Learn the purpose of our forms and submit your complaint
Use the forms below if you are a current student (includes students on approved leave of absence, deferment or between enrolment periods) or a former student who had an active enrolment in the past six months and want to raise issues formally regarding either:
- an administrative error or decision (that cannot be addressed via the Student Review and Appeals process)
- treatment as a student
- quality or delivery of a service or advice provided by the University
- conduct of students
- conduct of staff members or other members of the University community
that you believe does not accord with the expectations set out in the Student Charter Framework and are not more than 12 months old.
Anonymous complaints
While the University treats anonymous complaints seriously and we do our best to always protect your identity, we may be unable to investigate such a complaint either fully or properly, make a decision, or take action to resolve the complaint.
If you want to remain anonymous, consider that you:
- may be identified from the details of their complaint, particularly when you are from a small student cohort
- will not receive correspondence about the outcome of your complaint unless you provide the University with an email address
- may be identified from the details listed in the email address provided.
Group complaints
Group complaints are accepted if, the concern(s) raised occurred within the past 12 months and all parties:
- are current students (includes students on approved leave of absence, deferment or between enrolment periods)
- have the same issue(s)
- seek the same outcome(s)
- have provided consent to be included in the complaint submission.
Issues about the academic progress, marks, or grades of individual students, should not be raised in group complaints.
Other concerns
Do not use these forms if your concerns relate to the areas listed below. They are addressed under other policies and procedures. Please follow the appropriate pathway.
- Academic or administrative decisions. Visit student review and appeals for information.
- Sexual harm, bullying, harassment and discrimination. Visit safe campuses and reporting a concern for information.
- Privacy breaches. See Privacy Statement for information.
What information should you provide when lodging a formal complaint?
It is important you include all available and relevant information and supporting documentation to assist the University to promptly address your issues. Include information about:
- Specific events—what happened?
- Dates—when did it happen?
- Names of the relevant people, school or service area—who was involved?
- Efforts you have already made to try to resolve the issue(s). Who did you talk to about your concerns? What was the outcome of that interaction?
- Explain why what has happened is unfair, unacceptable or has upset you.
- If your issues relate to a program of study or a course, provide the name and code of the program or course.
- If your issues are older than 12 months, indicate why you did not address them sooner and why they should be addressed now.
- Outline the outcomes you seek.
- Attach copies of related and available communication or documentation to help support your case.
What happens after you lodge a formal complaint?
- The information you provide is used to determine the appropriate course of action.
- If insufficient information is provided to make an adequate assessment, the University will contact you seeking additional information from you. Your complaint will not progress until the additional information requested is provided, or advice is received about the reasons why the information cannot be provided.
- Not including sufficient information about the issues you want addressed, may result in delays in you obtaining a formal response.
- Once all the relevant information is received, the complaint is then referred to the decision maker listed in Section 3.6 of the to address.
- The responsible officer may also contact you seeking clarification and further information to assist the investigation process. It is expected that students will assist the responsible officer with the complaint-resolution process.
- If your complaint is about someone's behaviour, it is likely the responsible officer will provide relevant details of your complaint to the identified person, to offer the courtesy of a response under natural justice principles. Details of your complaint may also be provided to other University staff as required.
- You can expect a written outcome to be provided within 20 working days after receipt of this form, unless advised of delay.
Student complaints form
Use this form if you:
- are a current student (includes students on approved Leave of Absence, Deferment or between enrolment periods) or a former student who had an active enrolment in the last 6 months
- want to lodge a formal complaint
- have a Griffith username and password
- wish to be identified
- expect to receive a formal written response.
Anonymous student complaints form
Use this form if you are either:
- a current student (includes students on approved Leave of Absence, Deferment or between enrolment periods) or a former student who had an active enrolment in the last 6 months and want to remain anonymous when submitting a formal complaint. You also understand a response from the University is not possible, unless you provide an email address.
- a former student who had an active enrolment in the past six months but you no longer have an active Griffith username and password, and wish to complain about your experiences as a student in your last 12 months of study. If you wish to be identified and contacted by the University, please ensure you provide your name and contact details.
- a third party (such as staff, a family member, advocate or support person) wishing to submit a formal complaint on behalf of a student as described above. Complaints of this nature are required to be accompanied by a completed and signed copy of the authority to release information or transact business on behalf of a student (ATH) form. Please ensure to include a completed copy of the ATH form and to provide your name and contact details so the University can contact you and respond to your issues.