You can process, clean, organise, transform, analyse, interpret and visualise your research data using software or computational methods.

Prepare data

Preparing data for analysis can involve identifying and fixing errors or inconsistencies, removing duplicates, reformatting, combining, splitting and other cleaning and wrangling activities.

These tools will help prepare data:

  • for tabular data
  • Microsoft Excel
  • or .

Computational thinking

Learn how to breakdown complex problems, develop possible solutions, in ways that a computer, human or both can understand.

Analyse data

Analyse data with these tools:

  • — analyse text from historical primary source collections
  • ArcGIS—geographic information and mapping
  • Leximancer—textual analysis and visualisation
  • Ansys—engineering simulation and 3D design
  • Nvivo—qualitative analysis of texts
  • Tableau—analytics and business intelligence
  • MATLAB —mathematics and technical computing
  • STATA—statistics and data science.

Find these and other tools via the .

Analyse large datasets with the power of Griffith's High Performance Computing (HPC).

Learn from the Programming Historian how to use digital tools, techniques and workflows that help facilitate research in any discipline.

Find tools and tutorials on the GLAM Workbench, to work with data from galleries, libraries, archives, and museums.

Visualise data

Visualising data can help you communicate the meaning of your research.

Use these open source tools to visualise data:

  • —reading and analysis for digital texts
  • —create visualisations for complex data
  • —network analysis and visualisations
  • —complex network analysis and visualisations
  • or .

Work through this tutorial to use MS Excel, Voyant tools or RAWGraphs and image conversion software to create publication quality visualisations.

Publishers generally require charts, graphs and other images to be submitted as separate files with your article submission. Read each publisher’s specific image submission requirements to identify acceptable file formats, resolution size, captioning and other details.
Use these tools to convert images exported from MS Excel to publication-quality image files:

  • via CreativeCloud (Windows – Staff download)
  • Preview (Mac OS)
  • (Windows – free download)
  • (Windows - free download)

Follow these steps, for the listed software, to increase the resolution of your image.

Image conversion steps

Find a graph for your data, and the code to build it.

Gale Primary Sources

Analyse text from historical primary source collections using Gale's digital humanities tools.

Develop your skills

Attend a workshop that is targeted to support you through every stage of the research lifecycle.

Explore workshops

Bring your laptop to Hacky Hour for hands-on support in analysis languages including R, Python, ArcGIS and more.

Hacky Hour

Training is offered by the Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation.

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