
Canvas offers two types of quizzes: Canvas (classic) Quizzes and New Quizzes. Please see below for more information on quizzes as well as online proctored exams.

In most cases, Canvas Quizzes should be used, though depending on the question types needed, New Quizzes may be better suited.

There are a few things to be aware of when using quizzes:

  • Fill in multiple blanks is not limited by the number of blanks it can include
  • Quizzes can have a text (for instructions, stimulus etc), independent of a question
  • Question points can have a maximum of 2 decimal places, anything greater will be rounded
  • Bullet points do not show to students when added in the Question field (but numbered lists do)
  • Each question has its own Update Question button which must be pressed before clicking the Save or Save & Publish button otherwise your work on that question will be lost

Canvas Quizzes

Canvas Quizzes offers the following question types:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True or False
  • Fill-in-the-Blank
  • Fill-in-Multiple-Blanks
  • Multiple Answers
  • Multiple Drop-down (can be used for Likert scale)
  • Matching
  • Numerical Answer
  • Formula (simple formula and single variable)
  • Essay
  • File Upload

Create a Classic Quiz:

  1. In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link
  2. Click the + Quiz button
  3. In the 'Choose a Quiz Engine' screen, select Classic Quizzes

To save your quiz engine selection for this course, click the Remember my choice for this course checkbox

  1. Click Submit

In the Details tab:

  1. Enter the name of your quiz
  2. In the rich text editor, enter a description for the quiz (you can use formatted text, images, video or other media)
  3. Select the Quiz Type (Practice Quiz, Marked Quiz, Marked Survey or Unmarked Survey)
  4. Select the Assignment Group
  5. Tick the relevant checkboxes for the Options you'd like to apply (including shuffling answers, time limit, number of attempts, when students can see their quiz responses and correct/incorrect answers, whether to show one question at a time)
  6. Enter any relevant Quiz Restrictions (e.g. an access code)
  7. Assign the quiz to 'Everyone'

Optionally, add additional Assign rules for individual or groups of students who may have different Due and Availability dates

  1. In the Due field, enter the quiz due date.
  2. In the Available from and Until fields , select the availability dates for the quiz

Add Questions

  1. In the Questions tab, manually create a new question by clicking the + New Question or button

    Questions are shuffled when added by selecting + New Question Group button

  2. Select the . Depending on the selected Question type, you may need to click on the arrow icon beside the answer options to select the correct answer/s
  3. Set a Point Value (up to two decimal points)
  4. To save the question, click the Update Question button
  5. Once all the questions have been created, click on the Save button to save your work and preview the quiz

When your quiz set up is finalised, click the Save & Publish button. Your quiz must be published for the time parameters you have set to be activated. Your quiz will only be visible to students based on the time parameters you have entered in your set-up, so you can control when students have access to the quiz.

For more information, see

New Quizzes

New Quizzes offers the same question types as Canvas Quizzes, as well as:

  • Categorisation
  • Hot Spot
  • Ordering

If your quiz or exam does not use the above question types, then it is recommended you use Canvas Classic Quizzes. See instructions above.

Create a quiz:

  1. In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link
  2. Click the + Quiz button
  3. In the 'Choose a Quiz Engine' screen, select New Quizzes

    To save your quiz engine selection for this course, click the Remember my choice for this course checkbox

  1. Click Submit
  2. In the Assignment Name field, enter the name of your quiz.
  3. Enter the total Points possible
  4. Select the Assignment group
  5. Select Points for the Display Mark as option

    The points possible set on the assignment details page is the total points possible for the quiz. Points set per question determine points earned for correct answers. Points earned for correct answers are totalled and divided by the sum of the total question points for the quiz. That percentage is then used to calculate the final score based on the total points set on the assignment details page. For example, if you set the total points on the assignment details page to 50 and create an quiz with 10 questions each worth 1 point, the quiz has a total of 10 points but is worth 50 points when marked. If a student answers 9 questions correctly, their quiz score is 90% (9/10). However, their final score in the Markbook will be 45/50 (90%).

  1. Assign the quiz to 'Everyone'

    Optionally, add additional or who may have different  Due and Availability dates

  2. In the Due field, enter the quiz due date.
  3. In the Available from and Until fields , select the availability dates for the quiz. In progress quizzes automatically submit when the Until date and time passes.

    After an Available Until date passes, students can no longer submit assessment or perform quizzes. When this happens, quizzes that have been started will auto submit and submission assessment will no longer be able to submit even if a file is uploaded into the submission point.

  4. To save your quiz details, click the Save button.
  5. To save and publish your quiz, click the Save & Publish button. (Clicking the Save or Save & Publish button returns you to the page where you opened the quiz)

Add Questions:

  1. To open the New Quizzes build page and add questions and content to your quiz, click the ellipsis (3 dots) button beside the Quiz and select Build OR click on the Quiz itself and the Build button will be at the bottom (right) of the page.
  2. In the Build page, you can edit the title and description of your quiz, view your item banks, align the quiz to outcomes, preview the quiz from the student view, and navigate the quiz.
  3. Use the Rich Content Editor to format and add content to your quiz instructions
  4. To edit the quiz settings, click on the Settings tab at the top of the page
  5. To add questions to your quiz, click the button.
  6. Select from the available . Depending on the selected Question type, you may need to click on the arrow icon beside the answer options to select the correct answer/s
  7. (Optional) Enter a question title (e.g. Question 1, or the specific topic)
  8. Enter a question stem (the actual question text)
  9. Enter the question answer/s
  10. (Optional) Align the question to an outcome and/or add the question to an item bank
  11. To close your quiz and return to the Quizzes page, click the Return button

For more information, see

Moderating a Quiz:

If you have set a time limit on your quiz, you can grant access for extra time. If the student hasn't taken the quiz, the extra time will be added to the student's initial attempt and additional attempts.

If a student is currently taking the quiz while you are viewing the Moderate Quiz page, you can extend the quiz time as part of their current attempt. You can choose how many minutes to extend the quiz, and whether you want to add those minutes to the current time or the current (scheduled) end time.

For more information, see Second attempt and additional time for quizzes

Online exams and ProctorU

What is different about ProctorU and online exams?

Griffith is using as a tool for safeguarding academic integrity of online exams.

Online proctoring allows students to complete their exam without travelling to an exam centre.

The Course Convenor's role

The Course Convenor plays a vital role in supporting students to be prepared for their exam, and in ensuring the accuracy of information provided in the course site.

Convenors ensure information and settings are accurate

Convenors, in conjunction with their Learning and Teaching Consultant or Educational Designer, should check that information in the course site and course profile is accurate, including:

  • time limit - note that these exams must be in line with the maximum limit for on-campus exams of 120 minutes plus 10 minutes perusal (unless professional requirements necessitate or a professional body has specified)
  • permissible resources - be very clear about what students can have with them or open on their computer
  • check the exam settings ensuring the exam is password protected (students are never given the password - the proctor enters this on their behalf)

Convenors communicate with students

Your role in guiding students through this process is critical. Make sure you are familiar with this guide, and encourage students to refer to it if they have questions. If you would like to experience a Practice Test yourself, contact Exams and Timetabling to arrange this.

Convenors follow up on reported incidents

If a proctor notes an incident during an exam, you will receive an emailed report from ProctorU and/or Exams and Timetabling. Incidents can include a student leaving the room for a bathroom break, loss of connection with a student, or the student using a resource that is not permitted. Serious incidents indicating breach of academic integrity have been rare and should be investigated using normal procedures. Screen capture recordings and transcripts can be requested in these circumstances.

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