Carefully review exam conditions and collect any permitted materials
Check the information on materials permitted during your exam as per your published personal exam timetable in myGriffith. For instance, in some exams you are permitted to refer to your notes. The proctor will check that you are using only materials that are permitted.
Prepare your physical space
Plan the space
Your proctor will need to see the room in which you take your exam so make sure the area is free of materials that would not be permitted. You will need to move your webcam or laptop to show the entire room. You will also need to show the front of your monitor, so please have a small mirror/reflective surface or your mobile phone available to do this.
The space where you take your exam should be:
- Well lit
- Free from noise and interruptions
- Clear of books, papers, sticky notes, notes pinned to a wall, and so on, unless your exam conditions permit
Please also remove your smart watch if you have one.
Make arrangements with others in the house
Other people can be at home when you take your exam, but they cannot be in the same room as you. You need to have a dedicated space that is quiet and where you will not be interrupted. Remember this is just like exams on-campus, in that you cannot speak to other people, you can't use your phone and you need a dedicated space for focused concentration.
Maximise your Wi-Fi connection
- Around the same time of day as you plan to take your exam, check your internet speed
- Aim to use a wired connection or sit as close as possible to the modem
- If possible, ask others in your household to refrain from using the internet, particularly streaming online videos or downloading large files, while you are taking your exam
- Check your internet plan to make sure that the connection speed does not reduce once you use a certain amount
On exam day
1. Before logging in to take your exam
- Have your Student ID or another form of digital/physical government issued ID ready
- Make sure you are located in a private, well-lit room with no one else around you
- Clear your workspace of all unpermitted materials
- Restart your computer to maximise computer speed
2. Take a bathroom break before starting your exam
For most exams, you are not allowed to leave the testing area during the exam, or if you are, no extra time is provided for bathroom breaks. If you need to go to the bathroom, a note will be made by the proctor that you left the room.
3. 10 minutes before your exam, log in to ProctorU via Single-Sign On
If you log in to early, a countdown timer will appear onscreen until the exact time of your scheduled timeslot. Click Start Session when the countdown timer reaches 0:00:00.
You must start your scheduled timeslot within 15 minutes of the countdown timer reaching 0:00:00, otherwise you will not be able to sit your exam.
4. Complete your pre-checks
- You will be asked to review exam information such as rules, resources, accommodations, breaks, etc. and agree to these
- You'll take a photo of your ID for identity verification purposes
- As part of the test launch process, you will be prompted to capture a profile picture using your webcam
- You will be asked to agree to be recorded
- You will be prompted to share your screen
- You'll be required to accept the ProctorU Terms of Service
5. Connect with your Proctor
- You'll review the exam rules and your proctor will ask to see any permitted resources that your Course Convenor has allowed you to use during your exam
- Your proctor will ask to take remote control of your mouse and keyboard via the Chatbox to make sure no unpermitted programs are running
- You will be able to see everything that your proctor is doing during this step, and it is not possible for them to access any files without your knowledge
6. Complete the camera check of the room
- Your proctor will ask you to show them all walls, the ceiling and the floor of the room you are in by moving the webcam or laptop
- You will also need to show them your desk and the monitor you are using to ensure that there are no sticky notes or other unpermitted materials. If you can't move your webcam around, they will ask you to use your phone or a mirror. Your proctor will make sure your mobile phone is then placed out of reach.
7. Navigate to the exam & password entry
Your proctor will then ask you to go to your exam in Learning@Griffith and enter the password on your behalf.
8. Take Your Exam
- Your proctor will release control of your computer and you'll begin your exam once the password has been entered
- The exam timer starts when the password has been entered
- Your answers will be saved automatically as you go, although there can be a few seconds delay. It is good practice to also manually save as you go.
- Your webcam view and your screen will be recorded through the duration of your exam
9. Submit your exam
- Before you submit your exam let the proctor know you are finished. They will oversee the submission process.
- Log out of your exam site and browser while connected with the proctor. Your proctor must observe you log out.
- Close the ProctorU Chatbox. This will end your session with ProctorU. Once the chat box closes, you'll be invited to complete a customer satisfaction survey.
- You're done! Congratulations!