Connecting worldwide

is an agreement between educational institutions to share access to their wireless networks. Being part of the federation allows Griffith staff and students visiting another institution to connect to the eduroam Wi-Fi network.

Add the eduroam network to your devices in a few quick steps.

Eduroam in hospitals

Many Queensland health providers are a part of the eduroam federation

Eduroam for Griffith staff and students

eduroam is available at over 500 sites worldwide. For a full list, visit 

QUDIT has partnered with Griffith University and other institutions to deploy eduroam at health precincts across Queensland. .

Members of the Griffith community need to configure their device when onsite at Griffith. View connection guides via the eduroam section of Griffith Wi-Fi.

Connect to eduroam

Please check with visited institution's eduroam support pages for a list of resources available to you.

Visitors to Griffith University

If you're from another university or institution that uses eduroam, you can also connect on all Griffith University campuses.

Visitors should set up access with your own IT support staff before you arrive at Griffith.

To connect on campus, go to Wi-Fi settings on your device and select the eduroam network. Enter the login details as provided by your home institution.

When connecting to eduroam at Griffith, you are required to comply with our University Information Technology Code of Practice.

Information Technology Code of Practice

Network access for visitors is provided free of charge.

Please note: access is limited to SSH , HTTP, mail and VPN services

Access details

Access continues to be limited to http, https and ftp. Users will receive an 'access denied' message if they try and visit inappropriate sites.

Griffith staff and students using Queensland Health facilities should now be able to use the VPN service to connect back to Griffith.

Users that are roaming will notice the service dropout and reconnect as they move through those parts of the hospitals without wireless coverage.

Queensland Health

Contact for queries about connecting to eduroam at QLD health providers.

General information about eduroam in Queensland is also available at .

Conditions of use

All users of the service must read and accept the Griffith University Information Technology Code of Practice and the eduroam national policy before connecting to eduroam. Please note that eduroam is available to users over 18 years of age or those users who have acquired parental consent to use the “non-filtered” internet access.

Contact us

General enquiries

Visit Internet access services for more information.

Faults and problems with wireless access services should be logged with IT Service Centre.

Service Catalogue

(07) 3735 5555 Brisbane

(07) 5552 5555 Gold Coast

Common questions