
In 2020, Griffith introduced its new seven-year cycle of external reviews.  Reviews focus on the University’s academic areas and provide an opportunity for the critical evaluation of current activity and future strategic plans.

The provides for the conduct of organisational reviews and outlines their role as a core part of the University’s corporate governance and .

Reviews are undertaken to improve the planning and performance of elements and examine how an element can contribute most effectively to the achievement of the University’s strategic goals and objectives. Reviews are conducted through a continuing cycle of:

  • self-assessment,
  • benchmarking,
  • critical reflection,
  • forward planning, and
  • external and internal peer reviews.

The process is guided by:


Cycle 4:  2020 - 2026

Cycle 3:  2015 - 2019

Cycle 2:  2010 - 2014

Cycle 1:  2004 - 2009

Reports and Plans

At the conclusion of each review, a report is prepared along with the head of element’s Implementation Plan. These documents are considered by Academic Committee and approved by University Council. For all reviews, an 18-month review progress report is prepared, demonstrating evidence of progress in implementing the review recommendations. The progress reports are also considered by Academic Committee and approved by University Council. These reports and plans are available to Griffith users only via the staff portal.

Contact the Organisational Reviews Team