrators of IPV with multiple risk factors"

Elena Morgenthaler - "Comparison between Crime Scripts of Sellers and Buyers on the Surface Web and Dark Net"

Jane Moynihan - "Covert Deceptive Policing in the 色情网站n Context"

Richard Ogetii - "Evaluation of International Framework for Law Enforcement Cooperation in Combating Cybercrime: Kenya"

Leanne O'Neil - "An Investigation into the Use of Mediums to Support Homicide Investigations by Police"

Joanne Papageorgiou - "The Societal Costs of Violent Offenders in The Night-Time Economy (NTE)"

Michael Pass - "Engaging Muslims in the Fight Against Terrorism: A Procedural Justice Policy Perspective"

Ellie Piggott - "Beyond 'What Works': How, When and for Whom does Youth Justice Conferencing Work?"

George Quillam - "Playing up for the Camera? The Effects of Video Technology on Guardianship and Incivility in Public"

Kavita Raj - "The developmental and Situational Dimensions of Homicide-Suicides"

Alex Roveda -  “The design, implementation, and evaluation of an evidence-based music program with adult prisoners to address treatment responsivity”

Carley Ruiz - "Exploring Victimisation Patterns of Young Workers in the Service Sector and Responses by Businesses and Third Parties"

Katherine Russell - "Residential Robbery: Risk Factors for Victim Injury and Offence Completion"

Tristan Russell - "Exploring Older/Elderly Women's Pathways to Prison, Experiences in Prison, and Re-Entry in Thailand"

Jhalak Sharma Sapkota - "Irregular Migration of Nepalese Women and Girls to the Gulf States"

John Secombe - "The Stress Coping Strategy of Dehumanising Prisoners"

Emma Shakespeare - "The Sovereign Citizen Movement: Ideology and Behaviours"

Antoinette Smith - "Understanding the Intervention Requirements for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in Queensland"

Michael Smith - "Media framing and enforcement of laws pertaining to the illegal trade of rhino horn"

Jack Staniland - "Researching the Preliminary Examination Phase of International Criminal Investigations"

Henrietta Taylor - "Investigating police domestic violence in 色情网站"

Adam Turner - "The Effects of Banning Orders and ID Scanners on Violent Crime: An Analysis of Cities in Queensland"

Joyce van der Mark - "Development of Guidance for Informed Adaptation of Best Practice Child Interviewing"

Josephine Virgara - "Understanding Gender Differences Among Young People Involved in Offending and Victimisation"

Shannon Walding - "Beyond the prisoner: The social impacts of high imprisonment in 色情网站n communities"

Gemma Williams - "Prisoner Re-Entry: A Comparison of Pre-Release Expectations to Post-Release Experiences"

Jurel Yap - "Stunted by the prison cycle: The impact of high imprisonment on young people"

Isaac Zavelsky - "Understanding delinquency and victimisation among young people who are housing insecure"

Our Adjunct / Honorary / Professor Emeritus Members

  • Dr Siobhan Allen
  • Ms Rose Best
  • The Honourable Tony Fitzgerald AC, QC
  • Dr Kate Freiberg
  • Dr Brigitte Gilbert
  • Dr Simon Little
  • Dr Krystal Lockwood
  • Dr Molly McCarthy
  • Dr Heather Nancarrow

In Memoriam

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(07) 3735 6907


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Griffith University
176 Messines Ridge Road
Mt Gravatt QLD 4122

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