Micro- and nanotechnology relies on the ability to design and control the surface of materials

It also relies on interaction with other materials or fluids, such as at interfaces, in porous materials and in membranes. This research area is critical for the development structured interfaces, such as silver antibacterial surfaces and mineral-processing technologies.

Key themes

This project covers three key themes, including:

  • sustainable energy technologies
  • novel devices and materials
  • theory and modelling.

Advances for industry

As part of this project, our members are involved in studies that will lead to advances in the health, energy and mining industries.

Such studies include:

  • research on the design of materials for clean energy applications
  • commercially oriented research on design of surfaces and interfaces for memory applications
  • applied research on the development surfaces for environmentally friendly mineral flotation and gas storage
  • and theoretical and computational research on the passage of fluids through pores and the interaction between surfaces.

Project team

Project leader:

Team members: , , , and

Connect and collaborate

If you would like to work, study or collaborate with us, get in touch