Social sport terms and conditions
In order to create a fun, safe and fair environment for social sport we have outlined a set of rules that teams must abide by. By participating in social sport you acknowledge that you have accepted these terms and conditions.
Terms & Conditions
Changes & Updates
Due to the ongoing and continuous nature of Social Sport competitions, these terms and conditions are subject to review, additional conditions, and changes at any time. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they regularly familiarize themselves with all the terms and conditions that pertain to them. Every Participant & Attendee to a Social Sport activity / event / facility understands and agrees to the above terms and it is the sole responsible of the individual to adhere to the following conditions that are set forth:
Once you have successfully registered in your desired competition, a confirmation email will be sent to your team captain. It is the team captain’s responsibility to check enrolment listed is correct and to inform the Social Sport Coordinator of any change needed. All correspondence regarding the competitions will be sent to the nominated team captain throughout the season, primarily through email. This can include updates, news and fixtures information. The team captain is responsible for all communications to their team members for the duration of the season.
Griffith Sport monitors all team names that are chosen and will be in contact with team captains if the team names need to be changed to something more acceptable or your chosen name is already in use by another team.
Divisions & grades
When a sufficient number of teams register into a single sport competition, teams will be further divided into playing divisions. The number of divisions and the number of teams that are in each division is entirely dependent on the registration numbers of each competition. Where possible teams will be placed in divisions based off the paying grade that they initial selected for their team at the time of registration.
Playing grade ranks are as follows:
- Competitive - Great for skilled teams that want to compete against the best teams in a competition
- Intermediate - The go to grade for teams that have played before and are improving in ability and skill
- Beginner - Select if your team is new to playing and players are still developing game skills
By registering in a social sport competition all teams agree to placement and movement of teams in divisions by the the Social Sport administration team. All efforts will be made to make divisions that contain teams with similar playing abilities, however teams with higher or lower gradings may need to be placed in a division different to their initial selection. In 10 & 8 week competitions match results will be reviewed after the completion of the second round of matches and teams will be moved up or down divisions where required and applicable. Teams that complete their registration & payment first will get priority when initial placed in divisions which best match their selected playing grade. Due to the short nature of 5 week competitions teams will not be moved between divisions once the competition commences. Depending on overall team numbers in a competition they may not be multiple divisions available in each competition for each season. Refunds are not available to teams that are not placed in their preferred division or are moved to different divisions during a season.
Game times
Social Sport matches are scheduled at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm and 9pm on game nights Monday - Thursday and at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm and 5pm on Sunday Afternoons.
- Teams that register into the competition can request to have or not have specific game time preferences.
*Game time request can only be made after a full team payment has been received. - *Time preferences must be submitted via email to the social sport coordinator prior to the close of registrations at
- *Teams requesting time preferences must ensure that their request includes at least 2 playable time slots.
*Individually registered participants cannot request game time preferences.
It is not possible to get all matches at the preferred time(s) however all attempts will be made to have the majority of your games at your teams preferred playing times. - *Refunds are NOT available for teams or individuals if matches are not scheduled at their preferred time(s).
- *Due to their nature, game time preferences can not be applied to finals matches and teams should be prepared to be available to play at all game timeslots in the final 2 weeks of a competition.
Please note competitions are 10, 8 or 5 weeks in duration, which includes finals. Seasonal duration information can be found on each sports web page.
Bye matches
When there are an uneven number of teams in a division a bye game will be included in the draw. If your team is scheduled for a bye match then there will be no game played and the team will be awarded 3 competition points and the relevant for and against game score for their sport. Discounts, subsidies or refunds are not available to teams or individuals solely due to their division containing a bye match in the seasons fixtures schedule.
All fixtures will be generated in the days following the close of registrations. Team captains & Individual registered players will be emailed as soon as possible and no less than 24 hours in advance of the first fixture date. Fixtures for the entire season are available from Round 1, teams are able to view their upcoming games via the links on the Social Sport Website. Game times may change throughout the season due to weather, opposing team forfeits etc. It is the responsibility of the team captain to make sure that the team is aware of their upcoming game time for each week by regularly checking the live fixtures schedule online.
Semi Final & Grand Final fixtures will not be available until 5 days prior to nights matches. A preliminary finals fixture schedule is available from the beginning of each season however these game times are subject to change. Teams should not assume or expect these future matches to be scheduled at the match times listed at the start of the season.
Should a change to the draw occur within 24 hours of the competition, the team captain will be notified by email and where possible via phone as well. When generated, fixtures and results for each sport will be posted on Social Sport Website.
Once you have successfully registered in your desired competitions, you'll receive a confirmation email. You need to ensure that you have registered and paid to be considered to go into a team. Team placings are allocated in a first-in, first-served basis.
Participants who register up individually will be grouped together with other individuals who have similarly registered to form a brand new team with which they will pay on for the season. Individuals will not be placed onto already established teams. Individual teams will have a total number of players assigned to the team between the minimum and maximum number of allowed for each sport.
Griffith Sport will attempt, where possible, to put friends into the same team, however this happens at a maximum of three fully registered and paid participants (such as you and two others). If you have more than this, you will need to look at the full team registration option. Please note you must email the Social Sport Convenor prior to registrations closing in order to be considered. Refunds are not available for individuals who are not placed together on a team if the above conditions have not been met.
All fixtures will be generated once registrations have closed and each individual will be emailed with the full list of your teammates with names, emails, and phone numbers. You then discuss between your team regarding team uniforms etc.
Sport-specific rules are available under each sport on Social sport . All players have a responsibility to know and adhere to the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be limited to prior to the commencement of games or during breaks considering the limited time slots for games.
If a player has a concern about a referee or official’s calls, they may approach the sport convenor for the competition. These convenors can be identified as they wear a red Griffith Sport polo shirt. The convenor will determine whether the rulings are fair and assist where needed. All rules made by officials and convenors are final.
Further rule clarifications can be sort at anytime by contacting the Social Sport Coordinator via email at
Player eligibility
- All participating players must be fully registered with Griffith Sport by registering into their chosen sport and team on the website. Individual registrations should simply register as an individual and we will place them into a team. All team captains are responsible for ensuring that every team member is officially registered within their team prior to taking part in any competition.
- Teams that play matches with players not registered against their online team roster will forfeit their game score. Continued breaches of this requirement will result in teams being removed from the competition. No refund or competition is available for teams that are removed from a competition due to ineligible and unregistered players.
- All players must be appropriately signed in for every game prior to taking the field/court. This is achieved by signing in at the competition desk prior to the game for field sports or by listing a players first and last name on the scoresheet for all court sports. Photo ID may be required to confirm identity of players at the time of sign in.
The Match Official and the Convenor must be notified of any suspected player eligibility breaches as soon as possible. Action against the offending team(s) will only be taken if the aforementioned staff are notified prior to the conclusion of the Half Time break for any given match. Breaches of these rules will result in a forfeit match for the offending team(s). If breaches occur in multiple matches during a season, the offending team(s) can be removed from the competition. No refunds will occur.
Griffith student eligibility
Only currently enrolled Griffith University students are eligible to receive the subsidized individual registration rate when signing up for a Social Sport competition. This requirement is the same for student teams who must have at least the minimum number of currently enrolled Griffith University students on there team to be eligible for the subsidized student team rate. Teams may have other non students playing with them so long as they have at least the minimum number of current students on their team for their sport. Individuals found not be be currently enrolled Griffith University students will be charge the public registration fee. Teams found to not have the minimum number of current student players registered on their team will be charge the public registration fee. Until this additional payment is made the ineligible teams & individuals will not be able to participate in any matches. Refusal to make this additional payment will result in removal from the competition without a refund.
Individuals: An individual must be a current Griffith University Student at the time registrations close. They must have their student number recorded online in their player profile.
Teams: A team must have at least the minimum number of current Griffith University Students required for their sport. These players must also be registered against their team at the time registrations close. The Griffith student players each must have their student number recorded online in their player profile. The minimum number of current Griffith University Students required for each sport are as follows:
Sport Competition | Minimum Number of Griffith Students | Maximum Number of Players per Team |
5-a-side Soccer | 5 | 10 |
7-a-side Soccer | 7 | 12 |
Basketball | 5 | 10 |
Netball | 7 | 12 |
Touch Football | 6 | 12 |
Volleyball | 6 | 12 |
Individuals and teams that fail to have recorded verified student number(s) on their profile by the close of registration will have the resulting balance owing charged to their account. Failure to make this additional required payment will result in removal from the competition without a refund.
Gender eligibility
Griffith Sport understands that gender diversity refers to a diverse range of gender expressions and identities and welcomes all persons to Griffith Sport events. Individuals participating in Social Sport competitions will be required to identify as male or female when creating a player profile for the purpose of participating in certain competitions. Griffith Sport does recognise gender divisions endorsed by National Sporting Organisations, which may be as follows:
- Men's: participation is restricted to those who identify as male
- Women's: participation is restricted to those who identify as female
- Open: participation is unrestricted by gender
- Mixed: participation is restricted to the proportion of male and female participants as prescribed in the rules of that particular sport.
Griffith Sport adopts National Sporting Organisation rules, regulations and policies in relation to gender where available and in line with anti-discrimination laws. Griffith Sport also takes into account International Olympic Committee guidelines when it comes to eligibility to compete in male and female competitions. It may be inappropriate to offer participation in all competitions where the strength, stamina or physique of competitors is relevant to a sport and on this basis a sport may not be open to all competitors. Griffith Sport will not restrict entry to sports except where strength, stamina or physique is relevant to the sport.
Further information or questions regarding participating in a particular competition can be directed to our helpful admin team at
Additional details about Griffith Sports diversity and inclusion strategy, programs & guidelines can be viewed on the dedicated Griffith Sport Pride Website.
- To be eligible to play in finals matches, players must be fully registered and have played at least half of the scheduled round matches for the team in question.
- In order to be officially recorded as playing in a match, the player must have signed in on the sign in sheet at the competition desk for field sports or had their first and last name recorded on the score sheet for a court sport. In both cases players must also be registered on the online team player roster as well. It is up to the team captain of each team to ensure all players sign in each game and are registered in order to meet this requirement come finals.
- In qualifying finals matches (Semi Final 1 & Semi Final 2) and the Grand Final game teams are not permitted to have fill in players. Exemptions for specific named players can be sort by contacting the Social Sport Coordinator, at least 3 days prior to the finals match outlining the reason for the exemption request .
Prior to finals, the Social Sport Coordinator can send a list of eligible players to the team captain upon request. These listed players will be the only players eligible to play in the final. No exceptions will be made and if found guilty of playing an ineligible player, the team will be disqualified and the next ranked team will take their place.
Finals fixtures & game times are subject to change please refer to "Fixtures" for information relating to the finals schedule.
Scoring & results
Match results
Competition points
Points are awarded in matches as follows:
Win - (3) Points
Bye - (3) Points (For & Against score is recorded the same as a forfeit match)
Draw - (2) Points
Loss - (1) Point
Forfeit - (0) Points (For & Against scores are list in the forfeits section for each sport)
Late Forfeit - (-1) Points (For & Against scores are list in the forfeits section for each sport)
Ladder rankings
- Highest Number of Competition Points
- Largest "For & Against" Difference
- Highest "For" Score
5-a-side Soccer, 7-a-side Soccer, Touch Football, Flag Gridiron & Volleyball
The referee assigned to each match will be the sole scorer for the game. At any time during the match or in the breaks a player can ask the referee for the current score.
Netball & Basketball
At least one representative from each team is required to assist with recording the score and match information on the score-sheet for the duration of the game. This representative can be a substitute player, manager, coach or a supporter. The scorers from each team should sit together when scoring and assist each other to ensure the correct results are recorded. If your team does not have an available representative then you should regularly confer with the opposing team’s scorer to verify the current score. Any questions about how to fill out the score-sheet can be directed to the Match Official or the Sports Convenor.
At the end of each match a player from each team must sight the score-sheet to verify the final game score. It is the responsibility of the team captain to make sure a player from their team has verified the score for their team at the end of the game. If there is any concern about the score this should be raised with the Match Official and the Sports Convenor immediately
If a team cannot get enough players to fill the minimum requirements to start a game, they must inform the Social Sport Coordinator as soon as possible. In order for the Social Sport Coordinator to give adequate notice to opposing teams, the forfeiting team must advise via email at least 24 hours in advance of a weekday game and for any weekend games, notice must be given prior to 2 pm on the Friday before the game. If a late forfeit must be made then an email must be sent to as well as an accompanying direct message to the
The following are the points penalties for forfeiting teams that have notified the Social Sport Coordinator through the correct forfeiture procedure:
Sport | Competition points | For and against score |
Basketball | 0 | 0–25 |
Netball | 0 | 0–15 |
Touch | 0 | 0–5 |
Volleyball | 0 | 0–3 (0–25) |
5-a-side | 0 | 0–10 |
7-a-side | 0 | 0–5 |
If you notify the Social Sport Coordinator less than 24 hours before your game or you fail to notify at all, then you will be deducted one (-1) competition point and penalised the appropriate for and against points for your sport.
A team will also incur a $100 forfeit fine payable through the spawtz profile. Those who have joined an individual team will incur a $20 forfeit fine per individual that is payable through the individuals spawtz profile.
Failure to pay the forfeit fine in the required time will result in subsequent matches being deemed a forfeit, each round until this fee has been paid.
Any teams or individuals with outstanding charges will not be placed into future competitions until all charges in arrears have been paid.
Griffith Sport reserves the right to remove any teams from the competition at any time, without refund, if multiple forfeits occur or if a team or individual has outstanding charges on their account.
General Uniform Rules
- It is compulsory for all players to wear appropriate enclosed sports shoes. Prior to the commencement of the game, the referee shall inspect players’ footwear to ensure that they are appropriate. If they are deemed not to be appropriate, the player will not be able to take the field.
- No player can take the court while wearing jewellery of any kind. This must be removed prior to the game. The referee will ask any player breaking this rule to remove the piece of jewellery before participating in the game.
- Long or sharp fingernails are to be trimmed, taped or covered with approved gloves.
Sport-specific uniform rules also apply for all Social Sport Competitions.
5-a-side Soccer, 7-a-side soccer, Touch Football
- All participating players are to wear a set of matching playing tops with numbers on the back. Each player is to wear an identical coloured shirt and it must be numbered on the back at minimum of 15 cm high and at least 1cm thick. Iron on numbers are recommend but drawn on or painted on numbers are also acceptable so long as they are at least 1cm think.
- No taped numbers allowed
- In sports where there is a goal keeper, this person may wear a different coloured top to that of the rest of the team. A bib of contrasting colour may be used if desired. Teams are expected to provide their own bib to use if this is the case.
- Alternatively teams can opt to wear numbered playing bibs instead of a uniform provided that each team member has an identically coloured playing bib. Teams must provide their own set of bibs for the duration of the competition.
- If there is a clash between teams, a set of bibs will be provided by the Sports Convenor to distinguish between both teams, which will need to be returned at the end of the game. Should they not be returned at the conclusion of the game, a $50 fine will apply.
- All participating players are to wear the same colour/ pattern playing bib which is consistent and identical for all team members.
- Teams must provide their own set of bibs for the duration of the competition.
- If there is a clash between teams, alternate coloured bibs will be provided by the Sports Convenor to distinguish between both teams. Should they not be returned at the conclusion of the game, a $50 fine will apply.
- All teams must wear matching tops. Numbers must be visible on the back of the playing top, it is also preferred but not required for numbers to be displayed on the front of the playing top as well. No player from the same team may wear the same number. Numbers must only be 4–15, 20–25, 30–35 and so on. Numbers on the back must be a minimum of 15 cm high and at least 1cm thick. Iron on numbers are recommend but drawn on or painted on numbers are also acceptable so long as they are at least 1cm think.
- Alternatively teams can opt to wear numbered playing bibs instead of a uniform provided that each team member has an identically coloured playing bib. Teams must provide their own set of bibs for the duration of the competition.
- If there is a clash between teams, a set of bibs will be provided by the Sports Convenor to distinguish between both teams which will need to be returned at the end of the game. Should they not be returned at the conclusion of the game, a $50 fine will apply.
All teams are to wear a set of matching playing tops that are identical colour.
Breach of uniform rules
From round 3 of the competition in 8 & 10 week long seasons, each team that does not meet the requirement under the uniform guidelines for their sport, eg: identical colours with the correct numbers displayed on the back, then the offending team will be deducted 1 competition point.
Example 1: The team’s uniform is a black shirt with numbers on the back. One player is wearing a red shirt with a number on the back and another player is wearing a black shirt with no number. The team will be deducted a competition point
Example 2: Two players on the same team have the same uniform and the same number: The team wil be deducted a competition point
Example 3: Two players from one team and one player from the opposing team are not in the correct uniform. Each team will be deducted a competition point
Wet Weather & Game Cancellations
In the case of games being rained out or cancelled, a message will be placed on the . We highly recommend all participants like and follow the Social Sport Facebook Page so that notification updates regarding the competition can be received in a timely manner. Calls are made about the status of a night's competition as early as possible, as soon as a call is made to postpone games it will be announced on the Social Sport Facebook Page. Due to the unpredictable nature of the weather in the Brisbane region matches maybe cancelled the day before a competition, hours before the start of the competition or midway through an evenings games. If there is no wet weather or cancellation post on the Facebook Page, then games will still go ahead as scheduled. It should not be assumed that if the local conditions where participants reside are unfavourable that conditions at the playing venue are identical. It is the responsibility of the team captain to check if games have been cancelled; Griffith Sport may not be able to individually contact each team. Each sporting facility can operate under varying weather conditions, teams should always use the aforementioned procedure to confirm the status of the nights Social Sport matches.
Griffith Sport will aim to reschedule any rained-out or cancelled matches, although we operate under strict time limitations. Matches where by at least half of the game time has been played will be deemed completed and the match result will be the score at the time the match is abandoned. The results of these matches will be recorded as the score at the time the game had to be abandoned. Rescheduled matches may result in rounds where teams will play double header matches on a given night. If there is an instance where we are unable to reschedule matches these games will be declared not played. Results for these matches will be treated as a draw and two competition points will be award to any teams affected that round.
Should any finals games be rained out/unplayable, all steps will be taken to reschedule the game where possible.
A player may call for ‘time' due to an injury or illness, although the decision to stop play shall be at the sole discretion of the Match Official. If a player is injured, it is their or their team mates responsibility to immediately inform the Match Official.
For a minor injury, the injured player or a bystander can seek the Social Sport Convenor who is the dedicated first aid officer on site. In the case of medical emergencies, or where the injured player can not leave the playing area of their own accord, the Match Official will remain with the injured player and send somebody else to inform the Sport Convenor of the emergency. The Sports Convenor will provide any first aid treatment that is required and to complete an Injury Report Form with the injured individual. The injury report form must be completed by the injured or another responsible person before they leave the venue. Failure to complete an injury report at the time of the incident will effect the injured parties ability to access insurance coverage in the future.
During time for injury, all players must remain on the playing area unless assisting with the injury or following the direction(s) of the Match Official. In the event that a player is bleeding, they must inform the referee and leave the field immediately and not return until the wound has been cleaned and all blood and blood stained items have been removed and covered. Sport equipment that has been contaminated must be cleaned and any bodily fluids removed from then before the match can be resumed. If a player notices blood or other containments on the match ball, equipment, clothing or players they should inform the Match Official immediately so that source can be found and the items cleaned.
The Match Official can stop a game for any period of time to deal with an injury, time for medical emergencies will not be added on to the match time. Should a medical emergency result in less than half the game being played then all attempts will be made for the match to be replayed. If a rescheduled match is not possible then the game will be deemed a draw and each team will receive two competition points.
All registered participants in Social Sport competitions are covered by players insurance for the duration of each sporting season. Particapatants must be fully registered for their team via, individuals that are not registered in the system are ineligable for insurance coverage. Teams playing with ineligable players will have their match results forfeited and repeat offences can result in teams being removed from the competition. See "Player Eligabilty" for more details on registering players.
While your participation in our competition is covered by personal accident insurance, this insurance defines an accident as a sudden, external and identifiable event that happens by chance and could not have been expected from the perspective of the Covered Person. As such, coverage for an injury may be limited or not provided, based on the assessment by the insurance provider. To be eligable for insurance coverage all injuries must be reported to the Sports Convenor at the time of the injury. Failure to report an injury at the time of the incident can affect the prospects of an insurance claim.
More information regarding injury and insurance information can be found on the injury and insurance information page. Before making an insurance claim contact the Social Sport admin team in writting at so we can assist you with the claims process as required.
Safety Recommendations
All participants in any Social Sport competition play at their own risk. Griffith Sport recommends the use of approved injury-reduction items by players during matches.
Medical Conditions: we request that you advise us of any pre-existing medical condition that may impact your ability to play at least one business day before a scheduled match. Our goal is to have as many people participate in our competitions as possible, however consideration must be given to your safety and that of other competitors. Based on the information provided, we may request from you a clearance from a registered medical professional which specifies clearance to play in “Griffith Social Sport competitions”.
Medical Devices or other external objects (eg. arm casts, braces, other): Individuals are unable to participate in matches if they have a hard medical cast on any part of their body. Assessment on other items may be visually completed by match officials.
A player with a medical device or equipment which remains on their person; has the potential to stop the flow of a game, and/or cause injury to another player, must be disclosed. If you are in doubt or concerned about whether you may be allowed to take the field/court, please contact the Social Sport Coordinator so an assessment can be made. A request must come at least one business day before a scheduled match. The Sport Convenors decision on game day is final, if no prior confirmation has been sought from the Social Sport Coordinator.
Glasses: Griffith Sport highly recommends any individuals with vision impairments refrain from wearing standard seeing glasses when participating in any sport competition. Contact lens or prescription sport glasses should be worn as an alternative to prevent injury if a player is struck in the face with a ball.
Jewellery: To prevent injury to oneself and others all jewellery must be removed prior to the commencement of any match. Jewellery includes but is not limited to: rings, watches, bands (including fitness devices), earrings, studs and other piercings. In approved circumstances ear or face studs and piercings can be properly covered instead of being removed. This permission should be sort prior to a match commencing by speaking to the Sports Convenor. Unless otherwise confirmed in writing prior to the match the referee has final discretion regarding the use or wearing of any forms of jewellery.
Fingernails: Fingernails that are of excessive length need to be cut prior to the commencement of a match so that the nail does not extend past the end of the finger. Approved playing gloves may be worn instead of having the nails trimmed.
Shin guards and pads: Griffith Sport recommends all participants wear shin guards or pads when playing in any soccer competition.
Refunds are only available if requested at least five working days prior to a competitions registration closing date at Griffith Sport’s discretion. In order to apply for a refund, an individual or team must submit their case in writing via email to the Social Sport Coordinator, taking note of the time frame required. All refunds of this nature will require an administration fee deducted from any fees paid. After this time no refunds are available.
Should a competition fail to go ahead at all due to limited number of registrations, Griffith Sport will contact all individuals and teams to advise of this and the steps required to get a refund in this case.
Refunds are only available for registration fees and do not include transaction fees, merchant fees or service fees that may have been incurred at the time of registration.
From the time of processing, refunds can take up to 10 working days to arrive in the account linked to your registration payment. This time can vary based on your financial institution. Account holders will be informed via email when their refund has been processed and the expect time of completition. Any questions or concerns regarding pending refunds can be direct to the admin team at
Refunds or discounts are not available to teams or individuals due to there being Bye matches in their competition.
Mistakes or Errors in the registration process are not eligable for refunds. It is the responisbility of the individual completing a registration to make sure that they are aware of the competition information including; player requirements, day, time and location prior to making a payment . This includes the application of any eligable student pricing codes.
No refunds are available for individuals or teams that withdraw once the competition season has started. The season commences the day after registrations close.
Individuals or Teams removed from the competition due to breaches of the terms & conditions are not eligible for Refunds.
In some instances Transfers of registration to other competitions / seasons or account credits maybe be used or requested instead of refund. Such instances are up to the sole disgression of the Social Sport admin team.
Dogs & Pets
No animals are permitted at any sport facility or social sport match unless the animal in question is a certified guide, hearing or assistance dog and the person in question holds and is able to produce a handlers’ identity card issued under the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009. Further information regarding Griffith University policies regarding animals at venues can be found in section 4.3.2 of the University Campus Access and Use Policy.
Griffith campuses are Regulated Parking Areas (Griffith University Act 1998) and parking must be paid for where signed. It is the responsibility of the person in charge of a motor vehicle to ensure that they parked their vehicle in accordance with the parking requirements and regulations at their current location. For information regarding parking locations, parking rates & infringement fees please visit
Lost Property
Any items that are located or handed in will be held in lost property at each Social Sport Venues. If you have lost an item at Social Sport please contact the Social Sport Coordinator at describing the item and any relevant additional details that may help our staff locate your property and return it to you. If items have been lost recently and you are present at a sport venue, individuals can also ask the night convenor in person if items have been located and placed in lost property.
Any loss or damage that occurs to personal items brought or used during any Social Sport program, activity or event is not the responsibility of Griffith Sport. Items left in lost property will be disposed of frequently throughout the year. Griffith Sport also takes no liability or responsibility for items that have been left in lost property for extended periods of time.
Media & Publications
Social Sport participants consent to the use of their name, image, photographs, video and comments in any publications and marketing in relation to Social Sport by Griffith University.
Approval to film and / or photograph Social Sport, facilities, activities, events and participants must be sort in writing to the Social Sport Co-Ordinator at This must be requested at least 3 business days in advance. Any such activities occurring without approval will be required to cease.
Privacy Statement
Griffith Sport collects, stores, and uses personal information only for the purposes of administering Griffith Sport programs and services. The information collected will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements. For further information, consult the University's Privacy Statement.
Conduct of Players and Teams
This competition is social and is conducted in a positive environment. All players and spectators must conduct themselves in a respectful, safe and appropriate manner.
Griffith Sport does not tolerate rough play, abusive or derogatory language, back chat, any negative behaviour or challenge to the referee’s authority (or similar). Team captains must take responsibility for their teams and ensure all matches are contested in the spirit of the game. Players participating as individuals on an assigned team will treat their new team members fairly and with respect while partaking in any Social Sport competition.
All participants are to respect and treat their fellow players on their own and opposing teams with the same vigor they would the match official(s). Participants are not to tease, bully, belittle, disrespect, make fun of or discriminate against anyone present or participating in a social sport competition. All Social Sport participants and spectators agree to the Griffith Sport Pride code of behaviour and the zero tolerance of discriminatory behaviour towards people based on race, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status. Any inappropriate behavior or conduct by participants who have registered as an individual in the competition will be dealt with under the Griffith University Social Sport Disciplinary Regulations. Any serious breaches will result in an individual or team being removed from the competition without a refund.
Additional details about Griffith Sports diversity and inclusion strategy, programs & guidelines can be viewed on the dedicated Griffith Sport Pride Website.
No player or spectator can be under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst at the sporting venues. Such behaviour will result in immediate removal of offenders from the premises.
Team captains may speak to match officials during games to get clarifications on any rulings that have occurred during a game. During free flowing play, a match official will not be able to stop and have a long conversation or discussion. If there is a complex or lengthy inquiry then these discussions with the match official should be had during breaks between halves or at the end of a match. If you still require clarification or your matter is urgent then please immediately proceed directly to the Social Sport Convenor. The Convenor is present during game nights to assist individuals and teams with any questions or issues that may arise. At the conclusion of a game additional support can be sort by contacting the Social Sport Co-ordinator at
The match official is entitled to send off any player at any stage for any reason for any period of time if they feel it necessary to do so for player safety or their ability to effectively control the game. The decision regarding whether this player can be replaced during this time is at the discretion of the referee.
Dependant on the seriousness of the disciplinary breach, players may be penalised, sent off for a period of time (without being replaced), or sent off for the remainder of the match. A player sent off for the match can take no further part in that game or the next game. No substitute player is allowed to replace a player who is sent off in the game in which the dismissal occurred. The team of a player sent off from a match in such circumstances will also be deducted one (-1) competition point.
At the discretion of the Sport Convenor and Griffith Sport Management, serious infringements by any player, team official or spectator will be further investigated in accordance with the Griffith University Social Sport Disciplinary Regulations. Any concerns about the conduct of players or teams should be raised immediately with the match official, the Social Sport Convenor and the Social Sport Coordinator at
Contact us
Social sport enquiries
Connect on social media
Competition feedback
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our competitions?