Get support with personal counselling

We offer personal counselling sessions throughout the calendar year. All appointments are open to Griffith on-campus and online students.

We also offer personal violence counselling, suicide response and prevention and crisis support.

If you are in urgent need of support, please explore our crisis support options.

Telehealth and in-person appointments

Counselling appointments are delivered using telehealth (phone/video). Telehealth appointments can be booked via the online booking system. Counselling is offering limited face-to-face (in-person) appointments. Face-to-face appointments can be discussed by calling (07) 3735 7299 (Nathan) or (07) 5552 8734 (Gold Coast).

By booking a counselling appointment as a new client, you are also agreeing to be phoned prior to your consultation to check-in on your wellbeing and to gather more information on how Griffith can best support you at this time.

High-quality, free and confidential personal counselling

Counsellors provide helpful tools, strategies and perspectives on personal, relationship, study or work-related difficulties. Counselling can help you feel better, find solutions to problems and make lasting changes in your life.

Students from all backgrounds and degrees seek counselling and support for personal and study-related difficulties. You can seek our help about any personal issue.

Some students find it difficult to attend in-person appointments or video sessions for a variety of reasons such as being an online student, attending placement, having family and work commitments or they don't quite feel ready to talk to someone in person. Please explore other online flexible counselling options.

What to expect

Your counselling will be unique, based on your life experiences and current situation. During your interactions with the counsellor, a variety of thoughts, feelings and emotions may arise.

Having a clear understanding of what to achieve through counselling, and each interaction you will help focus on what will benefit you.

Counselling is a partnership between you and a counsellor, a creative process where you work together to improve your wellbeing and life.

Your progress

Changes as a result of counselling might include fewer symptoms or issues, improved mood, better day to day functioning, healthier relationships, being more active, feeling more confident and understanding yourself and others better.

Your counsellor will check in with your about your progress if you have ongoing sessions. You can also discuss this and other aspects of counselling with them at any point.

Counselling and wellbeing also use a brief questionnaire called the Outcome Questionnaire-45. It is a questionnaire that we ask you to complete prior to every session so we track your progress and ensure that counselling is supporting you. You complete it when you arrive for your session on campus. Completion of the outcome measure is completely voluntary and confidential.


The service offers short-term counselling for personal or interpersonal issues and difficulties. Many students with emotional distress attend counselling once or twice before feeling better and within about three sessions 75% of students experience positive and lasting change in their wellbeing. Ongoing face to face counselling appointments and support for students presenting with high levels of emotional distress and more complex problems impacting on their academic performance may access more sessions if recommended by the Counsellor. Sessions are approximately 50 minutes in duration.


There may be times when personal difficulties impact negatively on your academic performance. Due to this you may need to apply for flexible arrangements such as extensions, deferred examinations, special consideration, withdrawal due to special circumstances or leave of absence. The role of the Counselling and wellbeing service is to provide counselling and documentation may only be provided at the Counsellor's discretion.


We maintain confidentiality and will not disclose anything to anybody about you unless you ask us to do so, give permission to do so, we are required by law or there are compelling reasons such as significant risk to you or someone else. We keep confidential documents securely for the required number of years after your last contact with us. Your appointment information will only be handled by your counsellor and kept securely and privately on our data system. Our data system is separate and independent from the Griffith University student data system.


The Counselling and wellbeing service try to get a deep understanding of what your current situation is so we can help you better. We do this by using a short form, called the Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ45). When you arrive for your appointment, you will be kindly asked to complete this form. It is comprised of 45 questions and will take about five minutes to complete.

Completing the OQ45 is voluntary. If you do not want to participate you will still be able to use all counselling services and you will not be disadvantaged in any way. You may discontinue participation at any time without any consequences. Should you have questions about the OQ45 please feel free to contact us.


Due to the high demand on our service, we expect you to contact us as soon as possible to cancel or reschedule your appointment if you are unable to attend. That way we can offer it to another student that needs our support.

If you have booked your appointment online, please go to the online system to cancel. Otherwise, please contact us via phone.

How to access in-person counselling

Accessing in-person counselling is simple.

You can use our or you can call our offices at each campus.

At certain times of the year, demand for our service is high. We will make every effort to see you as soon as possible, and you will always be offered the first available appointment.

Self-help resources

Self-help resources to improve your wellbeing and life. Explore a variety of resources, including videos on mental heath topics, webinars and helpful websites and apps. This collection is designed to help you develop useful strategies and skills to focus, feel better and improve your wellbeing.

Need to know more?

If you have any questions about in-person appointments, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Contact Counselling and Wellbeing

Get in contact with us or book an appointment to see how we can help.

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Need to see a counsellor? Book an appointment.