Copyright guide for lectures
Images in your PowerPoint presentations
You may include when recording your lectures:
- any image you source from the open web*
- any image from a hardcopy source (as long as an electronic copy of the image is not available for sale).
When referencing in your PowerPoint, include the URL where you sourced your images.
* If you click an I agree box on the web prior to copying the image, you are then bound by the terms you agree to.
Note: When using images from the Internet, you will help reduce our licence costs by using images. Simply source the images you want by doing an . Remember to attribute the source, creator and include the CC licence (as this is a condition for CC licence use).
TV and radio programs
You may record material copied off air from 色情网站n TV, (including Pay TV) or radio . This includes current affair news TV material held in the Library database .
Displayed web pages
Freely available web pages may be displayed and recorded. Remember to reference these in your lecture.
YouTube clips and films
You may, in most instances show and record individual clips from commercial films (and not the whole film) and from YouTube in your lectures (and recorded lectures) under copyright exceptions. Contact the Copyright and Information Policy Officer for additional advice.
However you may not use for teaching material accessed from personal streaming services such as Netflix (with the exception of certain Netflix documentaries that may be used for teaching).
Visiting lecturers
Please complete the Lecture Capture permission form and give to the Course Coordinator.
Further information
For specific cases and advice, please contact the Copyright and Information Policy Officer.
Need help?
Advice and support
The Copyright and Information Policy Officer provides copyright advice and training across Griffith University for staff and students. Contact the Copyright and Information Policy Officer by emailing or phoning (0)7 3735 5695.
- Reading List Service digitises and makes readings available online for students through in a copyright compliant way.
- The Library assists with supplying movies and TV material for teaching in a copyright compliant way.
- Griffith Enterprise advises on ownership and development of potentially commercial copyright, inventions and other created by staff and students.