How you respond is important

All members of the Griffith community have the responsibility to respond compassionately and appropriately if a disclosure or report of Sexual Harm is made. The most helpful way to provide support is to listen to the survivor, ensure they are currently safe, and let them know about reporting and ongoing support options.  You can learn more about responding effectively to disclosures by completing Recognise. Respond. Refer. for and .


Disclosures may be made for a range of different reasons including safety, emotional support or more practical matters eg. "I need an extension on my assessment" or "I need to take a few days off".

To aide in providing support for students and staff, SASH Responders can be found in schools, departments and services across the University. Griffith students and staff can also refer to the Disclosure Flowchart and Responding Effectively to Disclosures tip sheet for support and guidance.

Disclosure Flowchart (213 KB) Tip sheet (4.2 MB)

Reporting and disclosure

Learn about other disclosure and reporting options at Griffith and externally

Concerned about a student in crisis?

In an emergency or when there is immediate danger, call 000 for police or ambulance assistance. If you are on campus, you should also contact the Campus Support Team on 1800 800 707.

Contact Student Safety and Wellbeing about responding to students who are in distress or at risk. You can also consult with Student Health, Counselling & Wellbeing services.

The Mental Wellbeing Support Line is a free service available to students in need of immediate support, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. **Staff supporting students can also contact this service.