How do I register?
All teams and individuals must register online. Select your chosen Social Sport and follow the appropriate 'register now' links. If you already have a team of friends then register as a full team. If you do not have a full team then register as just an Individual player. For more information regarding registering for a competition check out the “Individual Information” or the “Captains Corner” on the Social Sport website.
Can I participate in social sport if I do not have a team?
Yes, you will need to register as an individual by clicking on the 'register as an individual' for each sport competition. We will then put you in a team with other players who have also registered individually.
If you would like to be put in the same team as a friend, simply email the Social Sport Coordinator ( once you have signed up, with your name and your friend's name and we can put you in a team together. We can only place up to 3 individuals together on the same team. If you have more friends that want to play together then you will need to look at signing up as a full team.
What sports are on offer?
Griffith University offers the following social sport competitions:
- 5-a-side soccer (women's, mixed and men's)
- 7-a-side soccer (mixed and men’s)
- Basketball (mixed and men's)
- Flag Gridiron (opens) - Returning 2024
- Lacrosse 6's (mixed)
- Netball (women’s and mixed)
- Touch football (mixed)
- Ultimate (opens) - Returing 2024
- Volleyball (mixed)
Find out more on the social sport page.
What are the maximum numbers of players I can have on my team roster?
This is dependent on the type of sport. Each sport page has their guidelines that will have the maximum number of players. Click on a sports “competition guidelines” to find out your minimum and maximum player numbers.
Are there multiple divisions available in each sport?
Yes, depending on the number of teams registered in a competition there may be up to three divisions available for each sport in a season. Initial playing divisions are allocated to teams that register into a competition first, so be sure to sign up your team early. Game results are always evaluated after the 2nd round of matches and teams will be moved up or down divisions as required based on the match results from these rounds. For more information about grading please refer to the Social Sport Terms & Conditions.
Do you need to be a Griffith University student or staff member to compete?
Not at all. Griffith Sport competitions are open to everyone. You do not need to be a Griffith University student or staff member to participate. We welcome those from the general community or corporate teams and individuals to come and participate in our Social Sport competitions.
Inclusive Play?
Griffith Sport understands that there is a diverse range of gender expressions and identities. All persons are welcome to participate in Griffith Sport Social Sport competitions in the teams that best reflect their gender. Depending on the sport competitions different gender requirements may be required.
For more information please refer to our gender inclusion policy located in the Social Sport Terms & Conditions or alternatively contact our friendly admin team at
Additional details about Griffith Sports diversity and inclusion strategy, programs & guidelines can be viewed on the dedicated Griffith Sport Pride Website.
What is the minimum age requirement?
Our competitions are open to all participants regardless of their skill and ability. Some competitions offer a range of divisions dependent on registration numbers. Griffith Social Sport competitions are all classed under the 'open' age category, meaning you can be any age to play. We advise competitors that they play at their own risk with the common age of participants being 16 – 50 years old. We recommend being 16 years or older purely because children will be playing against adults and there's a general difference in weight and height. However, you are participating at your own risk.
Where are the competitions played?
All competitions are held at Griffith University's Nathan or Mt Gravatt campuses in Brisbane, Queensland. Please refer to the sport specific pages for relevant location information of match locations.
What is required by teams when arriving for games?
All teams are required to sign in at the competition desk with the sport convenor on arrival before their scheduled game each week. No player can participate in a game unless they are registered on the team roster and signed in when they arrive for their match.
What happens if I get injured?
To be covered by injury insurance, you need to ensure you are registered correctly to your playing team prior to the start of the first game of the season. Each competition has an onsite Convenor who is first-aid qualified and there to assist should there be an injury during a game. If you or a teammate are injured you must report this to the Sport Convenor on duty during your match. Further details and information can be found in our injury and insurance information page.
What is the wet weather policy?
During wet weather, Griffith Sport staff can cancel or delay games. We will make every reasonable effort to inform teams of cancellations. Primary notification of a scheduled match on game day will be through a post on the . In some cases we will email and/or call team captains, though due to the number of teams playing this is not always possible. It is a team captain's responsibility to let their team members know of any cancellations.
Do not assume the game will be cancelled, as weather is very unpredictable. Outdoor competitions allow an extra week for wet-weather or other cancelled games. Further information regarding wet weather and cancelled matches can be found in the Social Sport Terms & Conditions.
Please note matches can be played in wet weather depending on the sport and venue. Teams should be prepared to play in the rain unless their competitions has been called off.
How do I become a social sport convenor or social sport official (referee or umpire)?
Please complete an expression of interest form on the match officials page and contact our admin team at