Are the exam conditions and content of the Practice Test different to those of my Final Exam?
The ProctorU Practice Test has its own conditions and does not cover your course material or serve as a revision test. As such, the ProctorU Practice Test may not accurately reflect the conditions of your actual exams, as each ProctorU exam has unique requirements. Pleas refer to your personal exam timetable in myGriffith to review the specific conditions for each of your exams.
What is the purpose of taking the Practice Test?
The ProctorU Practice Test is designed to help you become familiar with the on-boarding process for ProctorU exams. It allows you to practice connecting with your proctor, using the chat function, and ensuring that your equipment and setup are properly configured ready for your final exams.
The timing of my exam session means that in my timezone, I will be doing my exam at an unreasonable time. What can I do?
If you are overseas, or in a different time zone, you will need to . Some exams may have an exam window long enough to allow a reasonable exam start time for you in the country you are in, however if this not the case, please contact Exams and Timetabling via email as soon as possible at We will make every effort to reschedule your exam/s to a more suitable time within your time zone where possible.
Is there equipment that I cannot have during the exam?
To preserve academic integrity, unless specifically permitted, you cannot use:
- Headphones
- Phone, tablet, a second computer or smart watch
I am a bit worried about how the exam will work. How can I make sure everything is ready?
It is vital you complete the Practice Test to make sure that everything is working as it should, and that you feel confident and comfortable about using ProctorU.
The exam is password-protected. When will I be given the password?
The password for the Practice Test and your Final Exam can only be entered by your proctor during a scheduled ProctorU session. The proctor enters the password on your behalf when it is time to start the exam itself. You won't be given the password for the exam as this is one way the integrity and security of the exam is preserved.
When does the time for my exam start?
The time for the exam actually starts from when the password to the exam is entered by the proctor. You should allow up to 45 minutes for the connection and authentication process prior to actually starting the exam.
To summarise the timeframe for the exam itself:
- Open the 10 minutes prior to the start time of your scheduled timeslot
- Log in to
- Click to start your ProctorU session on the homepage of ProctorU - in less than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time
- Complete system and identity checks - allow up to 45 minutes
- Commence your exam - your exam time counts down from the time you click the Begin button for the exam itself.
What do I do if I am disconnected from my exam?
Please request extra time through the proctor if you experience technical difficulties resulting in time loss.
Can I 'Google' or use 'ChatGPT' during my exam?
- Only those applications and items listed as 'permitted' are allowed
- As a general rule, internet searches, including ChatGPT, are not permitted - but always check the conditions for your particular exam
- Check the specifics of your exam, including permitted resources and items, via your published personal exam timetable in myGriffith
What about access for students with a disability? I use a screen reader.
Follow these steps to ensure you are ready for your exam:
- Check the accessibility box when you create your account, to maximise accessibility features
- Contact Student Disability and Accessibility team regarding alternative exam conditions, to ensure that a screen reader is added to the allowable conditions for your exam
- Complete the Practice Test to become familiar with using ProctorU with your screen reader
How do I receive Accessible Exam Arrangements?
Griffith's Student Disability and Accessibility team is available to consult with students regarding strategies to support them and to address any potential obstacles that could impact their studies. Students can seek advice regarding strategies for completing assessment and these include adjustments to exam conditions, such as additional time or use of assistive technologies.
All adjustments must be formally recommended by Student Disability and Accessibility and are based on the individual needs of each student. These adjustments are added into individual settings in Learning@Griffith and ProctorU.
Contact Student Disability and Accessibility to discuss your needs as soon as possible to allow time for your requirements and the exam conditions to be considered and adjustments identified. ProctorU will be made aware of any accessible conditions related to ProctorU exams.
If you are already registered with Student Disability and Accessibility be sure to check the 'Accessibility' box when you create your ProctorU account to maximise accessibility features.
How has privacy protection been built into proctored exams?
Griffith University has introduced online exams to provide students greater flexibility in terms of where they can take their exam. Our online students are located across the world and online exams mean students can complete exams in their own home.
Your privacy is important to us. Personal information is collected and stored in accordance with Griffith's Privacy Statement and the provisions of the .
Griffith University has a signed legal agreement with ProctorU for online proctoring services. Comprehensive reviews of the ProctorU system, processes, procedures and polices have been undertaking and all privacy and security are assured to the highest standard. ProctorU confirms a student's identity and supervises the exam, mirroring the way we ensure academic integrity in our in-person exams. For further information see the ProctorU Privacy Policy (ProctorU Support).
Personal data
Before you commence your exam, you will be required to take a photo of yourself and of your approved photo ID. These images are captured and stored for your proctor, exam administrator or instructors review and the securely destroyed after 7 days.
If you do not access your ProctorU account for one year, your data will be randomised. This means the name associated with your account will become "Randomised User 123'. Your phone will be removed, and your phone number and other personal details will also be randomised, effectively deleting your personal information. This practice is in place to protect your data privacy.
Recording of the exam session
ProctorU creates a recording of the exam session so that any technical or academic integrity issues can be verified after the session. This recording is kept for a short time, and records of chat conversations during the exam are kept until the completion of the contract between Griffith University and ProctorU.
ProctorU uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud servers for storage and transmission of test-taker information. Both AWS and Google Cloud are dedicated to the highest industry standards. ProctorU has a 1-year retention policy on all video footage.
Will the proctor be able to access my computer files without my knowledge?
No. Proctors will view your screen and use the mouse and keyboard to check that unpermitted resources are not used. You will be able to view all of this activity. Once the exam starts, the proctor will still be monitoring your activity, but will no longer have 'remote access'.