Reading lists

Check your course reading list, it is a great place to start when doing research for your assignments. Your Course Convenor creates the list with links to key resources and important background information. Find your list via the Readings link in your Learning@Griffith site.


After exploring your reading list, search the Library catalogue to find resources for your assignment topic.

You can find and access:

  • journals and journal articles
  • books and ebooks
  • conference proceedings and papers
  • streaming videos and DVDs
  • streaming audio and CDs
  • music scores.

If you are looking for specialised resources including case law, clinical information, standards and company information you can access these via our .

Watch the video to see how to search the library catalogue effectively, use refinements, save and email search results.


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Use databases to find discipline specific information and specialised resources relevant to your assignment topic. Many of the databases offer full text access to content.

You can find and access:

  • books and journal articles
  • case law and legislation
  • drug and clinical information
  • statistics and standards
  • company information and financials
  • images and videos.

If you are unable to access full text, use the Find button to check availability from another source. Check the database for search tips, tutorials and self-help guides.

Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to find a wide variety of scholarly sources including journals, conference papers, dissertations, technical reports and books.

The coverage of Open Access articles and papers is more comprehensive than the Library catalogue or databases, making it an excellent complementary search tool for finding scholarly information.

Set up Google Scholar

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