Researching to address current and emerging health challenges
Our research helps to create social, physical, political and economic environments to enable all peoples, locally and globally, to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Our team of researchers includes public health experts and physicians, environmental health scientists, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, infectious disease experts, social and behavioural scientists, and economists. We work in interdisciplinary teams in collaboration with external and industry partners to address current and emerging health challenges. |
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Risk modelling
Researchers: , , , , , , , ,
The team’s expertise spans from epidemiology, biostatistics, to risk modelling in controlled trials, cohort and large cross-sectional studies focusing on the prognosis, prediction and modelling in prevention and treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, mental disorders, dental illness, and poor maternal and child health. Our studies apply science based analytical and modelling methods, ranging from multi-level analysis, meta-analysis, Bayesian approach, time series, to machine learning methods for international, and large clinical and survey data.
Environmental Health and Climate Change
Researchers: , , , , Ms Susan Cooke, , , , ,
Our focus is on understanding, assessing, and responding to the complex relationship between earth's systems and human health and wellbeing, with a focus on environmental changes, health impact and action. We are committed to interdisciplinary translational research, capacity-building, and international collaboration particularly in developing future-proofing strategies for sustainable development. We proudly host the Centre for Environment and Population Health.
Social Determinants of Health and Health Promotion
Researchers: , , , , , , , ,, ,
Our research stream focuses on understanding the significant influences of social, cultural, political, and environmental determinants have on various populations to gain and maintain health. Our team has specific expertise in health inequalities, prevention, health promotion, intervention, implementation and evaluation designs and policy research that aim to optimise good health for all.
Economics of Prevention
Researchers: , , , ,
World-leading epidemiological modelling and data analysis to estimate the health and economic impact of preventive policies and interventions. Much of our work focuses on the major risk factors for chronic disease including oral disease: diet, physical activity; body mass; alcohol; and tobacco. Our work aids priority setting in prevention and informs policy decisions in 色情网站, low- and middle-income countries, and around the world.
Public Health Nutrition
Researchers: , , ,
Our research covers both undernutrition and overnutrition, including micronutrient deficiencies in different population groups internationally and within 色情网站. The major focus is to identify the determinants of malnutrition and poor dietary behaviours, and to design and test appropriate nutrition interventions at a community level to improve the nutritional status in the population. Our team has a strong track record in conducting randomised control trials.