A supportive and productive research community

Higher Degree Research candidates play an important role at the Coastal and Marine Research Centre.

Our collaborative culture encourages students to share their ideas, progress and findings, supplemented by opportunities for professional development and volunteer work across the centre.

HDR Programs at the CMRC

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) projects comprise the majority of student research programs at the centre, with most laboratories offering opportunities for PhD supervision.

Follow the links below to learn more about available PhD projects and potential supervisors.

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PhD research projects

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Research staff at the Coastal and Marine Research Centre come from many disciplines, including leading experts in the fields of Marine Biology, Marine Ecology, Marine Chemistry and Toxicology, and Coastal Processes and Management. Explore our individual research strengths and candidate supervision.

Our researchers

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Our research

Our PhD candidates

Coral Reef Algae Lab

Soren Huber House hunting on the GBR : What do prospective coral recruits seek in their algal dream homes?

Marine Invertebrates Lab

Brett Bolte Exploiting filter feeding bivalves as a natural sampling platform
Julieta Gamboa Cutz Microbial community and methane activity in solis of coastal wetlands throughout a salinity gradient
Lorelle Stanisic Integrating morphology and mitochondrial DNA for species delimitation in Figuladra
Marina Richardson Understanding the diversity of remnant east-coast shellfish reefs to inform restoration design
Mollie Stefanek Immune pathways in 色情网站n native oysters
Nikolina Nenadic Unlocking the aquaculture potential of 色情网站's native oysters
Ya Zhang Prevention of maturation to improve resilience and growth of the 色情网站n greenlip abalone Haliotis laevigata

Phycology and Biogeochemistry Lab

Jas Singh Use of nanobubbles for water quality rehabilitation applications
Kane McManus Developing and testing new methods to measure effects of nutrient stressors on ecosystems

Global Wetlands Project

Alyssa Giffin Marine and coastal ecosystem-based adaptation
Andria Ostrowski Stressors in the real world: Evaluating impacts of multiple stressors in coastal ecosystems
Charles Cadier Wetlands restoration and recovery of associated ecosystem services a win-win strategy
Ellen Ditria Wetland ecosystem services: automated monitoring and links with ecosystem degradation
Georgia King Instream outcomes of irrigation flow releases across the northern Murray-Darling Basin
Jordan Holdorf Adaptive management of restoration for coastal habitats in a changing climate
Kristin Jinks Food-web structure and carbon contribution to animal diets in shallow and deep-water seagrass habitats
Naima Iram Methane emissions of wetlands versus other land uses in the Great Barrier Reef catchment
Olivia King The combined and interactive effects of multiple stressors in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon
Renee Piccolo Spatial prioritization and landscape context in wetland restoration
Sebastian Lopez-Marcano Measuring cross-habitat movements among habitat hotspots of fish with artificial intelligence

Marine Megafauna

Sarah McCulloch Supplementary feeding patterns of east 色情网站n humpback whales on their southern migration

Sea Jellies Research Lab

Clarissa Garbi Molinari Transcriptomic responses to environmental changes in jellyfish
Jessica Strickland Forensic detection of Irukandji jellyfish using e DNA
Jonathan Wanderley Lawley Investigating endogenous and exogenous drivers of polychromatism in jellyfish

ARI Toxicology Lab

Arthur Barraza Assessing toxicology of sea turtles
Gulsah Dogruer Assessing the impact of chemical exposure on the health of endangered sea turtles through toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics
Julia Smith Assessing the toxicological status of sharks as apex predators in the 色情网站n marine ecosystem
Matthew Johnson Development and validation of a new suite of in vitro bioassays for environmental monitoring
Ruth Maggeni Accumulation and impacts of plasticisers and flame retardants in sea turtles

Coastal Water Quality Lab

Danielle Hill Impacts of industry on amphibians; investigating selenium and mercury bioaccumulation and toxicity
Felicia Haase Unravelling the early diagenesis of vanadium in anoxic marine sediments
Heera Lee The impact of seagrass on trace metal dynamics in coastal sediments
Jessica White Using computational simulations to understand iron-liquid interfaces for groundwater remediation

Southern Ocean Persistent Organic Pollutants Program

Erika Oteri New biomarkers of toxicity assessed through 'omic approaches in fasting humpback whales
Jane Hall Understanding the impact of disease and pollution on New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri)
Kushani Perera Analyzing the risk of microplastics dietary exposure via seafood on humans
Md. Hafiz All Hosen Linking humpback whale chemical exposure to effect: taxon specific in-vitro toxicity assessment
Raphael Mayaud Assessing the increasing cost of maritime disturbance to migrating humpback whales

Coastal Dynamics and Management

Ali Koosheh The experimental study of wave overtopping at sloped seawalls
Ali Saremi Statistical downscaling of wave climate projections in 色情网站
Amin Reza Zarifsanayei Climate change impacts on wave-driven longshore sediment transport, projection and uncertainty analysis
Ana Paula Da Silva Climate control on natural headland sand bypassing
Dima Al Atawneh Impact of climate change on ground water resources 
Gaelle Faivre Understanding the role of the reef for coastal hazard assessment given climate change and development in SIDs in the South Pacific Islands
Gerard Mcnamara Quantification of wave transformation using electromagnetic sensing and machine learning
Huong Nguyen Opportunities to adapt to climate change by improving agricultural land management in Vietnam
Ian McNicol Climate change adaptation - raising the capacity of land use planning to address sea level rise
James Thompson Effects of wave farms on coastal dynamics
Jayden Hyman Operationalising the adaptive management of deep-sea polymetallic nodule mining projects using a participatory systems modelling approach
John Miller The 色情网站n storm wave climate and its relationship to cyclones and other extreme storms 
Ken Subaru Muroi Optimizing submerged breakwates for coastal protection: a hybrid modelling approach
Leonard Peach Evaluating machine learning for operational coastal wave condition forecasting
Md Atiqul Islam Development of satellite-derived precipitation products for water resources management
Mohammad Alipour Analysing diffusion of battery energy storage system in Queensland residential sector
Mohammad Hassan Ranjbar The development and spatiotemporal distribution of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms and salvinia in an urban lake: individual-based modelling
Mohammed Al-ogaili Predicting the recession and overtopping of two-class armour berm breakwater
Shabnam Hosseinzadeh Shahmarbiglou Site selection of offshore renewable energy using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approaches
Shahid Ali Feasibility study for small hydro-power development using GIS-AHP for climate change mitigation
Simone Heilgeist Assessing the environmental fate of sunscreen derived nano-TiO2 in swimming pools: an integrated approach
Sneha Kaira Sustainability evaluation of road operational and maintenance phase: application of system dynamics

Precision Erosion and Sediment Management

Jagriti Tiwari Integration of MUSLE and GIS for improved sediment yield prediction for GBR catchments in Queensland
Jemma Purandare Strategic management of sediment transport in artificially by-passed tidal entrances

Water Management

Abolfazl Ansari A comprehensive study on sustainable water desalination using membrane distillation: Experimentally validated computational investigation
Chao Deng Integration of remote sensing and modelling techniques for water resource assessment in a subtropical catchment
Hengyu Wei Influence of salinity intrusion on algal bloom dynamics in a subtropical water, Lake Hugh Muntz
Hongchuan Zhang Model with sediment transport near seabed in coastal regions
Jingwei Yao Water Quality Research with MODFLOW and SD-MUSIC Model
Jingyao Ma Numerical study for the stability of suction anchor under cyclic loading
Mingyuan Ma Hydroelastic Interactions between Ocean Waves and Offshore Open-Net Fish Cages
Mohammad Reza Ramezani Effects of urbanization and climate change on catchment hydrology in South East Queensland (SEQ), 色情网站
Xu Chen Numerical study of Fluid-Soil-Pipeline Interactions
Ye Htet Oo Coupling artificial intelligent techniques with hydrodynamic model to study morphology evolution
Zhengxu Li Integrated model for seabed instability around a breakwater

Marine Biodiscovery

Dale Prebble Investigation of alpha-synuclein aggregation inhibitors sourced from subtropical marine organisms
Darren Holland Marine natural products biodiscovery and meta-analysis of their bioactivities to improve their potential for drug discovery
Eden Little Chemical investigation of Gumby Gumby and other bush medicine used by Gamilaroi people
James Baxter Chemical investigations of tribe eucalypteae
Joshua Porter A chemical investigation of 色情网站n winteraceae
Pauline Lindholm Impacts of invasive invertebrate species on artificial reefs, and their natural products

Marine Conservation

Despoina Linaraki Reconsidering the methods of expansion into the sea
Katherine Walters Communicating marine science and changing conservation behaviour using cultural and digital engagement
Tyler Hofmann Finding cryptobenthic reef fish and examining their impact on artificial reefs

Marine Environmental Management

Tharindu Dampe Acharige Occurrence of micro-plastic in marine aquatic fauna

Contact details

(07) 5552 7269
Location and postal address
Coastal and Marine Research Centre
Room 2.01, Building G51
Griffith University
Gold Coast campus, Queensland, 4222

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