Frequently asked questions
What may I use for my assignments, digital stories, films and PebblePad?
1. If you are posting materials on password-protected platforms (restricted to Griffith student email and password logon) for your research, study or assignments where only your teacher and/or other Griffith students have access, you may include:
- Fair portions of images, diagrams, videos, music, articles and books created by others. Generally this means that, you may include materials that are freely and legitimately available on the web, such as video clips, images and articles.
- Links or embedded links to YouTube videos or other web materials.
2. If you are posting materials on platforms accessible by others on the web, you may only include:
- material you created
- photographs you took (of others with their consent to use in this way)
- links (or embed links) to YouTube videos and other web materials
- * images, videos and other web resources
- materials from websites (for example, a Government website) whose Terms and Conditions permit non-profit educational use
- materials with permission from the copyright owner.
Remember to reference the material you use.
* How to source Creative Commons material such as images:
Get the material you want on . Remember to reference the you use.
What may I photocopy or digitise as a student for my study and research?
You may copy:
- 10% or one chapter of a hard copy book (your choice)
- all of the hard copy book (if the book is out of print)
- one article from any single issue of a hard copy journal (Where there are several articles in the journal on the same topic, more articles may be copied if you need them for the same research project.)
- articles from library databases (as long as you don't systematically copy articles not required for your particular research assignments)
- as much as the e-book you are using permits.
If you think a book you need to buy is too expensive and you are a low income student facing serious financial difficulty in meeting your education costs, you may find useful information at Griffith Equity Scholarships.
May I sell Griffith teaching material and my student notes?
You may take notes and share these with other Griffith students for group study and group assignments.
However, current and past students are warned against selling Griffith University teaching materials and their student notes online through commercial websites.
Griffith teaching materials include materials on such as course readings, lecture PowerPoint slides, videos and recorded lectures and tutorials. They also include the content of your live lectures and tutorials, exam materials and assignment questions.
The copyright in all Griffith teaching materials either belongs to Griffith University or is under licence or permission from other parties for Griffith use only. Copyright even exists in the structure and layout of your course; the order of the words your tutors say; the notes and diagrams your tutors write on the whiteboard; as well as tutorial, assignment or exam questions. Permission is required to use or adapt copyright materials belonging to others.
Therefore posting student and exam notes and other such materials relating substantially to Griffith courses on the internet and commercial websites will almost certainly be in breach of copyright law and Griffith’s IT Code of Practice.
Downloading music and films from the internet
Only download legal music and films. It is a breach of the IT Code of Practice to use University equipment to download, upload, share or store music or movies within the consent of the copyright owner. If you illegally download music and films, you may face disciplinary action and have your account suspended. You could also be prosecuted by the rights holders.
Need help?
Advice and support
The Copyright and Information Policy Officer provides copyright advice and training across Griffith University for staff and students. Contact the Copyright and Information Policy Officer by emailing or phoning (0)7 3735 5695.
- Reading List Service digitises and makes readings available online for students through in a copyright compliant way.
- The Library assists with supplying movies and TV material for teaching in a copyright compliant way.
- Griffith Enterprise advises on ownership and development of potentially commercial copyright, inventions and other created by staff and students.