Get to know your library to make studying at university much easier

Our library staff are here to help you get the most out of your university experience. We offer study tips and help with researching, writing assignments, and preparing for exams. The Library also links you to an extensive range of study resources.

We are here to help with any questions about how to get started.

Welcome to the Library

We all know starting Uni can be a bit scary at first. So, where do you start? Here at the Library we want to help you during your studies. We understand that you need to be able to access everything online, right when you need it. From study tips and researching assignments to referencing and using resources, we are here to help.

Virtual library tours

Check out our libraries from the comfort of your couch - with a Google 360 tour

Attend a library workshop

The library offers workshops throughout the year, register now to improve your skills.

  • Introducing online systems at Griffith
  • Microsoft 365, OneDrive and Teams
  • Studying smarter at university
  • Skills for academic success and integrity
  • Introduction to researching.
  • Understanding referencing
  • Writing at university
  • Starting assignments at university
  • Using references in your writing
  • Skills for quizzes and tests.

Library workshop videos

Missed a workshop or want to revisit them? Check out these videos, which are based on our workshop content.

Skills for academic success and integrity

Understanding referencing

Introducing online systems

Studying smarter

Starting assignments

Introduction to researching

Writing assignments

Microsoft 365, OneDrive, Teams

Using references in your writing

Skills for quizzes and tests

Get your technology sorted

Getting connected and using reliable technology is imperative to your success. The Student computing website has you covered.

Ask the library

Common questions

Ask Us

We are here to help!

Find us in the libraries or contact us by phone or online.