Griffith is a leader in sustainable business, technology and innovation
As a business, and as a business education provider, Griffith University has sustainability at the forefront in many ways.
Our internal technology management policies champion sustainable practice, while these values are also embedded in our curriculum and research. Find out more about our sustainable procurement activities and modern slavery policy.
We’re preparing tomorrow’s industry leaders with the skills and ability to adapt using innovative thinking and sustainable practices.
Sustainable Development Goals
Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and committed to tackling global challenges around decent work, innovative industry and creative and sustainable cities and communities.
Sustainable Investment
Griffith University seeks to invest in a sustainable manner, considering the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and modern corporate practices in making investment decisions. We are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our investments and to investing in an ethical way considering social and environmental factors. Compliant with Queensland Law, the University invests principally in the Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Capital Guaranteed Cash Fund, the Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) Short Term Income Fund and the QIC Long Term Diversified Fund.
The QTC Capital Guaranteed Cash Fund invests most of its funds in medium-term floating rate notes, discount securities, and cash, in banks and financial institutions with no direct exposure to fossil fuels. QIC is a signatory to the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) initiative and has adopted a Responsible Investment Policy that outlines its commitment to the principles of the UNPRI . As part of this, QIC is obligated to integrate responsible investment initiatives into its investment practices and provide annual reports on its progress, including progress related to low carbon initiatives. Find out more about .
As of 2023, 68.1% per cent of our combined portfolios at Griffith University had responsible investment credentials with the remainder largely having no direct exposure to fossil fuels. We will take measures to divest investments from carbon-intensive energy industries notably coal and oil by continuing to collaborate with other Queensland universities to work towards fossil free, affordable clean energy investment options to be made available under Queensland Law within the QIC .
Griffith Business School
The Griffith Business School is a signatory to the UN and the UN .
Griffith’s MBA has ranked No.1 overall in the Corporate Knight Magazine Better World MBA Rankings for three consecutive years 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 as the world’s most sustainable MBA.
Industry outcomes
Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT)
GIFT provides innovative solutions to help businesses, destinations and communities understand and plan for a sustainable tourism future.
Tourism, perhaps more than any other sector, can enable communities to meet sustainable development goals. Our aim is to map our research against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as we work towards a sustainable tourism future for all generations, nationalities and cultures.
Contact Griffith Sustainability
Griffith Sustainability Room 0.08, Building N23, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan QLD, 4111