Preparing for and undertaking exams can be a stressful time. Organise your time and resources as early as possible.

  • Check your course profile for the type of exam you will undertake—online, on-campus, short answer, essay, or multiple-choice exam.
  • For on-campus exams, double check the details 24 hours before, as venues can change.
  • Ensure you understand your responsibility to maintain academic integrity.
  • Be prepared for and online exams and quizzes.

Plan ahead

Get well prepared by:

  • Checking how you are doing in your course, then set realistic study and exam goals.
  • Setting up your study schedule for the time leading up to, and including exam weeks.
  • Using Griffith’s weekly study planner or find a daily or weekly planner online.
  • Scheduling time for social and physical activities. You will be more productive if you maintain a healthy balance of exercise, eating and sleeping.

Attend a to prepare for your exams. Missed one or unable to attend watch our video.

Skills for quizzes and tests

Study for your exam

  • Review your lecture and tutorial notes.
  • Listen to any missed lecture recordings.
  • Identify key concepts and vocabulary, when revising notes.
  • Avoid simply rewriting notes, rather synthesise and consolidate.

Make effective notes

  • Study in smaller time chunks. You will recall and retain more information than if you cram, or study in extended time blocks.
  • Organise your study into 20-30 minutes segments, particularly for dense and challenging material.
  • Study at your optimal time and a location conducive to being productive.
  • Approach the content in different ways, employing different senses.
  • Use visual aids such as mind maps and flashcards.
  • Try auditory approaches like podcasts or teaching someone else.
  • Connect abstract concepts with something concrete—give it a real world context and application.
  • Remove things that distract you, such as social media.
  • Find a study partner or group to effectively activate your learning.
  • Get support, content clarification and a different perspective from a study buddy.
  • Read tips for working in groups.
  • Work through past exams, if available. They may provide a guide for the type and style of questions you could be asked.
  • Try to complete past exams with the same time constraints.
  • Mark the exam to indicate where more study is required.
  • Write up your own questions, if past exams are not available.

Open book exams

During your studies at Griffith University, you may be required to complete an open book exam. In this type of exam, students are permitted to use any number and types of reference material, written or otherwise, during their exam.

Types of open book exams

Why this type of assessment is used

How to prepare for an open book exam

Prepare your materials

On exam day

Get organised. Gather what you need for exam day the night before.

Double-check what technology—for online exams—is needed. Pack your bag for on-campus exams, know where to go and where you can park. Be aware that very few items are allowed in the exam room.

In-person exams

Stop studying

  • On exam day, stop studying.
  • Trying to cram creates more tension and stress, which will not help you remember or perform better.
  • Put the books and notes away and focus on stress-reducing activities such as deep breathing, mindfulness and exercise.

Self care

  • Throughout the exam process look after your physical and mental well-being.
  • This is especially the case the night before each exam. Eat well and get a good night’s sleep.
  • Start your day with an energising breakfast, something you would normally eat.

Use your time wisely

  • Plan your time and how much you will spend on each part of the exam.
  • Make sure you have enough time to review your answers.
  • Spend more time on those sections that are worth, or weighted more (for example, a section worth 40% should have 40% of your time).
  • When reviewing your answers, check your punctuation, grammar and fluency of response.

Read questions carefully

  • Avoid skimming over the question.
  • Take your time to read the question to avoid misunderstanding, misreading or missing a vital part of the question.
  • Make sure you know exactly what you are being asked.

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