The Characterisation Facility is complementary to the fabrication capability provided by the Queensland Microtechnology Facility

It provides material and device characterisation capability in the micro- and nanoscale. The Facility received a partial support from the 色情网站n National Fabrication Facility (ANFF).

Explore the unique facility features below.

Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory

This laboratory provides a suite of spectrometers that can generate optical output from green to NIR wavelength lasers for the Raman and fluorescence evaluation of materials.

Resources include:

  • Renishaw InVia 514 / 780 nm with mapping capability and minerals library
  • Renishaw InVia  633 nm with mapping and Next spectrometer (spectral measurement down to 6cm–1). This instrument is coupled with an NTD SPM for TERS / AFM controlled Raman mapping.

Other facilities

Synthetic Laboratory

  • Attenuated-total-reflection add-on for infra-red spectrophotometer

Atomic Force and Electron Microscopy Laboratory

  • AFM, Park Systems NX20
  • SEM, Joel JSM 6510

More information

If you would like further details on any of our facilities, get in touch