The Preaward team within Office for Research supports academic researchers to submit applications to a wide range of competitive peer reviewed funding opportunities.

There are two broad areas of funding opportunities that we support:

Major and Strategic Funding Schemes – these include applications to 色情网站n Research Council (ARC), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and a number of targeted or special call schemes e.g. schemes that limit the number of applications Griffith may submit. Please check our Major and Strategic Grants Calendar for information on applying to these schemes.

Researcher Identified Grant Schemes – our academic researchers are proactive in seeking out funding opportunities, often using Research Professional. In 2020 the preaward team supported 800+ applications to over 250 funding bodies and 400 funding schemes.  If you have identified a funding scheme which is not on our Major and Strategic Grants Calendar, please follow the simple steps below to ensure you can submit a compliant and competitive application.

Application Process - Researcher Identified Grant Schemes

So you've found a funding scheme  and are keen to apply - here's what you need to do:

1. Review all of the funder’s scheme documentation to ensure you’re eligible and your project aligns with the scheme.

To assist you in this process, we recommend you use our Scheme Review Questions checklist, which steps you through the key questions to consider when reviewing scheme documentation. Please visit our page and download ‘Scheme Review Questions’ located under the ‘Researcher Identified Grants’ tab.

2. Advise the Office for Research

Email when you are planning a submission:

Not like this: “Hi, I’m applying to XYZ scheme. What do I need to do?”

Like this:

  1. Link to the funding scheme website
  2. Information required from our office following your review of scheme documentation e.g. if the application requires a signature, letter of support, other institutional information
  3. External closing date

We will add you to our tracking system and provide support as soon as possible based on the external closing date. We will usually seek a full draft at least two weeks prior to the external closing date.

3. Advise your Head of element of your proposed application

Before submission, our office will ask you to provide an email confirmation from your Head of element/Centre Director (employing area) confirming support for submission and confirmation of any contributions being made in application.

A template email is available for download under the ‘Researcher Identified Grants' tab of our . If you do not use template, at a minimum your email should cover:

  1. Information on the scheme
  2. Proposal summary
  3. Contributions being made (your time commitment, any other contributions e.g. if co-funding is a requirement of the scheme)
  4. Funds being requested from funder
  5. If any funds will be distributed to collaborators

4. Make use of resources available

Office for Research has a range of resources to assist you in preparing applications. These can be accessed by visiting our .

5 Review and Submission Process

Once submitted to the preaward team we will review the application against the guidelines and provide feedback/requests for amendment to ensure the application is eligible and compliant. Once applications have been reviewed and are ready to submit applicants will be advised they are able to submit the application directly or the Research Grants team will submit on their behalf (depending on funding body requirements)

6. Complete a Research Grant Application Coversheet

Once you have submitted your application it is important to record your application activity in the Griffith Research Information Management System (RIMS), through completion of a Research Coversheet. Access to RIMS and instructions, can be found here.

Self-Help Resources

Access a range of resources for preparing grant applications, including exemplar applications and and recordings of workshops

Want to talk to someone?

If you have any queries about competitive research grants, our Research Grants Team are here to help