Griffith University aims to make a major contribution to society through high quality, ground-breaking research. Griffith is making an explicit commitment to foster an Open Research culture within the University to help drive greater societal and economic impact from that research. Our research and scholarship will be accessible both within and beyond the academy so as to advance scientific knowledge and understanding, inform public debate, and provide access to the public who fund research through their taxes.

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Symplectic Elements at Griffith

Griffith staff have access to to add and manage their academic profile including research outputs, professional activities, records of impact and others.

Elements profiles feed the data displayed in  ( for a public profile apply).

For assistance with Elements or your Griffith Experts profile, please review the Symplectic Elements Support website, Griffith Experts Support website, or raise a support request.

Latest news

2020 Fields of Research codes have been applied to outputs and researcher profiles in Elements

Please check your 2016-2021 outputs to ensure the correct 2020 FoR codes are displayed. Further details available here.

Watch the of the new-look Elements.

Check your outputs

Check your  page to ensure research publications and outputs are appearing.

The majority of Griffith University research outputs are automatically harvested from sources such as ,  and .

Creative research outputs and missing outputs need to be manually added via the + add option on the Research Outputs tile in Elements.

If you have a question, or experience an issue with Elements, raise a support request.

Publication and output categories

The main publications and output categories for research publication data collection for ERA are:

ERA citation analysis and peer review

ERA Research Evaluation Committees assess the quality of research outputs using either citation analysis or peer review.