Workplace Wellbeing and Counselling Program
The Griffith University workplace wellbeing and counselling program is a free and confidential resource available for all employees and their immediate family. The program is designed to assist you to enhance your individual health and wellbeing, and can support your entire work, health and life journey. The services are delivered by an external provider, Converge International.
HDR Candidates are also able to access the wellbeing and counselling services of Converge, via the Toll Fee number below. Online resources are also available via the Converge App using your preferred device.
Sustainable Development Goals
Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation鈥檚 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to advancing knowledge, innovation, and practices that promote holistic health and well-being in addition to building resilient economies that promote decent work and improve the well-being of individuals and communities.
Accessing Converge International
This service can be accessed by telephone, face-to-face, video counselling or online counselling.
When accessing the Converge Online counselling portal, the login details are below.
Username: Converge
Password: eap
You can also download the Converge International App via the below link and use the login details to access all of Converge International's services.
Converge International Services
The Converge Portal and App allows you access to a free, confidential, personal coaching and counselling service that provides support for a variety of short-term, personal or work issues. This service gives you access to qualified professional including psychologists, social workers and management coaches.
life stages, change, grief and loss
exercise, fitness, sleep, nutrition
budgets, debt, saving and retirement planning
work relationships, partner relationships and friendships
better work-life balance and enhancing performance
parenting, elder care, family violence, extended and blended families
managing stress and mental health
Download the Converge International app
To access First Nations support with Converge International
Support around indigenous issues. We provide a safe space for you to talk to someone who can empathise with your issues and provide support
To access LGBTQI+ support with Converge International
Speak with a specialist counsellor and access support across issues specific to LGBTQI+.
To access Disability and Carers support with Converge International
Specialised advice on disability support, as well as emotional support around caring for family members or friends who live with disability.
Promoting good mental health through our hubs
At Griffith, we not only provide free mental health counselling and support through Converge, but we also actively promote good mental health. Find out more at our psychosocial and flourish wellbeing hubs.
Psychosocial Hub
Within this hub you will find a suite of tools, resources and strategies to support in managing the risk of psychosocial hazards within our workplaces.
Flourish Wellbeing Hub
In this hub you will find an array of supports and resources to support you to flourish at work and home.
Griffith University is committed to supporting and enhancing the wellbeing of its staff. The Wellbeing Program provides opportunities for employees to improve their wellbeing, and focuses on four key areas; healthy lifestyle, community, minds and places.
Healthy lifestyle
Healthy community
Healthy minds
Staff yoga
Available at Gold Coast and Nathan campuses for only $5 per session.
For times and locations, please contact Nicole Graham: (Nathan and Gold Coast)
Healthy university
Our vision:To create a thriving University community by supporting our staff and students to achieve their health and wellbeing goals.
External support services
You can also reach out to external services for support.
: 1800 737 732
: 13 11 14
: 1800 184 527
: 1300 78 99 78
: 1300 22 4636
Contact us
Health, Safety and Wellbeing General Enquiries
Health, Safety and Wellbeing are the first point of contact for university staff for all general health and safety enquiries including those related to training, first aid, risk management, wellbeing, and injury and disability support.
Find out more HSW Management System