Putting Lived Experience at the heart of research

The Lived Experience Network is a part of the Griffith Centre for Mental Health. LEN is a community of people with lived and living experience of mental health challenges, distress and/or trauma who seek to actively participate and shape research. Opportunities exist to participate at varying levels e.g., receiving information about network activities and opportunities, participating in research, through to designing and leading research. We welcome people of diverse ages, backgrounds and skills in research.

Including the voices and stories of people who have experienced mental health concerns and received intervention is an essential element of the Centre’s mission. The Network will help ensure that the people most affected by mental distress are represented, heard and respected in all aspects of our research. By placing the lived experience of people affected by mental distress at the forefront of our efforts—and involving them from the outset and throughout—we can increase our impact and drive positive change more effectively.

If you would like to participate and share your lived experience, you can view our Model of Inclusivity and read our Terms of Reference. You can sign up to the confidential and secure Network database. From time to time, you may receive various calls for expressions of interest in contributing to the co-production of research and evaluation. You will also receive information about the Griffith Centre for Mental Health’s activities, events, workshops and research findings.

Launch Event

8th November 2023

Take 2 minutes to watch this video capturing the essence of our first LEN event - the LEN Launch.  It was a great day and we're proud and excited to share the experience.

Welcome from the Co-Chairs

Welcome to the Lived Experiences Network (LEN). We encourage you to consider engaging with us so that your own experiences might inform the research conducted at the Centre for Mental Health Learning, here at Griffith University.
The wisdom, expertise, and felt knowledge that comes from having a Lived Experience, whether your learning is based on personal or caring engagement, must have a place at the heart of research, this is the intention of the LEN. Together with world-leading researchers, the LEN provides opportunities for voices to shape and contribute to the work which serves our community and contributes to the well-being of us all, across our lifespan.

Honoring the value and need for Lived Experiences, our collaborations position Griffith University at the forefront of such research and innovation. Your voice will be heard in this work which has the potential to revolutionize how we see human experiences and improve the well-being of those who are impacted by adverse responses to distress.

Vicky & Liz

Welcome from the Co-Chairs

Welcome to the Lived Experience Network (LEN). We encourage you to consider engaging with us so that your own experience might inform the research conducted at the Centre for Mental Health, here at Griffith University.

The wisdom, expertise, and felt knowledge that comes from having a Lived Experience, whether your learning is based on personal or caring engagement, must have a place at the heart of research, this is the intention of the LEN. Together with world-leading researchers, the LEN provides opportunities for voices to shape and contribute to the work which serves our community and contributes to the well-being of us all, across our lifespan.

Honoring the value and need for Lived Experience, our collaborations position Griffith University at the forefront of such research and innovation. Your voice will be heard in this work which has the potential to revolutionize how we see human experiences and improve the well-being of those who are impacted by adverse responses to distress.

Vicky & Liz

Meet the Co-Chairs

Liz Asser headshot

Liz Asser

I am a Consultant working in Mental Health drawing upon skills gained as a registered Counsellor with training in supervision and specialisation in Lived Experience Practice. I am also a teacher with 30 years’ experience, 10 of these delivering training and supporting adults to achieve qualifications in Community Services and Mental Health.

My passion is in building capacity with people so that they might realise their own potential, this is what most appealed to me about the Lived Experience Network. Seeking opportunities to engage with people, to enable sharing of stories, experiences, and ways of improving our understanding of human distress and recovery.

Vicky Stewart headshot V4

Vicky Stewart

I have worked at Griffith University for over 15 years, teaching postgraduate mental health courses, and researching with the aim of improving service delivery for people experiencing mental distress. While my lofty research plans have a way to go, I am passionate about finding new ways of doing things and appreciate the opportunity to co-lead the foundation of the Lived Experience Network (LEN) for the Griffith Centre for Mental Health.

LEN provides the opportunity for people to join, share and through strength in numbers have an opportunity to shake things up, think creatively and do something different. My hope is that LEN can be part of that voice.

Vicky Stewart

I have worked at Griffith University for over 15 years, teaching postgraduate mental health courses, and researching with the aim of improving service delivery for people experiencing mental distress. While my lofty research plans have a way to go, I am passionate about finding new ways of doing things and appreciate the opportunity to co-lead the foundation of the Lived Experience Network for the Griffith Centre for Mental Health.

Liz Asser

I am a Consultant working in Mental Health drawing upon skills gained as a registered Counsellor with training in supervision and specialisation in Lived Experience Practice. I am also a teacher with 30 years’ experience, 10 of these delivering training and supporting adults to achieve qualifications in Community Services and Mental Health. My passion is in building capacity with people so that they might realise their own potential, this is what most appealed to me about the Lived Experience Network. Seeking opportunities to engage with people, to enable sharing of stories, experiences, and ways of improving our understanding of human distress and recovery.

Check out our latest newsletters

To participate and share your lived experiences, please complete the Expression of Interest to add your contact to the confidential and secure network database.

Feel free to contact us via email.

Keep up to date with the Griffith Centre for Mental Health on our socials.